Wayne LaPierre announces resignation as NRA chief

Except I read that Wayne hand-picked his successor, one of his prior Lts. So meet the new boss, same as the old boss!
"LaPierre's interim successor will be his spokesman, Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA's executive and head of general operations." :confused:
The successor is a PR guy with no GM or executive experience.
This is not a very good sign. :(

One month ago, Joe DeBergalis was head of General Operations, when he was suddenly replaced by Andrew Arulanandam, a PR person with no experience in General Operations or in management. Rumor had it that DeBergalis had no use at all for the Brewer Law Firm, while Andrew worked with Brewer’s PR branch.

One month ago, Joe DeBergalis was head of General Operations, when he was suddenly replaced by Andrew Arulanandam, a PR person with no experience in General Operations or in management. Rumor had it that DeBergalis had no use at all for the Brewer Law Firm, while Andrew worked with Brewer’s PR branch.
Dirty... Dirty... Dirty... :mad:

One month ago, Joe DeBergalis was head of General Operations, when he was suddenly replaced by Andrew Arulanandam, a PR person with no experience in General Operations or in management. Rumor had it that DeBergalis had no use at all for the Brewer Law Firm, while Andrew worked with Brewer’s PR branch.

Can someone provide insight? What is the relevance of the Brewer law firm? I haven’t kept up with everything that’s been going on.
Can someone provide insight? What is the relevance of the Brewer law firm? I haven’t kept up with everything that’s been going on.
Haven't been following it since I left the NRA behind, but isn't that Wayne's very favorite extremely expensive law firm... run by a DimocRAT? 🤔
Can someone provide insight? What is the relevance of the Brewer law firm? I haven’t kept up with everything that’s been going on.
Brewer is Wayne's kickback partner. Millions of NRA money has been funneled through them, and they've not wasted any opportunity to bill even more hours.

NRA has cut its spending on Education and Training by over $100 million, from $176 million per year to only $75 million. Meanwhile, in 2022 the Association paid the Brewer firm over $60 million – more than twice the total annual revenue of all other national gun rights organizations combined.​

NRA will risk expensive sanctions for filing this suit, and keeping it going for over a year. Its only purpose seems to be letting the Brewer firm bill for yet another lawsuit.

Overall the NRA was successful. If an open minded person looked at the total track record of their wins it's been a good run.
Are we talkikg about real wins, like they took the lead, or BS wins like Bruen where they tagged along and tried to take all the credit?
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Are we talkikg about real wins, like they took the lead, or BS wins like Bruen where they tagged along and tried to take all the credit?

They won when they supported and helped draft the NFA and Federal Firearms Act, and then supported the 1968 GCA. The NRA has a rich tradition of supporting infringements.

Former NRA President Karl T. Frederick:
I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.

Former NRA Executive VP Franklin Orth:
The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871.

From a Times article:
The NRA also supported California’s Mulford Act of 1967, which had banned carrying loaded weapons in public in response to the Black Panther Party’s impromptu march on the State Capitol to protest gun control legislation on May 2, 1967.

Nothing like coming together and preventing black people from exercising their second amendment rights. It’s a time honored tradition for gun control proponents… and the NRA helped (and Reagan).
Cotton is still tone deaf and clueless.

“President Trump’s unwavering support for the Second Amendment, and his track record of protecting the rights of gun owners make him an exemplary speaker for this momentous event,” Charles Cotton, the group’s president, said in a statement. “His fellow NRA members can’t wait to hear from him for the eighth time.”

Are we talkikg about real wins, like they took the lead, or BS wins like Bruen where they tagged along and tried to take all the credit?
Ya, we have zero real chance of winning as long as rabies infected NRA Bashers ignorance prevails from understanding the truth behind whose Lawyers, whose money was behind the Bruen case.

I would like to request a new thread, an NRA Bashers thread where those foaming at the mouth from terminal NRA Rabies can gather once a week to display their ignorance.
Brewer is Wayne's kickback partner. Millions of NRA money has been funneled through them, and they've not wasted any opportunity to bill even more hours.

NRA has cut its spending on Education and Training by over $100 million, from $176 million per year to only $75 million. Meanwhile, in 2022 the Association paid the Brewer firm over $60 million – more than twice the total annual revenue of all other national gun rights organizations combined.​

NRA will risk expensive sanctions for filing this suit, and keeping it going for over a year. Its only purpose seems to be letting the Brewer firm bill for yet another lawsuit.

It's not your intention to poke the ethics Bear here is it???.....................
Ya, we have zero real chance of winning as long as rabies infected NRA Bashers ignorance prevails from understanding the truth behind whose Lawyers, whose money was behind the Bruen case.

I would like to request a new thread, an NRA Bashers thread where those foaming at the mouth from terminal NRA Rabies can gather once a week to display their ignorance.
Or we could have the NRA-can-do-no-wrong Fudd Cultists thread.

Should be pretty lonely there, with you talking to yourself.

Or we could have the NRA-can-do-no-wrong Fudd Cultists thread.

Should be pretty lonely there, with you talking to yourself.
Typical "all or nothing" closed minded comments coming from the NRA is perfect fuddery. I've never said the nra does nothing.....they still have their place and have some success....but if I question if the nra money is lining Wayne's pockets.....or being spent on lavish expenses.......the die hard lifetime nra scrambled egg covered ball cap folks have a f***ing stroke. There is nothing wrong with demanding the nra do better!

For those of you who don't have a military background......below photo shows scrambled eggs on a cap.

Screenshot_20240128_112130_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20240128_112130_Chrome.jpg
Typical "all or nothing" closed minded comments coming from the NRA is perfect fuddery. I've never said the nra does nothing.....they still have their place and have some success....but if I question if the nra money is lining Wayne's pockets.....or being spent on lavish expenses.......the die hard lifetime nra scrambled egg covered ball cap folks have a f***ing stroke. There is nothing wrong with demanding the nra do better!

For those of you who don't have a military background......below photo shows scrambled eggs on a cap.

View attachment 843841View attachment 843841
If only they could buy American made products.
I'll just leave this here for a the scrambled egg hat wearing nra folks.

Helicopter rides to Nascar races......private jets......

Still think the nra is on solid ground? I think we can do better.

And before you claim "fake news".....he testified under oath he approved the helicopters and private jets for entertainment......not business.

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NRA has paid the Brewer law firm over $100 million over four years (which doesn’t include this trial).

Suspect payments, Total of $369 million over eight years. The first four are David KcKenzie’s companies, total of $114 million. The next three are Ackerman McQueen, total over $215 million. The three after that are Gayle Stanford, who booked the executive jets for the LaPierres, total over $16 million.

Payments for limousine services, $807,000 over eight years. No taxis or Ubers for this trendy crowd! Woody Phillips alone accounted for over $202,000. Millie Hallow and Tyler Schropp racked up over $100,000 each.

NRA has paid the Brewer law firm over $100 million over four years (which doesn’t include this trial).

Suspect payments, Total of $369 million over eight years. The first four are David KcKenzie’s companies, total of $114 million. The next three are Ackerman McQueen, total over $215 million. The three after that are Gayle Stanford, who booked the executive jets for the LaPierres, total over $16 million.

Payments for limousine services, $807,000 over eight years. No taxis or Ubers for this trendy crowd! Woody Phillips alone accounted for over $202,000. Millie Hallow and Tyler Schropp racked up over $100,000 each.

Holy Shit!!
I guess his suits and dry cleaning were pimples on the ass of an ant.
Holy Shit!!
I guess his suits and dry cleaning were pimples on the ass of an ant.
Oh, it's even worse than we can possibly imagine... mind-blowingly bad. :oops:

We have been conned, robbed and raped by a master thief and his cronies. :mad:

When I think how much my family donated and paid for memberships over the Wayne decades, I am in shock at how it was all mostly stolen and wasted. 😵‍💫

The whole organization needs to be flushed and reformulated or it will serve only as a leftist joke about how stupid and naive gunowners can be. :(
Oh, it's even worse than we can possibly imagine... mind-blowingly bad. :oops:

We have been conned, robbed and raped by a master thief and his cronies. :mad:

When I think how much my family donated and paid for memberships over the Wayne decades, I am in shock at how it was all mostly stolen and wasted. 😵‍💫

The whole organization needs to be flushed and reformulated or it will serve only as a leftist joke about how stupid and naive gunowners can be. :(
All of these orgs operate on inciting fear to fool gun owners into opening their wallets and donating. Then, once they have the cash they do as the please. NAGR is a well known fear monger. Latching onto a bill that has no hope of passage to incite fear to raise $$$. GOA is less slimy but once they get your $$$ they do as they please. Such as filing this Supreme Court brief to get trump on the ballot in Colorado. No matter how you feel about bump stok banning, take the guns first due process second Donald trump, ballot acces is not really a second amendment issue. Yet, GOA used gunowner donations to hire lawyers to file a brief.

all of these orgs are grifters… my wallet is permanently closed. Heres the brief:
https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-719/298105/20240118163039473_Trump v. Anderson amicus brief.pdf
NRA has paid the Brewer law firm over $100 million over four years (which doesn’t include this trial).

Suspect payments, Total of $369 million over eight years. The first four are David KcKenzie’s companies, total of $114 million. The next three are Ackerman McQueen, total over $215 million. The three after that are Gayle Stanford, who booked the executive jets for the LaPierres, total over $16 million.

Payments for limousine services, $807,000 over eight years. No taxis or Ubers for this trendy crowd! Woody Phillips alone accounted for over $202,000. Millie Hallow and Tyler Schropp racked up over $100,000 each.

That's a whole lot of lifetime memberships right there. 246,000 lifetime memberships in fact, at the going rate of $1,500.

Millie Hallow was known to be stealing from NRA 20+ years ago, and nothing much was done about it. The report itself is and was hyper-secret, and NRA’s attorneys fought like hell to keep it sealed. You can, on the other hand, read it here. (LOL!). It gets interesting after p. 16. She was putting half-a-million a year on her NRA Amex card. P. 18 notes that she reimbursed NRA with the entire of a bonus she was given. (NRA leadership gave her a bonus so she could reimburse NRA, in other words. Why would anyone give a bonus to an employee they just caught in embezzlement?)

She charged a family vacation to Puerto Rico to the NRA card (must have flown first class, each airline ticket cost over a thousand). All this was known and documented 21 years ago, not just to NRA leadership, but to the entire NRA Audit Committee, to whom the report is addressed.

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