What!! Ban guns if you're over 60 years old?


NES Member
Nov 9, 2008
N/W of Boston
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I was surfing around and I saw somewehere that the US Gov't is considering banning gun ownership for the over 60 crowd. This has gotta be some kinda joke, right? I'll be 64 next week and I don't have any problems that would even come close to requiring it. Does anyone know anything about this? There sure is a large "senior" voting block out there that would be watching this and anyone in favor of this.[angry]
I was surfing around and I saw somewehere that the US Gov't is considering banning gun ownership for the over 60 crowd. This has gotta be some kinda joke, right? I'll be 64 next week and I don't have any problems that would even come close to requiring it. Does anyone know anything about this? There sure is a large "senior" voting block out there that would be watching this and anyone in favor of this.[angry]

Link? Currently in MA, over 70 and you get your LTC and Sporting License at no charge.
If they ban 60 year olds from buying guns before they ban old Asian ladies from driving I'm gonna be pissed! It's a joke anyhow. I plan on taking a gun to my grave and I plan on living til much past 60.
75% of Florida wouldn't have any guns....[laugh] except for they've got buried in the back yard, in the shed, in the pickup buried under the overgrown grass....and maybe a few here:

Never will happen, for the same reason old age requiremnts for auto testing wont happen. They VOTE! no pol wants to take on the most traditional voters. That and just yell "age DISCRIMINATION" and people will come flocking.
On a somewhat related question, what happens in MA to a senior with guns who is accepted into an 'assisted living' or other type of 'community' setting?

Do folks here know whether law or regulation prohibits guns in such facilities?
On a somewhat related question, what happens in MA to a senior with guns who is accepted into an 'assisted living' or other type of 'community' setting?

Do folks here know whether law or regulation prohibits guns in such facilities?

In many cases I would expect the issuing authority to revoke LTC and confiscate the guns ("suitability"). Regardless, most places wouldn't let you in with guns and they are usually such small accommodations that unless you only have a few handguns, you wouldn't find much space to hide them.

I do know of one person who moved into such a place some years ago. He was an avid bullseye shooter, high ranking and shot with the pistol team weekly. He had quite an argument with the place to let him move in with guns (I'm sure that all he owned were a couple of bullseye pistols). He was also very wealthy, so that might have entered in the equation . . . as he was no doubt paying full freight in cash vs. many who are on subsidized housing.
In many cases I would expect the issuing authority to revoke LTC and confiscate the guns ("suitability"). Regardless, most places wouldn't let you in with guns and they are usually such small accommodations that unless you only have a few handguns, you wouldn't find much space to hide them.

I do know of one person who moved into such a place some years ago. He was an avid bullseye shooter, high ranking and shot with the pistol team weekly. He had quite an argument with the place to let him move in with guns (I'm sure that all he owned were a couple of bullseye pistols). He was also very wealthy, so that might have entered in the equation . . . as he was no doubt paying full freight in cash vs. many who are on subsidized housing.

Thanks. That was my concern, that the change in environment would produce a de facto loss of rights.

Very disappointing. So much for empowering the elderly.
This is the actual story that has been circulating on the Internet. However, I think it's a hoax because I have tried to find a link to an actual news source and have been unable to do so. You can find the below posted verbatim on a number of blogs and message boards, but none of them provide links to any news sources.

Not that I wouldn't put it past the anti-American boneheads currently running the country (into the ground) to want to see this happen, but thus far, this seems to be an unsubstantiated rumor and nothing more.

Guns to Be Banned for Elderly
Staff Reports
United Press International

Deputy Attorney General Designate David Ogden is circulating a draft of an executive order in which, among other things, firearms possession would be severely limited to people over 60.

An assistant to Ogden told us, "It appears that in these changing times, it is no longer necessary to allow the elderly to be armed. With all of their physical ailments and increasing senility, to leave them in control of a deadly weapon would be ludicrous."

While the Executive Order may sound too powerful, experts in Constitutional law state that it is not actually un-Constitutional.

"It's a question of wording." states Columbia Law Professor, Dr. John Braxton. "The Constitution forbids the Congress, that is, the legislative branch, from passing any laws infringing on gun ownership. The executive branch is not included in this proviso. As long as the Congress doesn't get involved, it's technically a non-issue."

The Justice Department was tossing the idea of a gun ban for seniors during the Carter and Clinton Administration, but public opinion stopped these initiatives. Now, the Obama White House believes differently.

An unnamed aide close to Ogden agreed to talk on the condition of anonymity.

"Clinton and Carter didn't have as much of a mandate as President Obama. They were both Southerners, and the Second Amendment was sacrosanct to their constituents. However, President Obama comes from a new sort of politics, where divisive issues like firearms do not apply to him."

"Quite frankly, it's a shame that no one has had the good conscience to have done this already. It's a simple process, and the majority of the American people will understand it and follow the law."

The enforcement mechanism for this particular executive order has not been published. It is likely that the confiscation of weapons will be similar to Great Britain 's handgun ban, in which citizens willingly gave the weapons to police.

It is expected that the executive order will be given around July 1, when senior-related gun deaths reach their peaks.

The aide to Ogden stated: "For eight years you see the rolling back of regulation, and crime has skyrocketed. In fact, in Massachusetts alone, murders have risen 50% since 2002. Armed robbery has also risen dramatically. With such circumstances, we must act boldly."
BTW, my Mom just asked me to get her a gun [smile]

Sweet Yelena! I'm still working on my mom....she no longer thinks that guns are bad & she said she'd like to learn how to safely use a handgun, so I'm moving her in the right direction, albeit slowly.

THIS COULD BE VERY DANGEOUS FOR THE TAKERS.as older folks my not worry
about dieing as we are near it anyway.I am 85 and can put them in an 1" at a 100yrds.[rifle].at the present the whole gun comunity is close to revolt.at least in the south and west and north west.every on is buying loading equipment and powder and primers.
Sweet Yelena! I'm still working on my mom....she no longer thinks that guns are bad & she said she'd like to learn how to safely use a handgun, so I'm moving her in the right direction, albeit slowly.
Good luck to you! [wink] I did not have much problems with my Mom. She never had much interest in guns, although she had to pass a shooting test in high school. The most difficult thing was to get her used to a thought that private ownership of firearms of all kind is indeed a normal thing in a normal society. Now Mom enjoys shooting my 0.22 pistol from time to time, and she does great!
If they ban 60 year olds from buying guns before they ban old Asian ladies from driving I'm gonna be pissed! It's a joke anyhow. I plan on taking a gun to my grave and I plan on living til much past 60.

Hey.. I am over 60 as well and want to take one to the grave... Do you think A 1911, or should I do a mini 14... I know... That's sick!!!!! My boy would dig me up if I took the Mini anyway
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