What did you do in the reloading room recently?

First prototype done - works fine but could use a few fixes to make it easier to use (and my models are complete hack job, back of the envelope crap right now)
Mounted it to a caffeine supply canister because they seem to breed around my house - The cover keeps dropped cases from mixing with sorted cases

A few changes need to be made before I can release the files
Bevel the walls on the slide to make it easier to get a case on properly​
Create a rim slot on both sides so the cases don't need to be oriented​
Add positive retention and alignment features on the mounting stand​

I need to create some empty 357 to do more testing - now I know why I should procrastinate and not reload all of my cases ;)

Is there any way to identify magnum vs standard large pistol primers??

I grabbed some 44 mag brass (some of which was primed) from a fellow member who inherited some reloading components and I don’t know which primers they are.

I can tell they’re probably CCI but that’s it. They’ll be used with H110 so I need to ensure they’re magnums. Then again there’s only 11 so I could save them for my 44 spl loads....

Not worth the risk.
View attachment 317802
take a chunk of lead , place primer on said lead and smack it with a hammer, Magnum primers hurt your ears more.....oh and do all the safety stuff before testing.
First prototype done - works fine but could use a few fixes to make it easier to use (and my models are complete hack job, back of the envelope crap right now)
Mounted it to a caffeine supply canister because they seem to breed around my house - The cover keeps dropped cases from mixing with sorted cases

STL files posted here: 38 SPL/ 357 Mag case sorter
Finally got the reloading area set back up after the move. Started today with prepping 100 pieces if .223 brass (clean, size, deburr flashhole, and primed). Maybe tomorrow I can charge and seat some cases. Going to try a new ladder with Hornady 68gr BTHP and Varget. Haven't used these projectiles before.
Tested a 9mm/380ACP ramp sorter - concept works but needs some tuning. 38/357 is much easier with the larger case length difference.

Have been having issues with leading in my MP9c with HiTek coated bullets, changed from WIN-231 to CFE Pistol and barrel was clean and shiny after 50. With 231 the same bullets leaded up the barrel badly in 10-20 rounds.

Installed an Apex trigger in my MP9c with the help of the NES cat. Can definitely recommend the Apex kit (minus feline assistance).

He's mad that he couldn't sit on my work surface.

ugh, looks like the testing of those 68gr BTHP are going to have to wait. I had to order a new Hornady seating stem that doesnt deform the bullets.

View attachment 321373
Interesting. I use Hornady dies for 223 and never ran into this before. I also use Hornady bullets. Hmm. I think if you called Hornady they would probably send you a new stem or new die for free.
The 223 die set I have is the Hornady Custom Grade FL set. I did some googling and apparently Hornady recommends their ELD stem for the 68gr BTHPs. I never had any issues loading 55gr FMJ with this set.

I ended up ordering a new stem that should arrive in on Thursday, hopefully that will help.
Tried loading 10 rounds of 357 with Sierra #8350 170 grain FMJ, 13.6 grains of Alliant 2400, CCI500, in PPU range pickup brass trimmed to 1.280". Ran three through my 6" S&W 586 dash zero, over the chronograph this afternoon, average 1333 fps. Tried the rest on the 100 yard range. Went 5 for 6 on the 12"x16" plate, and put the last one on the 12" gong.

The gun jumps back pretty good with those...
6.5 Swede dies should arrive any day now.

If you ever come across the "Hotshot" brand 6.5x55mm ( I think that's what it was called; Igman, I believe), you may find the flash holes so tiny that the decap pin will get stuck and pull out of the stem.
It's usable brass, but you may want to drill the flash holes, so the pin won't bind next reload session.
If you ever come across the "Hotshot" brand 6.5x55mm ( I think that's what it was called; Igman, I believe), you may find the flash holes so tiny that the decap pin will get stuck and pull out of the stem.
It's usable brass, but you may want to drill the flash holes, so the pin won't bind next reload session.
Good to know, thanks. I've got 80 rds of PPU (plain) and 20 rounds of PPU match to start for brass (factory ammo I'll shoot first).
For those of you who load 6.5x55 Swede, what powders do you like? In my Hornady manual I'm only really seeing Varget out of the ones I regularly buy. I haven't checked my Vihta manual yet but the powders I bought were generally for heavier cals.

Some quick Googling seems to overwhelming indicate Reloder 22 and IMR 4350, but I have no experience with either. What do you guys recommend?

For reference the first stack of bullets I bought are 140gr BT bonded soft points. Interestingly, the PPU "Match" ammo has a 19 gr lighter bullet (120 vs. 139) than their "non-match" 6.5 Swede.
I've been shooting many reduced cast/coated bullet loads, so generally any pistol powder that I have on hand.
For jacketed, It's pretty much whatever suitable powders that I have available. Hodgdon 380. 414, 4350, Hybrid 100V, 4831, IMR 4064, 4831 4350 and Ramshot Hunter all work, too. Can't say I have a favorite.
For economy sake, IMR 4064 gives 4% less velocity with 27% less powder than H1000 in the 140g, so one pound of IMR 4064 gives you 49 more rounds per pound, if that matters to you.
Lately, I've been using WC-844 (similar to H335) in 100g jacketed loads.
For those of you who load 6.5x55 Swede, what powders do you like? In my Hornady manual I'm only really seeing Varget out of the ones I regularly buy. I haven't checked my Vihta manual yet but the powders I bought were generally for heavier cals.

Some quick Googling seems to overwhelming indicate Reloder 22 and IMR 4350, but I have no experience with either. What do you guys recommend?

For reference the first stack of bullets I bought are 140gr BT bonded soft points. Interestingly, the PPU "Match" ammo has a 19 gr lighter bullet (120 vs. 139) than their "non-match" 6.5 Swede.

VV's online, published load data explicitly suggests against using their load data for M1896 Swedish Mausers, so YMMV. I also looked up Norma and their most commonly suggested powder is Norma 203-B. The first Norma cartridge looks like its for round nosed, old mil-spec style 6.5x55:


6,5x55 Swedish Mauser - Reloading Data | Norma
VV's online, published load data explicitly suggests against using their load data for M1896 Swedish Mausers, so YMMV. I also looked up Norma and their most commonly suggested powder is Norma 203-B. The first Norma cartridge looks like its for round nosed, old mil-spec style 6.5x55:

Rifle reloading - Vihtavuori

6,5x55 Swedish Mauser - Reloading Data | Norma
I checked my 2019 Vihta manual and it has that disclaimer, but in a separate 6.5 SKAN section which appears to be for modern rifles chambered for 6.5x55. There's a section labeled "6.5x55 Swedish Mauser" which is not "bundled" with it, so that's a bit interesting. I do have some Vihta loads in my Hornady manual but not for powders I have.
I checked my 2019 Vihta manual and it has that disclaimer, but in a separate 6.5 SKAN section which appears to be for modern rifles chambered for 6.5x55. There's a section labeled "6.5x55 Swedish Mauser" which is not "bundled" with it, so that's a bit interesting. I do have some Vihta loads in my Hornady manual but not for powders I have.

VV's online manual for both 6.5x55 SWE and 6.5x55 SKAN indicate that the max pressure for their published loads is the CIP standard of 55,110 psi, or 380 megapascals. The Swedish Mausers were proof tested at 65,992 psi or 455 megapascals according to Wikipedia.

What does your Hornady manual list for the max pressure? I'm willing to bet its either the 55k for CIP or 51k for SAAMI and that most if not all manuals use these commercial pressures as their standards.
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VV's online manual for both 6.5x55 SWE and 6.5x55 SKAN indicate that the max pressure for their published loads is the CIP standard of 55,110 psi, or 380 megapascals. The Swedish Mausers were proof tested at 65,992 psi or 455 megapascals according to Wikipedia.

What does your Hornady manual list for the max pressure? I'm willing to bet its either the 55k for CIP or 51k for SAAMI and that most if not all manuals use these commercial pressures as their standards.
Hornady manual doesn't list max pressure, but the rifle they used for load development is an 1896 Mauser, so the data must be safe. The intro section on the cartridge is entirely about the m96 and m38. IMR 4350 is the first listed powder for 140gr, and the most popular I can find online for 6.5x55, so that might be something to grab a pound of.

The Vihta manual has a section called "6.5x55 Swedish Mauser" with no disclaimer. There is a separate entry called "6.5x55 SE / SKAN" which has the disclaimer listed. They are treated as different cartridges, so the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser data I presume would be fine. They only list a test barrel, not a rifle like Hornady does. Looking at some of the loads side by side, they are fairly close, sometimes the Hornady manual has a higher min load, sometimes Vihta, although Vihta tends to skew higher than the Hornady manual which doesn't surprise me as the Hornady manual in general seems to be fairly conservative versus what I tend to see people post online.

Hodgdon's site had a Varget load if I recall, so I might start with that I don't have any of the Hornady manual powders for 140gr.
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