My son has been using his 357 Henry quite a bit the last couple of weeks. He's 18 and I got him a membership to the club so he's been going by himself during his Christmas Vaca. He used up 4 coffee cans of 38 and 357 the last couple of weeks. I told him I gotta hit the reloading bench soon and make some more up....conversation goes something like this should show me how to reload and I can make a bunch
Me.....ok let's go down and get started
Son....ok cool
Me.....after grabbing the bucket of freshly cleaned brass full of mixed cases......45 small primers in this can, large primer 45 in this one, 38 in this one, Remy 357 here, mixed 357 here, and any nickle plated 357 here
Son.......I thought you were gonna show me how to make ammo?!???!!

Anyway .....looks like I added a "brass sorter" to the reloading room lol