What did you do in the reloading room recently?

now if you could only find federal HST in components...

Act quickly! 12 units (500 count) HST 147g in stock! (You received the source in your PM...)
FWIW, I've found these 147g bullets tend to bulge some cases when seated to 1.150" or less. My Lee crimp die tends to smooth them out okay.
Your results may vary.

Their 380 100g RN TMJ work well in 9x19mm, too. These are also back in stock $75 per 1000 (w/25% discount).
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So I’m looking at a set of Redding full length dies and it has a seating die that will crimp. Is there a way to set seating die up so that it will not produce a crimp. Im reloading for a bolt gun and would rather not crimp.

Simply adjust your seater die a bit higher or place a shim under the currently-adjusted seater die. Readjust top punch to seat bullet to desired COL.

IOW, adjust your seater die by placing an empty (ie. no bullet) case into the shell holder and raise your ram to the stop. Screw your die down. You want to adjust the seater/crimp die to the point where there is no contact on the case. Tighten lock nut and you are now adjusted to eliminate the crimp process.
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Thanks Navel that’s what I was assuming but wanted to make sure before pulling the trigger on the dies.

Another option, what i tend to do is turn the seating insert as far into the die as it goes. Now adjust the die to seat to your desired length. You'll seat the bullet long before you get to the crimping section of the die. I do this because I run a separate crimping stage if needed.
Another option, what i tend to do is turn the seating insert as far into the die as it goes. Now adjust the die to seat to your desired length. You'll seat the bullet long before you get to the crimping section of the die. I do this because I run a separate crimping stage if needed.

thanks mark along the lines of what I was thinking as well.From my research seems like most recommend no need for seating bolt action rounds until you get into bigger magnum rounds So I’d like to start mywork up without crimping.
Thank you to whoever left all the bullets at the 25 yard range at Harvard. My son took the .45 and .50 muzzle loading bullets and I took the rest. I loaded the 311291 and 311413 in .30/06 ahead of 16.5 grains of 2400. I'll shoot them tomorrow and save the jacketed hollow points for the 6.5x55.
Can anyone ID the following primer loading tubes?

In cleaning out my workbench where I used to do my reloading, I found these 3 new primer pickup & loading tubes in a plastic bag. No idea what press they were supposed to be for. I've only owned 4 presses over the years and 2 were sold years ago. Could these be for a Dillonpress?


  • Primer Tubes.jpg
    Primer Tubes.jpg
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Got my components for 9mm. Loaded up some test loads for N340 with the 125gr JHPs. Shot them today, and ended up bracketing the velocity of 124gr factory Speer TMJ with 4.8 grains and 5.0 grains, but with better spread and standard deviation with the N340 and the 125gr JHPs. Decided to settle on 4.8 grains. Loaded up a few hundred, though it will be some time before I run out of factory loads. Turns out that N340 does run better in my powder drop than N110. It still hangs up a little bit, but the sticks seem much softer and easier to cut with N340.
Can anyone ID the following primer loading tubes?

In cleaning out my workbench where I used to do my reloading, I found these 3 new primer pickup & loading tubes in a plastic bag. No idea what press they were supposed to be for. I've only owned 4 presses over the years and 2 were sold years ago. Could these be for a Dillonpress?
I shot the cast bullets out of the 03 this morning. The 311413 shot into 6" at 100 yards which is lousy but the 311291 shot into 1 1/4" at 100 yards. Both were very pleasant to shoot.
Hmmm. Interesting. It seems like whenever I hear about 30 cal cast bullets the spire points always tend to be less accurate than the round nose.
I wonder why. Maybe it’s a result of the lower speeds?
What type of speeds were you running with these? Gas check?
Anyone cast 8mm .323 rounds?
No but you you should do it. I’m about to start up a poll for the next cast bullet seminar date. If you like to shoot and you already reload this will change your life. Especially with stuff like 8mm. Imagine your bullets being free or so close to free it’s not even part of the equation anymore. It’s awesome.
If I were you I would set up with a lee 20# pot, a 2 cavity lee mould, some hi-tek, a toaster oven and a lee push through sizing die.
Inexpensive set up and it will cover all your needs.

@BillNed must. He’s a surplus rifle junkie and a rifle casting junkie.
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