What did you do in the reloading room recently?

View attachment 362907First batch out of the oven
Spent the morning mowing the lawn and taking the rear brakes out of my son's car - 15 years of new England winter took it's toll and the backing plate rusted out so bad the parking brake fell apart.
View attachment 362908
Thats not to bad, you still have backing plates, any left after. Thats normal rot these days in NorthEast Salt zones.
Heck gou should see the chevy trucks after 5 years.
Who am i kidding everything is rotting out faster these days. Shitty steel, chemical Ice melt combo of all of it.
i have one customer with a super clean underside on his 2004 F150. He says he uses linseed oil and under carridge wash often in the later days of winter. Works for him.
...and too old for this sh!t...
my brother in law does good paint work, he just finished power washing the house (does not clean windows after) then did the trim a few days ago. House looks fresh again. Used that duration paint on the aluminum siding 15 yrs ago and it still is holding up!
On pavement (driveway) - super cheap car that he drives to and from UMassD. He wants to keep it alive until he graduates to keep costs down.

Was thinking about putting another coat and giving them a good bake - then logic reappeared and told me that they are just range fodder and I'm not taking them on a date so no need to pretty.
I’m a firm believer in a car is a means to get from A to B. I don’t need anything fancy I just need reliability. Maybe if I had unlined funds if would be different.
Yeah they look like they will be fine. The target won’t know the difference.
Destroyed my 308 sizing and decapping die. Never had issues with Lee, this is my only Hornady. Rather than fix it, might just grab a Lee. Got about 100 sized and decapped before the damage
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I guess I need to give up on loading 308. I went out yesterday to Shooting Supply and grabbed a Lee die set to replace rhe Hornady and this morning sized and deprimed almost 300 cases. Started trimming with my Lyman and the friggin cam tit broke off. Ordered replacement for $3. I am pissed.
Loaded them up with 4 grains of Bullseye and tested for leading and not much else. I have another 20 pounds to bake...love the new mold. Going to do them in five pound batches and keep them separated. Was going to try to cast for 8mm but I have no large rifle primers. Might focus some time on the 357.
Loaded them up with 4 grains of Bullseye and tested for leading and not much else. I have another 20 pounds to bake...love the new mold. Going to do them in five pound batches and keep them separated. Was going to try to cast for 8mm but I have no large rifle primers. Might focus some time on the 357.
I guess I need to give up on loading 308. I went out yesterday to Shooting Supply and grabbed a Lee die set to replace rhe Hornady and this morning sized and deprimed almost 300 cases. Started trimming with my Lyman and the friggin cam tit broke off. Ordered replacement for $3. I am pissed.
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You use that for rifle trimming?

Ever though about a WFT, or lyman electric trimmer? I tried doing 308 by hand without power. It sucked. Lol

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I guess I need to give up on loading 308. I went out yesterday to Shooting Supply and grabbed a Lee die set to replace rhe Hornady and this morning sized and deprimed almost 300 cases. Started trimming with my Lyman and the friggin cam tit broke off. Ordered replacement for $3. I am pissed.
View attachment 363143
you got the shit luck on reloading tools , Im running shit luck with the pool set up. Ordered one of those pool pads and the seem is already splitting!
You use that for rifle trimming?

Ever though about a WFT, or lyman electric trimmer? I tried doing 308 by hand without power. It sucked. Lol

yes it does.....suck trimming by hand
You use that for rifle trimming?

Ever though about a WFT, or lyman electric trimmer? I tried doing 308 by hand without power. It sucked. Lol

Never had issues with 45LC or 9mm using the Lyman. Never used it for 223, I use the WCT. I have done about 500rds of 308 with the Lyman and although it isn't fun, I was getting the job done... until this round of prep. I literally ordered the WCT in 308 as soon as the Lyman crapped out.
Pulled out the new lee 323 and 358 molds tonight and started casting. The 358 mold was dropping bullets perfectly and the the 323 wasn’t to shabby. My kid tried his hand at pouring some 358 for his revolver and was doing a heck of a good job. All in all the molds were great.
For the money Lee is putting out some nice molds lately. I have a few older stinkers but the 2 I bought over the past year are nice.
My 200 grain 452 SWC and these two molds drop nice. The 452230 RN not so much but it was the first mold I ever used and I may have contributed to the poor performance. The Lyman 4 cavity 452374 is also really nice and poured great bullets. I guess I keep pouring...
452230RN lee mold? When ever my molds give me fits I start fresh like they are new. Clean it , relube it, smoke it lightly.
I normally dont smoke my molds unless they continue to not release well. When I do smoke i only do it once after cleaning, Reminds me when I take a break from setting up the pool I have a lee 452-230-RN -TL that needs a little love. Going to "lap" the cavities and beagle it.
i need it to drop just a touch bigger.
I guess I need to give up on loading 308. I went out yesterday to Shooting Supply and grabbed a Lee die set to replace rhe Hornady and this morning sized and deprimed almost 300 cases. Started trimming with my Lyman and the friggin cam tit broke off. Ordered replacement for $3. I am pissed.
View attachment 363143

I have an RCBS trimmer and the set screw rusted in place. It looks like some water got dropped on it, but I'm not sure from where. I put penetrating oil on it and eventually stripped it. I have a new one being delivered today. Maybe I should have just brought it to be removed. Probably still will.

I got my modified 30-06 case Yesterday and I loaded up some 30-06 loads for testing. Various weights of IMR 4064 behind some 168g SMK's. 15 loads are in the red. Oh noes!
I have an RCBS trimmer and the set screw rusted in place. It looks like some water got dropped on it, but I'm not sure from where. I put penetrating oil on it and eventually stripped it. I have a new one being delivered today. Maybe I should have just brought it to be removed. Probably still will.

I got my modified 30-06 case Yesterday and I loaded up some 30-06 loads for testing. Various weights of IMR 4064 behind some 168g SMK's. 15 loads are in the red. Oh noes!
my RCBS trimmer has random rust. As do my dies. I try to keep VCI in and around everything.
Any powder recommendations for cast 8mm. Going to be shooting them from at best 100 yards and I was thinking of coating them and using gas checks.
16-18 grains of 2400
Reduced loads of 4895 - google it follow instruction s . They work well.
Trailboss -_you might not need gas check.

The lyman cast handbook has some good loads also.
you got the shit luck on reloading tools , Im running shit luck with the pool set up. Ordered one of those pool pads and the seem is already splitting!
If I wasn't such a skinflint, I would have better luck.
...When ever my molds give me fits I start fresh like they are new. Clean it , relube it, smoke it lightly...
I have gone down the rabbit hole on preparing a mold, Lee aluminum specifically. What do you and others do to clean a mold? I have read to clean it with Dawn to Coleman White Fuel, to BonAmi, to acetone. Lube, I have read 2cycle oil to beeswax to anti-seize? Thanks
If I wasn't such a skinflint, I would have better luck.

I have gone down the rabbit hole on preparing a mold, Lee aluminum specifically. What do you and others do to clean a mold? I have read to clean it with Dawn to Coleman White Fuel, to BonAmi, to acetone. Lube, I have read 2cycle oil to beeswax to anti-seize? Thanks
Brake cleaner
If I wasn't such a skinflint, I would have better luck.

I have gone down the rabbit hole on preparing a mold, Lee aluminum specifically. What do you and others do to clean a mold? I have read to clean it with Dawn to Coleman White Fuel, to BonAmi, to acetone. Lube, I have read 2cycle oil to beeswax to anti-seize? Thanks
I use Acetone or brake cleaner to clean and bees wax to lube. Find a bee keeper in your area. They have a ton of it and many don't use it for much.
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If I wasn't such a skinflint, I would have better luck.

I have gone down the rabbit hole on preparing a mold, Lee aluminum specifically. What do you and others do to clean a mold? I have read to clean it with Dawn to Coleman White Fuel, to BonAmi, to acetone. Lube, I have read 2cycle oil to beeswax to anti-seize? Thanks
I use my dads favorite cleaner....dawn dish soap warm water and a good brush. I use Anti seize. Was using a chunk of "sprue plate" lube I got along the way from someone )might have came with my ranch dog mold---i forget. It worked fine but I have since lost track of it and just use anti seize.
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