The referenced 1911 was just an entry level Rock Island Armory 1911 FS-A1 model. Which is basically three quarters of a step up from their bare bones GI spec clone.
I'll have to see if I can find a photo of the group and post it.
It functioned well, shot well, just never made a large production run. I've loaded most of my .45 230 gr with HP38, as I had the most of that powder back when I shot more .45. I did a small test loads of Titegroup, Red Dot, Bullseye, 700X, HP38, Power Pistol, and Accurate #5 just for shiggles and gits. I'll probably make a post with those results at some point.
Ping me when you do. HP38/Win231 is the other pistol powder I use. Figure I will use 709x for .45 though.