What did you do in the reloading room recently?

The referenced 1911 was just an entry level Rock Island Armory 1911 FS-A1 model. Which is basically three quarters of a step up from their bare bones GI spec clone.

I'll have to see if I can find a photo of the group and post it.

It functioned well, shot well, just never made a large production run. I've loaded most of my .45 230 gr with HP38, as I had the most of that powder back when I shot more .45. I did a small test loads of Titegroup, Red Dot, Bullseye, 700X, HP38, Power Pistol, and Accurate #5 just for shiggles and gits. I'll probably make a post with those results at some point.

Ping me when you do. HP38/Win231 is the other pistol powder I use. Figure I will use 709x for .45 though.
Ping me when you do. HP38/Win231 is the other pistol powder I use. Figure I will use 709x for .45 though.
There are so many powders that you can run in t
45acp, heck hodgdon has about 20 choices depending on bullet choice.
I run cast 90% of the time and so far I like Clays the best. I start with the lowest published charge for my bullet selection and see how it groups at 25 yards. I will increase charges if im not getting 100% cycle. For my only jacketed load im running hornady 185gn HPs. With long shot. Again i had good luck right from the start with this combo.
Long shot can get some good velocity with some lower pressure.
Running a tad under 1000fps with the above load and its close to max per Hornady manual.
I rather shoot light low velocity cast loads at the range though.
The below 5 shot groups were fired from my RIA 1911, at 15 yards rested on the bench with irons using a 6:00 hold, with 230 gr. Blue Bullet RN.



These next groups were fired out of the same gun, the only difference was that the bullet is a 230 gr. Xtreme plated RN.


The next two targets were a comparison between my RIA 1911 vs Springfield Armory TRP that came through the shop used and we couldn't help but shoot a few rounds through it. I believe the load was the 4.5 gr. 700x or 4.5 gr Red Dot under a 230 gr. Blue Bullet. 15 yards, 5 shot groups, various holds on the target.


Is the TRP worth the ~$600 price difference when brand new as far as groups on paper go? You tell me. Did it feel a lot nicer in the hand and look better? Absolutely. The monkey behind the gun makes a bigger difference than the gun itself in most cases.



And this cheap 1911 shoots pretty damn good too.
I just timed out (3) 10rd batches. Just under 90sec per batch average. That's about 400rds per hour. Not bad for hand placing each case and bullet.

I'd say I do more like 250-300 per hour as I'm usually watching something or chatting with wife. Plus you need to refill both powder hoppers once every 250 rounds or so. Plenty fast for me.
I am confused ... why 2 powder drops?

Also ... maybe you should clarify ... 90 seconds/10 just for seating and powder. But what is your overall time with case prep and priming?
So fancy. I use a $20 lee perfect powder measure for all of my stick powders😂. Which is only IMR-4064. But I’m only shooting out to 120 yards. Not any PRS stuff.
I use one of those for 45/70 using IMR4198.
That powder drop works great. I love it.

And it is so easy to remove the powder.
I am confused ... why 2 powder drops?

Also ... maybe you should clarify ... 90 seconds/10 just for seating and powder. But what is your overall time with case prep and priming?
The two drops and two seating dies allows me to avoid having to cycle thru 2 empty stations. Remember the press is a turret, not a progressive. The brass does not move, the dies do.

It's hard to say start to finish as I do my steps in large batches. Like I tumbled, resized/deprimed, trimmed and primer pocket prepped roughly 35,000 223 cases all at once, one step at a time.

If I did one piece start to finish the way I currently do each step and set everything up on one bench? Maybe 30sec per round? It would be much slower because my process is built around doing doing each thing while relaxing and watching movies/TV. I don't need production rates. I already have thousands of rounds of each caliber in factory ammo and reloads sitting in bins. I have over 2k rounds of .223 loaded in mags. This is the advantage of being ahead of the power curve. I reload at my leisure to further stockpile.
Decided to do a quick cleaning of the loading bench before loading up all the 357 mag 2400 powder loads I pulled apart. Found a damn 1.5 pound folgers can filled with already cleaned AND PRIMED 38 brass. Jackpot! I totally forgot about those. Made them up on the single stage one and figures I'd get a huge batch of primed brass ready and then forgot about the can lol. I bet it's been back the for 2 years. It's the giant folders can too.

So I loaded up:

150 each 357 with 125 grain zero jsp and 9.6 unique

100 each 38 special with 148 grain Ranier plated dewc and 2.9 bullseye.

The 38 wadcutters should be fun with the new blackhawk I picked up.

A very productive morning. 20210130_140758.jpg
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Played with some new multi purpose rounds from Rocky Mountain Reloading and some CFEPistol.
Ran a ladder test to see what makes me happy.

The upside down round is the only one that gave me trouble and wouldn’t pass the gauge. I think is f***ed up brass but didn’t look to close.
Found a brick of primers while out running errands today, brought it home.

I remember when I thought the 10,000 count limit on primer storage in residences was crazy high. What kind of a nutjob would need that many primers? Now I'm starting to feel like I haven't planned ahead sufficiently.

View attachment 443620
Ruh roh!
Was a productive week. Filled one 50 cal can with 9mm. I think that’s around 2,200 rounds.
The can on the right was what I had left from reloading last winter. Didn’t do too much shooting with the lack of matches last year. Only shot a can and a half plus a small container of 9mm, last year.
With these cans of ammo plus a bunch of Xtreme, Powerbond, Eggleston, and Acme bullets I have loaded, I’m probably good for a couple years.

Oh and for the first time tonight, I accidentally emptied a whole tube of primers all over my bench and floor😭. My finger slipped as I was removing the little pin, and before I could react they were completely emptied 😂.

BUT!! After 15 minutes crawling around my basement floor, I got all 100! Can’t be losing primers nowadays.
Was a productive week. Filled one 50 cal can with 9mm. I think that’s around 2,200 rounds.
The can on the right was what I had left from reloading last winter. Didn’t do too much shooting with the lack of matches last year. Only shot a can and a half plus a small container of 9mm, last year.
View attachment 443639
With these cans of ammo plus a bunch of Xtreme, Powerbond, Eggleston, and Acme bullets I have loaded, I’m probably good for a couple years.

Oh and for the first time tonight, I accidentally emptied a whole tube of primers all over my bench and floor😭. My finger slipped as I was removing the little pin, and before I could react they were completely emptied 😂.

BUT!! After 15 minutes crawling around my basement floor, I got all 100! Can’t be losing primers nowadays.
You THINK it's around 2200 rounds?! That implies you don't count them as you place them in their little home!! I'm having an anxiety attack just thinking of your haphazard approach to ammo storage!!

I have more than one .50 cal can filled with 9mm and can tell you, without a doubt, there are 2200 rounds in them!😂
You THINK it's around 2200 rounds?! That implies you don't count them as you place them in their little home!! I'm having an anxiety attack just thinking of your haphazard approach to ammo storage!!

I have more than one .50 cal can filled with 9mm and can tell you, without a doubt, there are 2200 rounds in them!😂
I had been counting but lost track lol. I guess I could dig through the trash and count the primer trays🤣
You THINK it's around 2200 rounds?! That implies you don't count them as you place them in their little home!! I'm having an anxiety attack just thinking of your haphazard approach to ammo storage!!

I have more than one .50 cal can filled with 9mm and can tell you, without a doubt, there are 2200 rounds in them!😂
Someone here was seriously OCD and stacked the rounds like firewood in an ammo can...was that you? ;)
I had been counting but lost track lol. I guess I could dig through the trash and count the primer trays🤣
I tried my damndest to just reload and put them in the can. I got about halfway full and said "Who am I kidding?!" Dumped them out and counted them. God invented Post It Notes for a reason!
Someone here was seriously OCD and stacked the rounds like firewood in an ammo can...was that you? ;)
I don’t stack .223 like firewood, but I do put them on strippers and every can has a spoon. If you stack them this way 1200rds in a 50cal can.

9mm I just throw in loose and I usually just count the primer trays. For a rough guess.
Those look like they're loaded a little long.
55gr loaded to 2.245-2.250 because I get way better accuracy and feeding with lower powder loads on these Hornady that way. If I load them all the way down to the cannelure then the OAL would be 2.200". As it is I have more than a full diameter of length seated in the neck giving me full neck tension. Here is a picture showing that there is no need to seat them further as the bullet base is already well down past the end of the neck.

I'm also never crimping, so the cannelure is useless to me.

If you load them fully to cover most of cannelure, I get complete shit for grouping across all my guns. With this length I get MOA out of nearly every gun at 100yds. This is bulk load practice ammo with mixed brass.
55gr loaded to 2.245-2.250 because I get way better accuracy and feeding with lower powder loads on these Hornady that way. If I load them all the way down to the cannelure then the OAL would be 2.200". As it is I have more than a full diameter of length seated in the neck giving me full neck tension. Here is a picture showing that there is no need to seat them further as the bullet base is already well down past the end of the neck.

I'm also never crimping, so the cannelure is useless to me.
View attachment 443688

If you load them fully to cover most of cannelure, I get complete shit for grouping across all my guns. With this length I get MOA out of nearly every gun at 100yds. This is bulk load practice ammo with mixed brass.

I will have to keep that in mind when I switch over to the 55 gr pills. Thanks!
There is some mythical knowledge / voodoo about loading off the lands that I'm sure the high power guys here can give more detail on. I don't do that or even have the tools to do so. But I do know the amount you make the bullet "jump" from the case to barrel mouth ("lands") definitely effects accuracy of every bullet different.

I have found in general that the closer I keep .223 and .308 rounds to the AR15/AR10 mag length max spec, the better they do. I don't load any rounds over mag length. Everything I own will fit in and shoot from a factory mag.
55gr loaded to 2.245-2.250 because I get way better accuracy and feeding with lower powder loads on these Hornady that way. If I load them all the way down to the cannelure then the OAL would be 2.200". As it is I have more than a full diameter of length seated in the neck giving me full neck tension. Here is a picture showing that there is no need to seat them further as the bullet base is already well down past the end of the neck.

I'm also never crimping, so the cannelure is useless to me.
View attachment 443688

If you load them fully to cover most of cannelure, I get complete shit for grouping across all my guns. With this length I get MOA out of nearly every gun at 100yds. This is bulk load practice ammo with mixed brass.
I also load the Hornady 55’s to the same length and don’t crimp.
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