What did you do in the reloading room recently?

Loaded 50 Lapua small primer 6.5 Creedmoor with Remington benchrest primers and 41 grains of LEVERevolution under 123 grain Hornady SST. I tried a partial neck size as per Redding's optional instructions by backing the die out one turn. They say that some people believe it centers the cartridges in the chamber thus improving accuracy.

Hoping for someone to take me as a guest to Hopkinton Sportsmans Association and possibly sponsor me. Looking at Maspenock as well. Considering Harvard also, it's 45 minutes away, but may be worth the ride.

If anyone knows of a place that can ship me 1 pound of VV N340 at a REASONABLE price, shoot me a PM. I'm not a skinflint but by the time the hazmat fee and shipping are added, it's almost 90 dollars total for 1 lb of powder.
Well yeah. There’s no way around shipping and hazmat unless the vendor is having a sale lol. It really only makes sense to buy in “bulk” online.
How far are you from North Reading, MA? I’d call/email Glenn’s ammo and reloading. I scored some VV N110 from him last time I was there.
I loaded some 9mm before work this morning. 5.3 gr CFE pistol under 124 gr RMR Matchwinners @ 1.150 and the Lee FCD. I tried some the same last weekend and they seem on the "hot" side. I'm going to switch to RMR 124 Nukes for some SD rounds. I need to pick up a chronograph so I know for sure.
38 special with black powder. Gonna do it. Just did some research and seems it's as easy as filling the case to the bottom of where the bullet will seat and that's it. I just marked a 38 case with where the bottom of a cast 158 will sit and filled a case with 777 (I know it's not BP but a BP substitute) and weighed it at 11.2 grains of 777.

Read on many BP forums that 11 to 12 grains in a 38 under a cast 158 RN is perfect. So I've validated that my 11.2 is where I'm gonna be to seat the projo just on top of the powder. Also read that filling the cast to just below the projo with BP will not be anywhere near enough if a charge to grenade a 38 special revolver let alone the 357 blackhawk I'm gonna shoot them in.

Anyone else do BP in 38 special?
Anyone in here grabbing this reloading giveaway? If I wasn’t so far from Sandwich, I’d have messaged him 😂 Can’t believe he didn’t ask for any money. Craziness
Anyone in here grabbing this reloading giveaway? If I wasn’t so far from Sandwich, I’d have messaged him 😂 Can’t believe he didn’t ask for any money. Craziness
Messaged less than a minute after posted.
I was probably the 17th guy in line with my luck. No answer yet

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