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Be sure to enter the NES/Pioneer Valley Arms February Giveaway ***Smith & Wesson SD9VE 9MM***
Some on CastBoolits but not that specific mould. They hold their value really well so you don’t usually get good deals.Anyone you know selling a used mold?
Agreed. MP supports our community and makes amazing moulds. NOE is another option and is stateside.Guess I’m old school and like keeping my money in the states
Guess I’m old school and like keeping my money in the states
What's the charge if h110 for 460 smith?loaded 100 200gr 460 smith h110 powder lr mag primer
Well yeah. There’s no way around shipping and hazmat unless the vendor is having a sale lol. It really only makes sense to buy in “bulk” online.If anyone knows of a place that can ship me 1 pound of VV N340 at a REASONABLE price, shoot me a PM. I'm not a skinflint but by the time the hazmat fee and shipping are added, it's almost 90 dollars total for 1 lb of powder.
Pretty sure that qualifies you as a skinflint....welcome to the club brother ;-)I'm not a skinflint but by the time the hazmat fee and shipping are added, it's almost 90 dollars total for 1 lb of powder.
That's stout lol45.5 grains
Using BP is mainly for the smoke, flame, and huge report you get out of it. That and the historical value of shooting what 38 was originally designed as.Any advantage to loading 38 with bp rather than smokeless?
Messaged less than a minute after posted.Anyone in here grabbing this reloading giveaway? If I wasn’t so far from Sandwich, I’d have messaged himCan’t believe he didn’t ask for any money. Craziness
WTS - SOLD - Reloading, Cleaning, Maintenance
Free! Reloading tools, dies and supplies, once-fired brass in 9mm and 2.23, case tumbler, Lee preparation pot, reloading manuals, firearms cleaning and maintenance supplies. Powders, primers, rifle and pistol bullets, lead ingots….too much to list! Pictures are only part of the hoard. I’m...www.northeastshooters.com