What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I am starting to really appreciate the simplicity of my 45-70 and its straighwall brass :)

Okay, back on topic..... Loaded 150 rounds of 357 mag just now using 13.7 grains of 2400. Trying out Missouri Bullet's Ranger bullets instead of my usually SWC. This is for the Henry. WOndering if the loading will much smoother than the SWC.

I am going through a ton of Alliant 2400 now that I have set up the 357 on the progressive, and I am using it for soft loads for 45-70. I had 5 pounds of the stuff a month ago. Down to warning levels. Time to keep an eye for someone doing the no hazmat fee deal. Hmmm... group buy; powder.
I am going through a ton of Alliant 2400 now that I have set up the 357 on the progressive, and I am using it for soft loads for 45-70. I had 5 pounds of the stuff a month ago. Down to warning levels. Time to keep an eye for someone doing the no hazmat fee deal. Hmmm... group buy; powder.
You just missed that yesterday lol. Though they changed it from $150 to $300 orders yesterday. I took advantage when it was $150 just a couple weeks ago.
Beside the fun factor, your cost really starts to come down though as you reuse your brass. I'm hoping to be able to reuse my 308 brass ten times. I always figured that even the most costly, weirdest rounds can be reloaded for around 50 cents.

I consider the time factor a wash, or actually cheaper if you make it yourself. Think about the time driving to the store, poking around, buying what you need (which is never a bulk purchase) and driving back home. Plus your gas. Heck, with pistol rounds by the time you get home with the 50 or 100 rounds of bullets, I have cranked out 500. HA!
Exactly what drove me to reloading. I spent one to many a saturday going to several stores trying to stock up for a few up coming matches.
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I am starting to really appreciate the simplicity of my 45-70 and its straighwall brass :)

Okay, back on topic..... Loaded 150 rounds of 357 mag just now using 13.7 grains of 2400. Trying out Missouri Bullet's Ranger bullets instead of my usually SWC. This is for the Henry. WOndering if the loading will much smoother than the SWC.

I am going through a ton of Alliant 2400 now that I have set up the 357 on the progressive, and I am using it for soft loads for 45-70. I had 5 pounds of the stuff a month ago. Down to warning levels. Time to keep an eye for someone doing the no hazmat fee deal. Hmmm... group buy; powder.
start talking with other reloaders local to you.
i do group buys here and there. About every 15 months or so. Its been slow and the guys I,been dealing with are not shooting as much. We have a giggle switch shooter in the group who really helps with the bulk orders.
The trick is finding a vendor who has what you need in the quantities you want when your ready to order. 5 reloaders i deal with are easy. We all want
Varget/H4895/ 2400/unique then if we need to add a few powders to get a maxed out box we can.
Primers are easy with this group. What ever is on sale.
I am starting to really appreciate the simplicity of my 45-70 and its straighwall brass :)

Okay, back on topic..... Loaded 150 rounds of 357 mag just now using 13.7 grains of 2400. Trying out Missouri Bullet's Ranger bullets instead of my usually SWC. This is for the Henry. WOndering if the loading will much smoother than the SWC.

I am going through a ton of Alliant 2400 now that I have set up the 357 on the progressive, and I am using it for soft loads for 45-70. I had 5 pounds of the stuff a month ago. Down to warning levels. Time to keep an eye for someone doing the no hazmat fee deal. Hmmm... group buy; powder.

Finished the remaining 350 bullets tonight. Boy, been on a tear the past two weeks. Yet to shoot them but cycled some the cartridges through the Henry. Super smooth. Even better than the RN 38s I push through the gun. The extra length of the 357 must make a difference. Gonna be a fun weekend at the range.
Finished the remaining 350 bullets tonight. Boy, been on a tear the past two weeks. Yet to shoot them but cycled some the cartridges through the Henry. Super smooth. Even better than the RN 38s I push through the gun. The extra length of the 357 must make a difference. Gonna be a fun weekend at the range.
Get yourself some Zero JSPs/JHPs! ~10 cents each shipped....

I just cycled some rounds through my Marlin 1894 and noticed the rounds loaded with PMC brass takes a little more effort to eject. Only brass that causes this. Minor issue and maybe once it’s fired it won’t be hard to eject? Find out tomorrow....
Get yourself some Zero JSPs/JHPs! ~10 cents each shipped....

I just cycled some rounds through my Marlin 1894 and noticed the rounds loaded with PMC brass takes a little more effort to eject. Only brass that causes this. Minor issue and maybe once it’s fired it won’t be hard to eject? Find out tomorrow....
Screw that brass!
I toss it when I see it. Junk!
3d printer shares space in the reloading room so I kept it busy printing temporary stepper motor mounts for my milling machine CNC project.
Had a shopping spree at Shooting Supply so I had to put a lot away
6k primers
2 lbs of powder (they were out of CFE Pistol[crying])
45 ACP 6 cavity mold, die set, large Primer Feed, and case gauge.
380 ACP 2 cavity mold, dies, and case gauge
3 new turrets to mount the new dies
2 auto drum powder drops
250 rounds of 380.

Still waiting for Titan to ship my new Lee APP so I can size for the 45 - might just pick up a die for the Lyman 45.

And mulling over a cheap shotgun because there's still room in the safe.
Screw that brass!
I toss it when I see it. Junk!

Any opinions on GECO and GFL? I have a couple hundred in 357 from picking brass up at the range.

Also have Starline, Federal nickel plated, and Remington nickel plated. Have been trimming everything to 1.280" after the first resize so my crimps are all the same.
Any opinions on GECO and GFL? I have a couple hundred in 357 from picking brass up at the range.

Also have Starline, Federal nickel plated, and Remington nickel plated. Have been trimming everything to 1.280" after the first resize so my crimps are all the same.
I haven’t had any issues with those brands of brass. I’ve reloaded maybe a couple dozen Geco cases and I don’t recall any problems.

I scrap PPU 357 and 44 mag brass though.
Any opinions on GECO and GFL? I have a couple hundred in 357 from picking brass up at the range.

Also have Starline, Federal nickel plated, and Remington nickel plated. Have been trimming everything to 1.280" after the first resize so my crimps are all the same.
I’ve reloaded a bunch of GFL with no issues.
The only brass I make sure to scrap all the time is S&B
Geez, I wish I lived closer to you too. I load S&B all the time, that is as long as it's true brass. In case you're wondering, I do have a list of brass that I toss like AMERC, Herter's and some others (don't have the list in front of me).
Geez, I wish I lived closer to you too. I load S&B all the time, that is as long as it's true brass. In case you're wondering, I do have a list of brass that I toss like AMERC, Herter's and some others (don't have the list in front of me).
I’ve always had issues with super tight primer pockets that almost look like they’re crimped but they’re not. Primers either don’t seat or can’t seat all the way and tie up the press. Hate that stuff.

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