What caliber?
I've never cleaned primer pockets, ever. That goes for pistol and rifle. I'm not a PRS shooter who shoots 1000+ yards and wants the best possible accuracy - not sure if cleaning primer pockets increases accuracy?....Someone else like
@akma @Mountain @PatMcD @northny @mac1911 might be able to chime in on that.
Pistol brass just gets tumbled clean and onto the press. No primer pocket cleaning.
Rifle brass gets tumbled clean, resized/deprimed, and then tumbled again to remove the lube. No primer pocket cleaning.
For pistol, there's absolutely no reason to have spotless brass inside and out - just clean enough on the outside to prevent damaging your dies. For rifle brass I don't know - depends on what you're shooting? My scoped K31 rifle can shoot half inch groups at 100 yards with brass that has just been tumbled clean with no primer pocket cleaning so I must be doing something right?
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