What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I loaded a few 158 grain coated SWCs with HP38, Blue Dot, 2400 and IMR4227. I'll try them this morning at HSC. Hopefully I can find a range far enough away from the 50 that my noise won't disturb the shooters at the .22 rifle match. Maybe they should sell their rifles and buy some golf clubs.
I loaded a few 158 grain coated SWCs with HP38, Blue Dot, 2400 and IMR4227. I'll try them this morning at HSC. Hopefully I can find a range far enough away from the 50 that my noise won't disturb the shooters at the .22 rifle match. Maybe they should sell their rifles and buy some golf clubs.
it was supposed to be kids jr rifle team match today, but none of mine wanted to go in the rain. :(
first initial excitement phase is over.
Flo Rida, where the sun shines, the guns blaze, the gas is cheaper, and there is freedom in the air

The problem with components is that they are heavy and bulky. We will see, I may take your advice on the components. No reason for me to hold onto most preban mag stuff though.

Flo Rida, where the sun shines, the guns blaze, the gas is cheaper, and there is freedom in the air

The problem with components is that they are heavy and bulky. We will see, I may take your advice on the components. No reason for me to hold onto most preban mag stuff though.

View attachment 537682

If you're never going back, sell the pre-ban stuff.

If you're going to continue reloading, hang onto the components. The shortages are nationwide, not state wide. I'm on the south coast of Georgia, about an hour north of Jacksonville, and ammo's somewhat available, but still limited and costly. Primers continue to be hard to get & expensive. Powder's a bit "spotty", some stuff is easy, some is difficult. If the weight/bulk is the issue, leave the bullets unless they're esoteric - stock stuff is available at reasonable prices.
If you're never going back, sell the pre-ban stuff.

If you're going to continue reloading, hang onto the components. The shortages are nationwide, not state wide. I'm on the south coast of Georgia, about an hour north of Jacksonville, and ammo's somewhat available, but still limited and costly. Primers continue to be hard to get & expensive. Powder's a bit "spotty", some stuff is easy, some is difficult. If the weight/bulk is the issue, leave the bullets unless they're esoteric - stock stuff is available at reasonable prices.

That was my basic plan. Bullets I’d sell are mainstream 9 & 45 stuff that is heavy, can be replaced, and I figured someone would get more us of in the short term.

My expectation is that I won’t be able to setup my bench again for two years. Ish
Didn't do a dam thing in the reloading room, because I lack one.

Was offered this though, pretty interesting cartridge from what I can find.
Passed on purchasing it for obvious reasons. Guy was selling the rifle (Thompson switch barrel) , dies and whatever ammo he had.

Didn't do a dam thing in the reloading room, because I lack one.

Was offered this though, pretty interesting cartridge from what I can find.
Passed on purchasing it for obvious reasons. Guy was selling the rifle (Thompson switch barrel) , dies and whatever ammo he had.

You ain’t crazy you won’t do it!
yeet!! (daughter's`s angry voice from above - DAD!!! IT IS _NOT_ HOW YOU USE THAT WORD!) :)

made my first ever reloads on my new xl750, 6 packs to try out, 2495 and 2520 AA powders in different weights. i started from .223 as i had all the components for it.
it was fun! only issue was with some IMI shells i forgot about, some of them seems like had primer destroyed with outer metal ring left in the shell - so it would not like to be reprimed.
also the shell itself is way taller and different from the rest of my brass, also was not noticed until i mutilated several of them. then i raised the seating die and it went on better.
a learning curve is definitely there, but it is fun.

here how it looked like before and after die adjustment - IMI shell is on the left. the collapsed neck one still seems to chamber, will see at the range how it will go.

IMG-0946.jpg IMG-0947.jpg
yeet!! (daughter's`s angry voice from above - DAD!!! IT IS _NOT_ HOW YOU USE THAT WORD!) :)

made my first ever reloads on my new xl750, 6 packs to try out, 2495 and 2520 AA powders in different weights. i started from .223 as i had all the components for it.
it was fun! only issue was with some IMI shells i forgot about, some of them seems like had primer destroyed with outer metal ring left in the shell - so it would not like to be reprimed.
also the shell itself is way taller and different from the rest of my brass, also was not noticed until i mutilated several of them. then i raised the seating die and it went on better.
a learning curve is definitely there, but it is fun.

here how it looked like before and after die adjustment - IMI shell is on the left. the collapsed neck one still seems to chamber, will see at the range how it will go.

View attachment 538684View attachment 538685
IMI have crimped primer pockets?
I have a load for 9mm I have been using for a bit, it shoots great, I got the load by working up to where I liked it.
I just got a chronograph last week and tested that round, ave 1625 fps, yikes!
I am going to double check tomorrow as I have been getting bad reading due to sun reflection.
My question is if this number is correct would you continue to shoot them?
Shooting glock 43.
I have a load for 9mm I have been using for a bit, it shoots great, I got the load by working up to where I liked it.
I just got a chronograph last week and tested that round, ave 1625 fps, yikes!
I am going to double check tomorrow as I have been getting bad reading due to sun reflection.
My question is if this number is correct would you continue to shoot them?
Shooting glock 43.
I'm no expert , but that seems pretty f***ing hot!
I have a load for 9mm I have been using for a bit, it shoots great, I got the load by working up to where I liked it.
I just got a chronograph last week and tested that round, ave 1625 fps, yikes!
I am going to double check tomorrow as I have been getting bad reading due to sun reflection.
My question is if this number is correct would you continue to shoot them?
Shooting glock 43.

I'd run that against another chronograph.

I'm running a load I chrono'd, (basic cheap chronograph), and that's been run through Lab Radar machines at at least three matches. 124 grn bullet, it's been clocked from 1009 to 1100 fps. I KNOW I'd feel it if I were making 1625 fps out of my G43 - my hand would sting from the recoil.

That's also past 9mm Major loading...

Interesting read: 9MM Major Loads
I have a load for 9mm I have been using for a bit, it shoots great, I got the load by working up to where I liked it.
I just got a chronograph last week and tested that round, ave 1625 fps, yikes!
I am going to double check tomorrow as I have been getting bad reading due to sun reflection.
My question is if this number is correct would you continue to shoot them?
Shooting glock 43.
For target/sport-No. You’re probably just wasting powder. Any chance the chrono is bad?
I have a load for 9mm I have been using for a bit, it shoots great, I got the load by working up to where I liked it.
I just got a chronograph last week and tested that round, ave 1625 fps, yikes!
I am going to double check tomorrow as I have been getting bad reading due to sun reflection.
My question is if this number is correct would you continue to shoot them?
Shooting glock 43.
As others have said, probably the chrono is giving bad readings.


Are you loading light bullets, like in the range of 68 to 90 grain?
Chrono is Caldwell G2 brand new, I'm testing today with some known factory rounds, I'll report back
Chrony'd some .308 Win at just over 5500 FPS yesterday on a Caldwell (first generation) :eek:. Actually a test to compare velocities using a new Magnetospeed to the old Caldwell. Fairly even lighting under some no-blue-sky-baffles, but close enough to the shooting bench (~15 ft) that the overhead fluorescents were messing with the readings! Moved the Caldwell another 5 yds out and problem solved. Just reminded me how sensitive the optical chronographs are to lighting interference.:)
Chrony'd some .308 Win at just over 5500 FPS yesterday on a Caldwell (first generation) :eek:. Actually a test to compare velocities using a new Magnetospeed to the old Caldwell. Fairly even lighting under some no-blue-sky-baffles, but close enough to the shooting bench (~15 ft) that the overhead fluorescents were messing with the readings! Moved the Caldwell another 5 yds out and problem solved. Just reminded me how sensitive the optical chronographs are to lighting interference.:)
caldwell units are, well, not so great. i had one and returned it to amazon. like you noticed - it sometimes produces interesting numbers, and sometimes it just remains silent.
what i use now is this

Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX​

unit and it is awesome, and its app is awesome. it, how to say it, 'just works'.
Amazon product ASIN B07FTJYQ9ZView: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FTJYQ9Z

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