What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I will have to try those primers again with some non military 223 cases that didn't have the primers crimped.

I'm still glad I only bought 100 of them. I don't need that kind of hassle with what for me is just a fun hobby.

I did send a note to Federal technical support about the #200 small pistol magnum primer data with Ramshot Enforcer vs CCI 550 primers. Curious to see what they have to say.

I can’t cram my LRPs in Aguila brass. Everything else is fine. Did you try those primers in any other brass? Or was the military brass the only sample? Especially if they have formerly crimped pockets.
I can’t cram my LRPs in Aguila brass. Everything else is fine. Did you try those primers in any other brass? Or was the military brass the only sample? Especially if they have formerly crimped pockets.
Only mil 556 brass, but it has been swaged with the Dillon swaging tool, and then as a last resort reamed with a Lyman primer pocket reamer. That's when I said enough is enough and swapped back to CCI.
Got some more bullets….baby steps.

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Sweet. Even at todays primer and powder prices you should be able to load full house 44 magnum rounds for $20ish per 50. Big savings over the $50+ per box for factory ammo.

Do you have powder already? I see the valley has 1 pound and 8 pound containers of 2400 and H110. Either of those would be perfect for 44 magnum.
Sweet. Even at todays primer and powder prices you should be able to load full house 44 magnum rounds for $20ish per 50. Big savings over the $50+ per box for factory ammo.

Do you have powder already? I see the valley has 1 pound and 8 pound containers of 2400 and H110. Either of those would be perfect for 44 magnum.
Will go shop right now. Thanks Andrew.
Speaking of powder…

Any reason to be concerned with a powder shipment taking around 16 days this time of year?

The valley shipped me some powder on the 20th and it’s been rescheduled twice, now arriving January 6th (hopefully). It’s all sealed and should be good, yeah? Two weeks kicking around UPS trucks and facilities shouldn’t effect it? Right??

I imagine it got stuck in the storm, plus Christmas and New Years delays. Just that time of year.
Down to my last 3000 or so .45 casings.
Should probably order more.
Just in case.

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Holy shit that scary. Let us know if you need some support before the next truck shows up!
How the hell are you sleeping at night? I have about 10 gallons of 45 at all times.
I'm down to about 800-1000 .38's.
Don't think I don't get the shakes over it.
I have about 10 gallons of that also. I’ve never made it through a 2 gallon bin without sorting and tumbling brass to fill it back up. Some part of me think I don’t need more than 2 gallons of 38. That’s the commie part that’s been in MA too long.
Made up a test batch of 44 spec in 44 mag cases. Testing for potential for bullseye league.

The load is
240 grain clswc
4.6 grains bullseye
Cci primer
1.164 oal
Med crimp.

Last batch of 44 spec in 44 mag cases I used unique powder and the groups were f***ig terrible. If this doesn't produce a group I think has potential for bullseye shooting I'll abandon the 44 spec in 44 mag case concept and search for some 44 spec cases maybe.
Anyone run a 629 Smith for accuracy like bullseye league? If so care to share what you use for a load or have any advice on some super accurate loads for 50 feet? I got till mud Feb to work up a load lol
Anyone run a 629 Smith for accuracy like bullseye league? If so care to share what you use for a load or have any advice on some super accurate loads for 50 feet? I got till mud Feb to work up a load lol
Have you tried using wadcutters instead? They should yield better results in that big case.
I have not messed with anything accuracy wise though.
Made up a test batch of 44 spec in 44 mag cases. Testing for potential for bullseye league.

The load is
240 grain clswc
4.6 grains bullseye
Cci primer
1.164 oal
Med crimp.

Last batch of 44 spec in 44 mag cases I used unique powder and the groups were f***ig terrible. If this doesn't produce a group I think has potential for bullseye shooting I'll abandon the 44 spec in 44 mag case concept and search for some 44 spec cases maybe.

That might be the problem. All that empty space.
I was using Unique in .44 spl cases and Hornady 180's and 200 XTP's out of a 629-6.
I sold it years ago, but I could stack those holes at 50 ft.

If you're dead set on .44 mag cases, maybe try a filler?
Load on sunday.
Unload on monday.

Not sure if thats a sheared off primer or a bushing for a small primer

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View attachment 704444
I've quite a few primers corrode into the pocket and decap like that.
Usually the primer base doesn't come off completely so there's some evidence of a failed deprive. But when they break off clean it sucks because it's hard pick out
Yesterday I loaded some test batch of 38 supercomp and today I went to the range to chrono. The pistol is a very lightly used (~1000 rounds?) custom 2011 that I bought over a year, almost 2 years ago and haven't shot more than a magazine through it since the day I bought it. It came with several hundred rounds of ammo that I have no idea what it is loaded with, which is not typical of the seller, he is meticulous and OCD ish like many of us are. Its possible that I could have lost a data card of the load description. I normally wouldn't be shooting unknown reloaded ammo, but because of the source this is an exception. That stuff seemed ok, is within targeted power factor, but had a wide standard deviation, it has obviously two different primers.

I then shot some of my previously made ammo, Its tailored to a different gun but that's a different topic. I noticed here the Federal small rifle primers offered a tighter SD than the CCI. The CCI batch in this case was all in once fired Atlanta Arms brass where as everything else here is my mixture of used starline brass (unknown number of firings/loadings)

I had purposely loaded a test batch of what various primers I have on hand, because of the recent discussion here about effects of different primer on a given load. Again the Federal small rifle primers offered a tighter standard deviation than the Winchester and CCI. It is common for 38 supercomp shooters to use small rifle primers, I never really knew the main reason, it may be based on several things, in my case for what I will be loading for the upcoming season it is mainly the availability, these are the last primers I had bought in bulk before pricing went crazy, but the consistency is an added bonus.

Dans mystery 125g Zero???mysterymystery mix, some brass some nickel1414 17525.9
124 JHP PD. 12/2020 1FAA7.8 N3501.230CCI small pistol140517411.5
124 JHP PD. 2/20217.8 N3501.230Federal small rifle14181766.6
124 JHP PD. 12/20227.8 N3501.230Federal small rifle14101756.9
124 JHP PD9.2 3N381.230Federal small rifle13901725.2
124 JHP PD9.4 3N381.230Federal small rifle13981734.6
124 JHP PD9.6 3N381.230Federal small rifle14071747.7
124 JHP PD9.6 3N381.230Winchester small pistol141217514.7
124 JHP PD9.6 3N381.230CCI small pistol139917312.9
124 JHP PD9.8 3N381.230Federal small rifle14301778.0

Have to run the press a bit more cautiously when there is this much powder in the cases!
It is some sort of bushing for small primers, they can be off center, or come loose, those federal non-toxic cases do that sometimes.
Those NT pistol cases are a no go for me. When priming on my Hornady I can usually feel them before I lose a primer completely. I’ve not measured the NTs to see why they are that way. I just swear at them and toss ‘em.

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