I won a drawing for a Venus SW-3B today. It's a three band (20/30/40) QRP CW rig from China that looks really cool. It'll receive LSB and USB, but only transmits CW. It's got one memory that looks to be programmed to call CQ and use your call. But some people say they can program it to whatever they want. I guess we'll see. I'm really looking forward to putting it on the air.
Other than that, I was up at my Super Secret Squirrel Location today and played a little radio. My 857 didn't seem too happy; I'm hoping it was just the cold. It worked fine, but the audio was a bit off. In it's defense, it was 19 degrees plus a shitload of wind. I didn't do too well in the cold either, so we were a real pair. I need to learn to not use my aluminum portable paddles in the cold. Or maybe add some heat shrink or tape over top to save my fingertips.
I got the SW-3B today and just fooling around with it on a dummy load it's pretty nice.
The memory does let you save whatever you want vs just your call sign, which is nice. I guess there have been a few iterations of that over time.
The keyer speed adjustment is probably not accessible enough for on the fly adjustment, but it's easy to get to. It's a little weird that you can just go up or down in speed but it doesn't tell you your speed. So you have to get out of the menu, try it, adjust as needed.
It's got a nice screen, and at least indoors is plenty bright on the lowest setting.
I like that when you are out of band it still generates the side tone, but doesn't actually transmit. You get an error message. The designer says to use this for practice or when setting up the keyer/memory and you don't want to accidentally transmit.
I'm going to try the SSB (receive only) when I have an antenna on it. I'm not sure exactly what that's useful for. Since it'll send CW, I'd be tempted to answer a POTA call with CW and see how the operator handles it.
The guy I got it from printed side rails and a cover for it, so the rotary encoders are protected.
The only negative I can see so far, and it's a real nit, is that it always powers up in memory mode even if you last used it in VFO mode. It's literally one button to switch to VFO mode, so I don't see this ever being a problem. Possibly a slight annoyance if you cycle power then want to go back to where you were. And it seems to go to the last saved memory, not necessarily the one you were last using.
I just got home from the woods. I had a bitch of a time between setting up the dipole in the snaggly trees, using what appeared to be the wrong wires, running out of daylight and having to hike out in the dark, running out of daywarmness and having to hike out in the cold, and 20m apparently not being too good. Gotta revisit some things so I'm not such a mess.