What did you do in the shack today?

Can’t wait to hear how to works out.

I rolled the dice on a 17 foot whip from AliExpress. It was $12 vs $70 from Chameleon. I don’t have it in hand yet. I wanted something that I could use to catch the higher bands like 10 to 17 meters as a 1/4 wave vertical but will also build the POTA PREformer. The biggest issue is the cheap whip is an M10 thread vs 3/8. Surprisingly there isn’t great availability on adapters but I think I have figured out an easy-ish work around. I’ll have to report back once things are up and running.
This is for the 25' whip, but he shows how he calculated the coil to use the whip on 40m.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6sgg5vA_J0
Getting ready for Jan VHF this weekend -- took down 5el 10m yagi and put up 5el 6m yagi, long boom yagis for 222 and 432 and 2m yagi.
The tower is 20' so not competitive, but will give out some points to whomever hears us.

I got the wires tested to see if I could use my dipole wires as verticals and 20m was brilliant and 30m is just okay, but definitely useable. Weather permitting maybe I'll get out tomorrow for a bit.

I also got some barrel connectors with pigtails today, and made a power cable for the new Venus rig. I ordered them from somewhere west of Boston on the 10th and they just got here today. Go figure.

After that my buddy stopped by and I gave him one of the PowerPole/Wago adapters and his 6m halo antenna, and lent him a battery for winter field day. He gave me some coax jumpers, another barrel/pigtail cable, and a Yaesu data cable that I think goes with the 8x7 line.

I left the FM radios on all day in case anyone nearby was working VHF+ on FM. I heard one guy all day, and he was just calling for someone specific. Oh well.
Did an LoTW update tonight and noticed that the logs from last spring's 3G0YA Easter Island DX-peditions had been uploaded.

They confirmed for me 10m SSB, 15m CW, 20m FT8, 40m CW, and 40m FT8.

Prior to this I only had the island confirmed on 20m CW and RTTY from two previous DX-peditions in 2009 and 2011

I got the wires tested to see if I could use my dipole wires as verticals and 20m was brilliant and 30m is just okay, but definitely useable. Weather permitting maybe I'll get out tomorrow for a bit.

I also got some barrel connectors with pigtails today, and made a power cable for the new Venus rig. I ordered them from somewhere west of Boston on the 10th and they just got here today. Go figure.

After that my buddy stopped by and I gave him one of the PowerPole/Wago adapters and his 6m halo antenna, and lent him a battery for winter field day. He gave me some coax jumpers, another barrel/pigtail cable, and a Yaesu data cable that I think goes with the 8x7 line.

I left the FM radios on all day in case anyone nearby was working VHF+ on FM. I heard one guy all day, and he was just calling for someone specific. Oh well.
I put the 20m version on the air today with the Venus SW-3B. It was far easier to setup/take down than the dipole equivalent. The (power output meter on the ) radio still implied the SWR wasn't very good, but I went with it. I got decent SNR reports from the Reverse Beacon. My QSO range was pretty much as far west as the Mississippi, and I picked up one DX station in Slovenia.

Overall I was pleased with the radio. I had a couple of weak stations that I normally would not try to copy unless I was hard up for contacts. I just leaned in and could copy everything. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were below zero on the S-meter. Aside from being light I had no trouble copying them.
My buddy is working the VHF contest today and couldn't get anyone on 903 or 1296. So I offered to setup in a spare bedroom and see what we could make happen. I forget what he's running for power but I think the transverter I'm using puts out 0.5w on 903MHz. He could copy me, but I think he was being generous. I had him a solid 57-58. He's not too far away, maybe 6-7 miles, but there's a hill between us. Too bad we're in the same grid square. Fortunately I had a nice clear shot in his direction.

I searched and searched for info on this transverter. It's a Downeast Microwave 903-144 if anyone knows where I can find a manual or something. All I found was a page that listed all of their equipment/prices, but all the links are broken.

Had fun in the VHF as a multi-op with a buddy.

Band Mode QSOs Pts Grd Pt/Q
50 FT8 49 49 11 1.0
50 USB 1 1 0 1.0
144 FT8 25 25 8 1.0
144 USB 1 1 0 1.0
222 FT4 1 2 1 2.0
222 FT8 4 8 1 2.0
222 USB 1 2 0 2.0
420 FT8 2 4 2 2.0
Total Both 84 92 23 1.1
Score: 2,116

No higher bands since we did not chuck the antennas up.

@ToddDubya the DEMI manuals are still on the site, and Q5 Signal has the business now https://www.downeastmicrowave.com/articles.asp?ID=252

Had fun in the VHF as a multi-op with a buddy.

Band Mode QSOs Pts Grd Pt/Q
50 FT8 49 49 11 1.0
50 USB 1 1 0 1.0
144 FT8 25 25 8 1.0
144 USB 1 1 0 1.0
222 FT4 1 2 1 2.0
222 FT8 4 8 1 2.0
222 USB 1 2 0 2.0
420 FT8 2 4 2 2.0
Total Both 84 92 23 1.1
Score: 2,116

No higher bands since we did not chuck the antennas up.

@ToddDubya the DEMI manuals are still on the site, and Q5 Signal has the business now https://www.downeastmicrowave.com/articles.asp?ID=252

Thanks, I had looked and didn't see it. But the kit manual should tell me what I wanted to know.

I heard a few guys on simplex yesterday talking about how they couldn't find many people on CW/SSB but there was a lot of FT8 activity. They sounded pretty disappointed about it.
Thanks, I had looked and didn't see it. But the kit manual should tell me what I wanted to know.

I heard a few guys on simplex yesterday talking about how they couldn't find many people on CW/SSB but there was a lot of FT8 activity. They sounded pretty disappointed about it.
Yeah man... All of the VHF guys... But it is so easy and mindless that most gravitated towards FT8. For QSOs, you can see who is on the band from what others are working... I operated my station remote == way easy with FT8 vs other modes..... Not defending it, it just makes sense and easy for new hams to get involved over other modes (If u have a PC) .

Now, tearing all these antennas down and the temp tower so the last trees can be removed before real tower goes up.

My buddy has been trying to get me into VHF+ stuff (hence the 903 transverter and yagi). I'd have to go portable to have any real chance, and it's not worth the effort to me if it's mostly FT8. But he does the activity nights which could be fun. And I think there's a 2m SSB net in the mornings that I could probably hear only. They're a little far for what I could do.
After a whirlwind trip to get here from fire country California, I got the N6ARA Mini SWR meter kit I had ordered. It has one toroid to wind so I thought I'd just do that tonight. An hour and a half later it was all done. It's no cross needle meter, but it has LEDs that indicate FWD, 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 to give you a ballpark of SWR when your radio doesn't have a meter. It handles 5w max, and I built mine for 15-40m. It was a pretty simple build, and would have been much quicker if I hadn't kept dropping it on the floor.

Most kits include a schematic but this one didn't. I'm curious how it works with only one transformer. All the other designs I've seen use two. My theory is that it's not "measuring" forward power, it's just indicating the presence of forward power.

Stock photo, but it looks pretty much like this minus the band indication on the cover.

Most kits include a schematic but this one didn't. I'm curious how it works with only one transformer. All the other designs I've seen use two. My theory is that it's not "measuring" forward power, it's just indicating the presence of forward power.
TDub, Is it measuring forward power or only reflected/SWR? Maybe that only requires a single xformer.

Is this something that you would leave in-line or get a reading and yank it out? Might contribute to losses and at QRP power levels...

TDub, Is it measuring forward power or only reflected/SWR? Maybe that only requires a single xformer.

Is this something that you would leave in-line or get a reading and yank it out? Might contribute to losses and at QRP power levels...

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Probably the only "measurement" is reflected power, and the FWD indicator is just "some RF is going out".

This is something I'd use to verify a known good antenna then yank back out. I've had times where things seemed off, and I had no way to know if something was wrong. So my choices were to tear down and go home or trust that it was okay enough and keep going. Basically I'll use it as a crude antenna analyzer.

Haha "TDub". I had that nickname many moons ago. I don't even remember who it was that used it. Probably high school. I had one friend who called me Todd Dubya during the early George Dubya years, which is where my username came from. I wasn't even political back then; it was just funny.
This is for the 25' whip, but he shows how he calculated the coil to use the whip on 40m.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6sgg5vA_J0

This got me thinking, now that I "discovered" using my dipole as a vertical, what about adding coils to get extra bands? I'd like a 20/30/40m antenna to use with a couple radios.

While I was poring over this last night I came up with the idea of an off-center fed vertical, where I'd use a coil to lengthen the vertical, and use a raised counterpoise as the "short" leg of the antenna. This is a little more complex because of the 4:1, so it'll take some more thinking.

That's similar to a setup a guy had where he had an attic dipole with one leg a ham stick and the other leg a wire.
Welp, I hiked half an hour out to my favorite Appalachian Trail shelter for some radio today. It was a balmy 21 degrees when I started, but honestly not too bad because it was calm and sunny. I got all setup and got to try out my mini SWR doodad. It read 3:1 or greater using my 20m dipole as a vertical. I checked the wires/coax and everything looked fine. I reconfigured it as an inverted vee, a setup I've used countless times, still 3:1 or worse. So I packed it all back up, hiked out just about in the dark, and headed for home. It was 17 when I got back to the car.

I don't know what the hell is going on. I tested this exact setup in the yard a week ago and it was barely over 1:1. But the radio folds back the power, and now the SWR meter says it's rubbish too. I guess I have to set up in the yard again, try it with the meter and with an antenna analyzer and see WTF is going on.

I thought maybe my 1:1 choke could be the problem, but I at least confirmed continuity from the BNC connector to the terminals, and no continuity between the terminals. Maybe the coax? It's the same coax I used to test it last week, too. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the radio's output impedance isn't 50 ohms. I don't know how that could happen, but it's a new radio to me.

Just tried the radio, through the SWR meter into a dummy load: 1:1. I guess that's good.
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The weather has finally warmed up here in South Carolina so my project for the day was to work on my OCF inverted vee, The dimensions I built it to I got from the Balun Designs website. They are based on some antenna modeling done by Walter Lau KK1CW (SK). This design calls for the overall length to be 135.85 feet. The long leg is 96.6 feet and the short leg is 39.2 feet. With those dimension the best I could get the SWR on 40 meters was about 3.5:1 . This just wasn't working because if the match isn't good on 40M then the other harmonically related bands will not be good either.

I changed the dimension of the antenna to 90 feet on the long side and 45 feet on the short side - this is the classic 66%/33% OCF dipole design. This new configuration gives me an SWR of 1.7:1 on 40 meters and the other bands are reasonable also. I think the antenna is still a bit long. Years ago, I read somewhere that in a vee configuration the classic dipole measurements should be cut a bit shorter. The center of the antenna is up approximately 50 feet.
Yes, inverted vee antennas should be physically shorter than flat top dipoles. How much depends on the angle. I'm glad to hear you're getting it back up and running.

I can't vouch for this calculator, but it shows the difference in lengths between the inverted vee and dipole.

Well today was full of screwups. I went up to my Super Secret Squirrel Location and was intending to do some snowshoeing. I threw the Xiegu X5105 in the pack at the last minute, just in case I felt like a little radio. I had the random wire in the bag, so it was all ready to go.

Halfway to the SSSL I realized I forgot my snowshoes. Excellent. Well I guess it's snowblow and radio then. Sike, I had the antenna, but no throw line. So I dug up the coax (again) that was on the 160m antenna that was buried in the snow, and moved it over to the ZS6BKW. The internal tuner had no problem getting a good match. Xiegu internal tuners are just amazing.

I hunted POTA CW activators for a bit until I ran out of them. Then I remembered the mic was in the bag, too. So for the first time in a long time I got on SSB. 5w and a wire and I was getting some really nice signal reports. My first one was S9+20 into Canada. A few guys commented on the great audio, which I have heard before.

This is a mix of CW and SSB, but the WA, AZ, and KS were all SSB. Not too shabby. While it found a match, I noticed the power was rolled back to about 2.5w on 10m, which still got me 59 into KS. I was having a really fun time with it, but the cold was getting to me and I had to get out while I could still use my extremities. No wind, but a balmy 16F when I left.

I didn't do much today, but I played around with the Xiegu for a bit. CW seemed to be a bust, but once again SSB did really well. I don't know what's with that radio, but I get really good signal reports and comments on my audio. And that's before I tell them I'm only running 5w.

I've been really impressed with that Xiegu. I had low expectations but it really does a nice job. It's no Elecraft KX2, but it's 1/3 the price and you can just buy it.

FL and TN were CW, but the rest were SSB including SoCal and British Columbia. I even busted a few pileups. 5w and a wire for the win!

Tip form the shack.

You are working a RTTY contest and someone asks you for a repeat on the serial number (Example: NR NR or AGN AGN), don't send them the whole exchange again with call signs and RST, just send them the serial number three or four times in a row. The character shifts in that initial exchange along with a weak signal are what is introducing the error to begin with.

Secondly don't use a lot of unnecessary extra language, like daily greetings, Morse abbreviations, Q-Codes, or God forbid showing off that your logging software can automatically populate my name into the exchange.

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Hey, a quick shoutout to the folks at www.spaceweather.com

It is a great website, and as they will tell you, they are in fact real people...

This is an AI Free Zone! Text created by Large Language Models is spreading rapidly across the Internet. It's well-written, but frequently inaccurate. If you find a mistake on Spaceweather.com, rest assured it was made by a real human being.

I am giving out a few contacts (search & pounce) in the CQ 160 Meter SSB contest.

I usually don't operate 160m SSB because my antenna bandwidth is pretty narrow. With the Palstar tuner I can get an acceptable SWR from 1.810 MHz to 1.870 MHz .
It then leaps up past 1.870 MHz, and at the bottom it just can't squeak out a match below 1.810 MHz, which is a shame because that is 10 KHz I would like to have for CW.

I am using about 800 Wats out peak.

Not relative to operation in this contest, but the antenna coincidentally has a natural center frequency of 1.840 MHz which is the FT8 frequency for 160m, so that is pretty cool.

Got the Pota Dominator antenna assembled and up yesterday.
It's a very simple build.
I had great signals on 10M out to Moscow Russia and to California.
Definitely farther than my experience with my EFHW at 20ft and my Pota Performer.
I'm excited to see how far it can reach with good band conditions.
Pota Dominator Transformer.jpg Photo Dominator Antenna.jpg
Got the Pota Dominator antenna assembled and up yesterday.
It's a very simple build.
I had great signals on 10M out to Moscow Russia and to California.
Definitely farther than my experience with my EFHW at 20ft and my Pota Performer.
I'm excited to see how far it can reach with good band conditions.
What’s the difference between a Performer and a dominator?
The Dominator has a lower angle of radiation and is more efficient than the performer.
The Dominator should be better for longer dx'ing.
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