Yesterday I took one of my ARs to the range to sight in a Holosun 510C.
Had a target at 50 yards, was firing three shot groups, checking with a spotting scope and adjusting the red dot as needed.
During the third group of three after the second shot the trigger shoe failed to come forward and reset. The bolt had cycled, the hammer had been pushed back and hooked up, but the trigger shoe did not move forward.
I found that the trigger shoe could be physical pushed forward and I could feel it reset. The trigger could then be pulled and the rifle would fire as normal but again the trigger shoe would not reset without be pushed forward.
The trigger is a Rise Armament RA-535 which is single stage trigger with a sort of bleeding edge very short pull and reset to begin with, but I own a couple of them and have never had an issue.
Anyway I was able to continue sighting the Holosun by pushing the trigger forward before each shot. I got it to group on the bull with about a silver dollar size spread which I think is excellent for a reflex red dot optic at 50 yards and my old eyes.
As for the trigger when I got home I emailed Rise Armament about the issue and I got a reply within an hour. They reminded me of their lifetime warranty, and right away sent me a prepaid return label, saying as soon as they get the faulty trigger they will send me a new one.
You really cannot ask for more then that (provided it all works out). I removed the trigger this morning and will sent it in (couldn't snake it past the safety selector had to pull it, Grrr!).
It does make me wonder if I should be putting my faith in a "performance" trigger rather than something more workman like. Also while I have a few spare mil spec trigger arrangements if needed, maybe I should have a spare drop in as well.