S&W M&P .45
Thanks for the update, I was going to say I don't know what they carry in Plymouth where I live now, but I know in my old town, Pembroke, cops are now carrying Sig 226 in 40 S&W.
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S&W M&P .45
What do your cops carry
I don't have a cop.
JonJ,can you be my cop for a day ?
Anything for you, Greg. And I promise not to pick any fights with you
I don't have a cop.
JonJ,can you be my cop for a day ?
I know Medford Cops carry a S&W 410. (Portland Maine, last I checked too)
So what do the other cops in the Northeast carry?
-Weer'd Beard
I know Quincy is Sig 40SW not sure what model but then, the Quincy cop I asked what he carried didn't know either lol. I knew it was a Sig from looking at the gun in the holster but he didn't even know what model it was. Asked what there duty load was and shocker he didn't know that either.
Its not that they do a crappy job teaching these kids. Its that these kids never practice or stay proficient most will only shot the 1 time a year as mandated by thier agencies. They were taught right, they choose to not stay proficient and practice. Most of the full time academies have very good FI instructors.
He started Dec 1, and he belongs to GOAL and IDPA.....so I dunno.His nephew probably arrested him.
He started Dec 1, and he belongs to GOAL and IDPA.....so I dunno.
I know cops who are hardcore "gun guys" who don't know what their duty load is, simply because it's issued and they don't get a say in what it is.
How often, if EVER, have departments thrown fresh mags to one another in Mass or anywhere? What is this, Hollywood? I mean, it sounds almost plausible on paper, but come on, for realsies here.
What do your Cops carry???
A few extra pounds.
A few extra pounds.
How often, if EVER, have departments thrown fresh mags to one another in Mass or anywhere? What is this, Hollywood? I mean, it sounds almost plausible on paper, but come on, for realsies here.
It is just one of many reasons. Not saying it happens daily, but it's a possibility, albeit a rare one. Here's a couple more:
Usually, departments purchase a full duty belt, holster, and firearm for a new hire - Their money, their call.
Second, and this is probably one of the biggest reasons, come range qual time, the Department is the one buying the ammo. Is it easier to buy a couple cases in one caliber, knowing its going to work in everyone's guns, or should they poll all their guys to see what they need for ammo because everyone's gun is different, then go buy a few boxes of each caliber they need?
Third, there is generally one type of ammo issued to officers as their "duty ammo." God forbid, the officer has to discharge his firearm and harm or kill someone, come court time, it's less of a headache if everyone is on the same page WRT what ammo is in their gun:
"So, Officer, is it true that you chose the FN 5.7 that fires the baby-and-cop-killing rounds?"
"Was the Dept. issue firearm not deadly enough for you that you felt you needed something capable of baby-and-cop-killing? Jury, this man is a killer. He chose baby killing rounds as his duty ammunition!"
Holyoke PD carry Glocks in .45. Except for Chief Scott. He doesn't carry.
Yup, this has been a total fallacy that dates way back. This does not actually occur during actual firefights. Although some departments still believe it.
Very true. We were always handed a handful of rounds, NOT a box of rounds, so almost none of the officers ever see the label on the box of carry ammo.
Most officers won't practice their skills for two specific reasons (from experience talking with other officers):
- They aren't interested in guns and if they used their gun, they'd have to clean it (no kidding).
- A union mentality. "If they want me to practice, they will pay me OT, provide my ammo, and clean my gun when I'm done!"
I've personally invited 3 or 4 chiefs and numerous officers to join me as my guest at a gun club to practice. I've done this so many times in the past 10 years that I've lost count and NOT ONE officer has taken me up on the offer. Most are officers that I have worked with on the PD and/or friends.