What is the worst Firearm you have shot?

How can you say such a thing? [wink]


+1 for not "hate-ing" on the DE and a fantastic movie quote!
A SW 639. I bought it, shot it, and dumped it within two months. I couldn't get a mag of
bullets through it no matter what brand I bought. Biggest piece of junk I ever owned. Also
it was the first and the last 9mm I ever owned.
Guess what i forgot ?

The Desert Eagle is great for naval warefare !

It makes a great boat anchor if you dont have one !

Or tie a rope on it and use it as a grappeling hook !

Seriously you cant really like a pistol with the ergonomics of a brick and the wieght of a rifle !

And can you say UGLY !

This gun is the Janet Reno of Pistols !
I shoot all mine, even the ones that aren't that fun. The thing is that when it comes to surplus stuff, if it goes bang and sends a projectile down range, its doing what it was designed to do.

But... if I had to pick one thats the worst out of all my guns, I'd have to say the Egyptian Hakim in 8mm. Its accurate, powerful, loud, even has a decent trigger, but the design of the gun makes for a face full of blowback gas.

I'll still never sell it and enjoy bringing it to member's shoots.[smile]
My buddy's Rohrbaugh 9mm pocket pistol. Painful nasty little thing that is finicky and unpleasant. Nice looking though.

A close second was a Para Warthog I owned. Uber POS.

I Googled the gun just to see what it looked like and found a video on You-Tube that might interest you. It's a company man shooting it, that's why the good accuracy perhaps. [shocked]

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And why? Just curious. [wink]

I've posted this before in other forums so it may read familiar to some. For me, it was an AMT Hardballer.

I can go on for hours talking about my old AMT, but it's been years and is like a nasty ex-wife that you've been desperately trying to forget.

Anyway, here's the issues I had with mine.


Horrible polish job. Spotty in some areas, uneven in others. Tool marks galore, externally and internally. This is why all the pics in the catalog are blurred like Liz Taylor's publicity photos. Very poor cast job on the frame, although the slide wasn't so bad. Well, that's not entirely true. The elevation screw hole for the Millet adjustable sight was not drilled straight and this caused a very noticable "tilt" towards the right. Much worse than any I've seen on a Gold Cup.


Shoddy at best. The barrel had very rough tool marks in the chamber. It actually looked like sharp threads. Almost like the drill bit broke off during the chamfering process. The barrel bushing and barrel needed to be replaced, but since the front cut of the slide was not the standard dimensions, I could not find a bushing that fit without a lot custom fitting, more so with the slide than the bushing.

Speaking of custom work, none of the holes were drilled in the correct place. It was "off" just enough that it made replacement of the shoddy innards darn near impossible unless you modify either the part or the frame. This included the holes for grip safety, sear and hammer. Speaking of Grip Safety, it BARELY engaged the trigger stirrup because of the misplacement of the hole. If you pushed on the trigger hard enough, you can actually cause the hammer to drop without depressing the grip safety. On the topic of the trigger, it used an oversized one similiar to the Gold Cup, but not quite the same dimensions as a GC so it was (you guessed it) impossible to find a proper replacement.

Since we're talking about the frame now, many gun manufacturers will polish the feedramp to improve feeding. How many do you know BEAD BLAST the thing so that it feels like sandpaper? Luckily, Mr. Dremel was able to correct this one. The grip was also slightly elongated so that when you fit the MSH onto it, there a very noticable gap between the top of the MSH and the bottom edge of the grip safety. If you look closely, you can actually see the hammer stirrup.

Then there's the extended mag release. Although horrible casted, it did do it's job of releasing the mag. The problem was keeping the mag in place. Because the dimensions of the frame or maybe just the poor placement of the milling, the tab on the mag release barely held onto the magazine. In fact, the mag would friggin drop out of the well after 2 or 3 rounds. It took me a few days, but I was able to find a suitable replacement that I was able to install with only minor fitting.


It performed flawlessly. Oh wait, I was dreaming. Failures to feed, failures to chamber, failures to eject, etc.. Swaping out various recoils springs helped to eleviate some of the ejection problems, but the feeding and chambering issues never went away, even with a throat job done to the barrel.

Included magazine:

Hahahahaha. Let's not go there.

Anyway, after a long period of frustration, I traded it off at a huge loss and chalked it up as a learning experience. I was lucky the gunstore I went into even agreed to the trade-in (the dealer didn't really want it).

What really burns me is that I sold my Ruger P90 (which was a great gun) to help pay for this lemon. The gunsmith/dealer whom I originally ordered the gun through tried desperately to talk me out of the idea and to get a much, much cheaper (at the time) Colt 1991. He was even willing to give me a free trigger job if I got the Colt. Like an idiot I didn't listen because I just had to have a "stainless" 1911.

Never again.
Guess what i forgot ?

The Desert Eagle is great for naval warefare !

It makes a great boat anchor if you dont have one !

Or tie a rope on it and use it as a grappeling hook !

Seriously you cant really like a pistol with the ergonomics of a brick and the wieght of a rifle !

And can you say UGLY !

This gun is the Janet Reno of Pistols !

Oh noes! Now I CAN'T like my DE 'cuz you said so!

Whatever will I do now? [rolleyes]
For me, either an M&P9 or a Sigma 9. Blech.

I really don't get hating Sigs though. I love my 229.
I know I'll catch heat for this one, but...... Anything in .40. I can't stand that caliber. It does nothing for me. I've had Glocks, Beretta's, Smith's and Sig's and that cal I just can't shoot well and am now boycotting. Hope all the .40 shooters can forgive my aggravation with my particular nemesis...[wink]
Bauer .25 pocket pistol. Jammed after 1 or 2 rounds then wasn't good for much. At least if it was heavier you could beat someone with it. It was only $100 though.
I have a Cobray M11 9mm that is basically a gun-shaped paper weight. It jams every couple of rounds, and there is no comfortable position from which to aim while attempting to shoot it. I haven't given up on it yet however. Every couple of weeks I disassemble it completely, polish the contacting surfaces on yet another offending part to a mirror like shine, reassemble it and head to the range. I figure sooner or later it will either work or I'll go insane, but I wanted one forever and now I'm too deep into it to quit.
I have a Cobray M11 9mm that is basically a gun-shaped paper weight. It jams every couple of rounds, and there is no comfortable position from which to aim while attempting to shoot it. I haven't given up on it yet however. Every couple of weeks I disassemble it completely, polish the contacting surfaces on yet another offending part to a mirror like shine, reassemble it and head to the range. I figure sooner or later it will either work or I'll go insane, but I wanted one forever and now I'm too deep into it to quit.

It will either work or go full auto!!!!!!!!

I hate all guns, mainly because I have to work on them.
I know I'll catch heat for this one, but...... Anything in .40. I can't stand that caliber. It does nothing for me. I've had Glocks, Beretta's, Smith's and Sig's and that cal I just can't shoot well and am now boycotting. Hope all the .40 shooters can forgive my aggravation with my particular nemesis...[wink]

I f-ing hate the .40. I always have and always will.

The worst gun I ever shot was a Tec-22.
I shot the R9 at the 4th of July shoot. I liked it. If it wasn't expensive and hard to find, I'd think about buying one. It completely disappears in a pocket. Accuracy was good enough for up close self defense and the recoil really wasn't bad. It's no worse than 38+P in an airweight. It's smaller and flatter and you get 2 more rounds. The only negative to it is that reliability suffers a bit due to shrinking it so much. After about 100 rounds without cleaning, reliability went to crap.
I shot the R9 at the 4th of July shoot. I liked it. If it wasn't expensive and hard to find, I'd think about buying one. It completely disappears in a pocket. Accuracy was good enough for up close self defense and the recoil really wasn't bad. It's no worse than 38+P in an airweight. It's smaller and flatter and you get 2 more rounds. The only negative to it is that reliability suffers a bit due to shrinking it so much. After about 100 rounds without cleaning, reliability went to crap.

Kinda reminds me of the Seecamp that I had, except probably hurts a lot more. [laugh] Did you have to death grip it to get it to work right? A lot of small autos tend to malf without gripping them until they hurt.

.25acp Raven I had in the service. I was stationed in a BAAAD section of Atlanta and they made me turn in my 1911 at the end of shift. So, $39.95 got me the gun, a holster and 25 rounds at the local pawn shop.

Pull the trigger and it may or may not go bang. Same thing when you jacked in a round.
Same thing when you put on the safety.

And I carried it hot all the time on the MARTA system. I have since learned a thing or two.
I hate all guns, mainly because I have to work on them.
Put them all in your truck and I'll meet you at ZHA this afternoon. I'll give them a good home where they will be loved and cared for. It will be hard work, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice because I consider you a friend. All I ask from you is one case of ammo for each caliber per month to help feed 'em.
It will either work or go full auto!!!!!!!!
You say that like it's a bad thing. [wink] Actually if it did that I would cry Marc, that would mean I would have to bring it to you for destruction. Lord knows I wouldn't want to see that happen to any gun, even one I hate.

Any AK I have ever shot. Junk

Blasphemy!! Now go say three novenas to Mikhail Kalashnikov the supreme being of gun design, fire one hundred rounds from your favorite firearm, and if you are lucky all will be forgiven.[smile]
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