Thing is...even if you wanted to...starting up for the 357 or 44 mag is not hard. One set of dies, a simple cheap Lee reloader and a box of bullets and a some Unique powder. I use a small charge of Unique for my 44 mag plinkers. Hunting loads I just buy off the shelf as you don't use that many. No cutting brass, no major resizing issues.
And I have Unique around for 20/28 shotshell reloading anyway. I keep an 8 pounder around.
My last guns I die with will be in 44mag and 20/28 gauge for shotgun and I'll just stock one powder and get rid of all the other bullshit. Im in the process of thinning now.....
The only other rifle I will keep is a 6.5 manbun or .243 for any distance hunting. No more 30-06 or anything bigger, that shit is going to my son. These calibers kill most shit plenty dead without recoil.
Of course my go bag (lol) will have the AR15 and mags, 9mm PCC with glock boomsticks, and a couple glock or glock compatable mag 9's in it. But that's all bought and paid for.....