I definitely agree on having more specific requirements, such as having some sort of combat action identifier such as CIB, CAB, ETC... Veteran, to me, is a person who had to, at one point or another, put their life in some sort of danger, to accomplish a mission of tactical value. This being said, it applies mostly to any one who is "boots on ground". If someone were to get Veteran plates, without meeting my personal criteria, I would call them a fraud, and give them a good dose of "Military Persuasion" via "Shower Party"
Of course it will help with tickets and such...but that shouldn't be something to rely on, let alone something you shoudln't be doing, within reason of course
![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
. Just stay safe for the rest of us other veteran please.