Oh, I already understood just fine. The approach if not the letter of his laws. I was commenting on the apparent senselessness of that approach. The man is either a bird brain or doesn't mind appearing as a bird brain to further his agenda, which I assume is to advance his political carreer, not make the Commonwealth safe.
Like many folks, I found out how senseless the MA gun laws are when I saw and liked a particular gun. Oops, can't have it. Well, maybe this one. Nope, can't have that one either. And so on, down the list until I got to the one with the training wheels. Oh, you can have that one...
As we all know, the AG and the rest of the anti-gun political forces work with imagery and emotional appeal, not facts and reason. How else could it be that an M1 carbine could be considered so vicious with its tinfoil magazine of 10 "pistol" rounds whereas the M1 with merely 8 rounds of cute little 30.06 is legally so warm and cuddly?
And bayonet lugs? I'm glad we had that under control, those wholesale bayonettings were begining to hurt the tourist industry on Cape Cod.
Does Reilly know which end of a gun is the loud one?