Why are 19 year olds in high school?

Feb 19, 2008
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I had a friend who was a cop in Springfield and he mentioned they throw kids out of school at 22 yo. I said there are a fair number of 22yo seniors. He stated no some were sophomores juniors and a freshman or two. Those men are not there to learn but rather, to conduct business is what he said.
Federal law requires public schools to keep "kids" in school until they are 22.

My wife taught in Brockton and Woonsocket and it was not unusual to have 21 year old men in 9th Grade with 14-15 year old girls. Many of whom ended up pregnant. Also she knew of a few "students" who had been in prison who were back in school.

She had a few girls in her classes that had two cell phones. One personal and one for business.

I'll leave to y'all to figure out what kind of business.

I had a friend who was a cop in Springfield and he mentioned they throw kids out of school at 22 yo. I said there are a fair number of 22yo seniors. He stated no some were sophomores juniors and a freshman or two. Those men are not there to learn but rather, to conduct business is what he said.
Years ago they would hold kids back a grade, unlike today where some kids graduate who can barely read or do simple math.
When my parents moved to a new town in 1969 I started 8th grade. There was a kid who sat in front of me who looked way to old to be in
8th grade. Come to fine out he had been kept back several times. So many times that when he stopped showing up for class I asked my
classmates what was going on with him I was told he quit school to join the Army. That means he must have been held back maybe 4 times
in school. Yea he was definitely dumber than the proverbial box of rocks.
Years ago they would hold kids back a grade, unlike today where some kids graduate who can barely read or do simple math.
When my parents moved to a new town in 1969 I started 8th grade. There was a kid who sat in front of me who looked way to old to be in
8th grade. Come to fine out he had been kept back several times. So many times that when he stopped showing up for class I asked my
classmates what was going on with him I was told he quit school to join the Army. That means he must have been held back maybe 4 times
in school. Yea he was definitely dumber than the proverbial box of rocks.
I subbed for two years before I got a full time teaching job.

The first day I subbed it was for a language arts teacher. I had a 7th grade class. Took attendance and was just about to start the lesson when a rather large male student said he had to leave. I asked why, and he said he had to go to work. He left class.

While I was on the intercom to the office to tell them what had happened I heard a motorcycle start up and my student rode off. He wasn't lying. He attended school for a half day and then went to work... at a garage.

It was at that point when I came to the conclusion that having kids held back to repeat grades wasn't working out too well. Lol
Somewhere in Florida....

A boy comes home from school

"Daddy Daddy I have the biggest penis of all the 5th graders!"

to which Dad replies "what to you expect you're 21 years old"
they dumb no spell good read bad math backwards
just kidding it is because they can't get that lowercase cursive z down... rirruto?
Federal law requires public schools to keep "kids" in school until they are 22.

My wife taught in Brockton and Woonsocket and it was not unusual to have 21 year old men in 9th Grade with 14-15 year old girls. Many of whom ended up pregnant. Also she knew of a few "students" who had been in prison who were back in school.

She had a few girls in her classes that had two cell phones. One personal and one for business.

I'll leave to y'all to figure out what kind of business.
Selling Girl Scout cookies?
They now do "social promotion" because they don't want the kid to be "stigmatized" because they are a grade behind their friends.

There there is this,

Years ago they would hold kids back a grade, unlike today where some kids graduate who can barely read or do simple math.
When my parents moved to a new town in 1969 I started 8th grade. There was a kid who sat in front of me who looked way to old to be in
8th grade. Come to fine out he had been kept back several times. So many times that when he stopped showing up for class I asked my
classmates what was going on with him I was told he quit school to join the Army. That means he must have been held back maybe 4 times
in school. Yea he was definitely dumber than the proverbial box of rocks.
I had a friend who was a cop in Springfield and he mentioned they throw kids out of school at 22 yo. I said there are a fair number of 22yo seniors. He stated no some were sophomores juniors and a freshman or two. Those men are not there to learn but rather, to conduct business is what he said.
A Florida teacher wrote an essay on what it was like teaching black students. One thing he mentioned was the young black men that went but did not attend any classes. They were there to sell drugs to students and meet girls.
They now do "social promotion" because they don't want the kid to be "stigmatized" because they are a grade behind their friends.

There there is this,
Sadly, this isn't a new problem.

I started college in 1969. I was chagrinned to find out that a fairly large percentage of incoming freshmen had to take a remedial reading course. They simply couldn't read material at a college level.

If they weren't fluent readers, what were they doing in college? 🤔
Oooh, my brother might have been 19 in HS. Lemme do the math. . . . it was a WHILE ago. . . . .

Class of 81. Born'd in 63. No. He was late 18. But he was held back in 1st or second grade. I could never figure out growing up how he was 6 yrs older than me but only 5 grades ahead.

The plus for him was having a DL (back when you could get it at 16 and your LP at 15.5) before anyone else. I swore he was in the "donut" of drinking age extension, but he wasn't. He missed it by about 15 months or so. But he did have a killer fake ID - which were far easier to obtain at that time.
Sadly, this isn't a new problem.

I started college in 1969. I was chagrinned to find out that a fairly large percentage of incoming freshmen had to take a remedial reading course. They simply couldn't read material at a college level.

If they weren't fluent readers, what were they doing in college? 🤔
Harvard is now offering remedial Math classes

Meh. I graduated in 1976 from a fairly affluent community HS. Plenty of 19 year olds. Kids get sick, get held back a year, learning disabilities, start school late.
lots if reasons.

Now 22 years old? That's effed up
Meh. I graduated in 1976 from a fairly affluent community HS. Plenty of 19 year olds. Kids get sick, get held back a year, learning disabilities, start school late.
lots if reasons.

Now 22 years old? That's effed up
That is why I went to the Voke, there was no such thing as a do over there, you made the grade or you went back to WHS

And I was 17 when I graduated, same year as you

So any comment on the shooting in our home town the other night?

Kid was out on bail about to go on trial for being the driver of a car that fled after a passenger shot someone dead in a 7-11 parking lot in Malden in 2021, plus the fine young man from Somerville by way of Haiti who somehow ended up living in a a house along the lake also had an arrest in Medford last fall for Possession with intent to distribute Class B schedule drugs....

Me thinks he was being offered a deal by the D.A. for testifying against the trigger man, and the other guy wanted to make sure he didn't get a chance to do so.... but he is still alive for the moment. Lots of bullet holes in the side of his car. Never get trapped at the end of a cul de sac with no way out.
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