Woman Punts Puppy: What Would You Have Done If You Were Armed???

I can't see the link, but armed or not, I'd take out my phone, snap a picture/video and (if possible) her car, and report it as a crime. Yes, I know that snitches get stitches.
If she was in the act, I would protect my dog with appropriate force until she stopped.

Then I would IMMEDIATELY call police and present my side of the story first. Complete with hurt dog.

What Would You Have Done If You Were Armed???

I would do the same thing I would do anytime I am armed and not in life danger. I would get the hell out of there. I am not brandishing a firearm over pet abuse, even if it were my pet.

I am a pet lover, I don't have a dog but I have birds. I am not losing my permit (or worse) to make a point about how much I love my pet. (But I live in MA).
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