NES Member
The only trade off I see being beneficial would be this. They get universal background checks we get national reciprocity plus a federal preemption law. A standard that would bring ban states in line with federal law. This is of course a pipe dream.
As mentioned before, national reciprocity would set up a standard based on more rather than less stringent gun control states requirements. I can clearly visualize Murphy and Blumenthal pounding the pulpit saying that they're not entering an agreement unless all states have the same requirements as theirs.
I cannot say clearly enough that residents of states like Massachusetts and Connecticut are so used to the restrictions placed upon their lives through gun control laws that they are shocked when they move to free states.
If you want a carry permit - CT requires an approved gun handling course. Some towns require reference letters. Many require an interview with the police chief. Then of course you do have the fairly standard requirements that you get photographed, finger printed and run through NICS. Which can literally take months, depending upon the town/state.
I walked into Probate court down here, provided my driver's license as ID, had my pic taken, had my fingerprints taken, filled out the app. 8 days later I had my GA weapons permit.
I'm getting ready to go summer in CT, and I've got at least 7 rifles and 3 pistols that are perfectly legal here that I can't bring into CT. Not to mention the 50+ "high capacity" magazines that can't be brought up there.
As I write this, there are no children in my house, (other than me on my third childhood). There's a G43X sitting in an opened micro-vault in the bedroom. There's a G17 in my knapsack. I shot a match yesterday and left my range bag on the bench in the garage - that's two more unsecured handguns.
"Proper" national reciprocity in my eyes would simply be "If your state of residence has issued you a weapons permit - we'll honor it" - just like a driver's license. I don't see that happening.