It doesn't f***ing matter what the guy in the truck did or not while driving. The moment you escalate like rager did, you become part of tthe problem and likely exceed theto be clear, the 'victim' was just driving behind this duesch and got brake checked for no reason whatsoever lol?
"original offender" by a mile.
Also "brake checking" is always more faggot maneuvers that directly escalate and lead shit like this. "Oh let me brake check this guy because he offended me. "
Only faggots do that shit. Just drive away instead. It's a lot easier. "ZOMG IM SO OFFENDED BY THE BAD DRIVING I HAVE TO BE MORE RETARDED THAN HIM!!! GWBWEEEEEUH!": its the most f***ed concept ive ever heard of. "Yeah let me induce someone to possibly rear end my car because he exposed me to danger before, so ill intentionally induce it some more" I guess the thinking is maybe they can commit insurance fraud or something? not sure. its coo-coo retard thinking.