Would you shoot this ahole?

They charged him with, among other things, attempted armed robbery? The guy is an utter moron, but, attempted armed robbery? Is that because he attempted to grab the phone?

“He was slapped with slew of charges, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, attempted armed robbery and simple battery.”

Florida literally has a law called robbery by sudden snatching.

812.131 Robbery by sudden snatching.—
(1) “Robbery by sudden snatching” means the taking of money or other property from the victim’s person, with intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the victim or the owner of the money or other property, when, in the course of the taking, the victim was or became aware of the taking. In order to satisfy this definition, it is not necessary to show that:
(a) The offender used any amount of force beyond that effort necessary to obtain possession of the money or other property; or
(b) There was any resistance offered by the victim to the offender or that there was injury to the victim’s person.
(2)(a) If, in the course of committing a robbery by sudden snatching, the offender carried a firearm or other deadly weapon, the robbery by sudden snatching is a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
I encountered Florida man within 5 minutes of entering the state and it consisted of a guy driving like a Suzuki Swift or whatever that little f***ing car they make is. I think the guy was about like at least 400 lb and perhaps steering the car with his stomach and basically he must have had his foot just mashed into the accelerator of that little thing continuously because he was basically going full retard and weaving in and out of cars and then cut me off so that he could get to an exit ramp three seconds faster... 🤣
Reminds me of the first and only time I've been to Chicago: We get out of the airport and head straight to a place to grab coffee and breakfast. Waiting in line, guy comes in and steals a whole bunch of things off the counter and walks out. Go figure [laugh]
I don't understand the concept of 'brake check", if you hit your brakes causing the guy behind you to rear-end you, don't you get your own car trashed as well? Is the idea that someone hitting the front of their car against the rear of your car would cause more damage to their car?
It's some game retards play. It makes more sense if they're driving a junk but these days with every other driver having a camera it looks like a great way to get arrested for insurance fraud. I'm sure @Buck F has seen some whackadoodle stuff based on a rear end collision that didn't go the stereotypical way in the aftermath when someone got caught doing it on purpose.
I don't understand the concept of 'brake check", if you hit your brakes causing the guy behind you to rear-end you, don't you get your own car trashed as well? Is the idea that someone hitting the front of their car against the rear of your car would cause more damage to their car?
When you get rear-ended, insurance companies will always assign the blame to the person rear-ending you, meaning they take the hit on their deductible and their rates. That doesn't make brake checking someone anything but a d!ck move, though.
I don't understand the concept of 'brake check", if you hit your brakes causing the guy behind you to rear-end you, don't you get your own car trashed as well? Is the idea that someone hitting the front of their car against the rear of your car would cause more damage to their car?
As I understood it, the idea is to tap it lightly on a guy up[ on your bumper so he will reflexively hit his brakes while you only slightly used yours and you keep going
It's some game retards play. It makes more sense if they're driving a junk but these days with every other driver having a camera it looks like a great way to get arrested for insurance fraud. I'm sure @Buck F has seen some whackadoodle stuff based on a rear end collision that didn't go the stereotypical way in the aftermath when someone got caught doing it on purpose.

Don't even talk to me about rear end collisions. Just yesterday I backed into the painting contractor's truck parked in my driveway. Rear end to rear end... crunch!

Actually, haven't seen much in the way of fraud relating to rear end collisions. Have had a case or two over the years where the other party tried to say they were backed into at a traffic light but that doesn't usually go very far. Have had many try and get out of being found at fault when they rear end someone but that rarely if ever happens. Can't imagine the level of bullshit we'd have to deal with if the standard of fault wasn't that you're more than 50% at fault if you rear end someone.

What we see most are "my daughter ran the car off the road.... trying to avoid a deer". I can almost script the call, which is usually from dad, when it's a single vehicle accident & precious pumpkin ran the car into a ditch. It's always trying to avoid a deer - during the middle of the day in July. We also sometimes get claims stating the car was hit in a parking lot when it clearly wasn't.

Regarding the topic of this thread- I would first make every effort to retreat. If that didn't work I'd shelter in place.
There was a road rage case not that far away from me mid July. Two guys got into it on the road and then decided to get more stupid at a traffic light. Both go out of their vehicles and started to fight, one pulled his gun and shot the other dead.

That particular city straddles two counties, one of which is Travis. Travis is where Austin is and the county DA is a Leftist. The shooting happened in the part that is in Travis, so the shooter has been charged with murder. From people I know that know the details of what happened, if he had been in the other county, the DA wouldn't have had him arrested although he'd submit the case to a Grand Jury.

Of course if neither guy had got out of his vehicle, one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be in jail awaiting trial.
I've commented in other threads that if I were a Statie assigned to that area I could write 50 citations a day just from stopping RI drivers. As someone I know who moved to RI from MA said, they are a combination of arrogant and stupid behind the wheel.

Tell me you've never been to Providence, RI without telling me you've never been to Providence, RI (with Rt 24 as a bonus).
So I’ve been going to Daytona every year for the last 12 years. I’ve seen crazy. We landed one year and went to the market before going to the condo. My wife and I turned the corner in the market just in time to see this guy bashing his kid into the food shelving !! Before I could comprehend what I was seeing, my wife jumped on the guy and started throwing punches at the guy ! Long story short…. The guy left in cuffs and we held on to he boy until his mother showed up.
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