Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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For all those cop bashers out there. "should through them in jail" and "I'm trained probably more that they were!". Quarterbacking this event from you keyboard must me tough. Oh wait you went through that "3 day shoot and survival school" so I guess they should have called you when the SHTF.
Easy now !!

Pretty sure I wouldnt shit my pants and unload on a truck traveling 5 mph and throwing newspapers out the window.
Just to be clear, not trying to be confrontational. You're comparing the targeted assassination of innocent family members to the mistaken shooting of a vehicle that was similar to the suspect vehicle, approaching a targeted residence, in a suspicious manner? Because the wrong people were shot, the police were in the argument there. But I feel it was a tragic accident, not an intentional murder, and that holds less culpability but does not make them immune to responsibility.
my problem wit LAPD reviewing the shooting to see what should be done with the officers firing on the pickup it is like the Vatican investigating pedo priest. if it was an independent review I would feel a lot better
Just to be clear, not trying to be confrontational. You're comparing the targeted assassination of innocent family members to the mistaken shooting of a vehicle that was similar to the suspect vehicle, approaching a targeted residence, in a suspicious manner? Because the wrong people were shot, the police were in the argument there. But I feel it was a tragic accident, not an intentional murder, and that holds less culpability but does not make them immune to responsibility.

You're right, opening fire on a blue Toyota Tacoma with two old ladies driving is just a simple mistake. I mean, it's very similar to a silver Nissan Titan with a large black man driving.

He killed a child raised on dollars gained through corruption and an officer in a corrupt police department. The cops opened fire on a vehicle NOTHING LIKE the suspects vehicle because they were scared. I'd rather take my chances with a guy that is targeting corrupt individuals and their family than the indiscriminate murdering rampage that the LAPD is on.
Just to be clear, not trying to be confrontational. You're comparing the targeted assassination of innocent family members to the mistaken shooting of a vehicle that was similar to the suspect vehicle, approaching a targeted residence, in a suspicious manner? Because the wrong people were shot, the police were in the argument there. But I feel it was a tragic accident, not an intentional murder, and that holds less culpability but does not make them immune to responsibility.

No it sounds like intentional murder to me. They just didn't know who it was they were murdering. In the case of the newspaper ladies, bullets were hitting other cars in the neighborhood? Were they blind firing a krinkov one handed over their squad car?? Even if that WAS him in the car, that's a RIDICULOUS way to handle the situation. If you open fire like that on a suspected target without some type of legitimate attempt at confirmation, you may as well be intentionally killing civilians. All I can say, and flame me for it if you will, this Dorner guy picked his targets and wasn't blind firing into a crowded neighborhood. This whole situation is FUBAR.
It doesn't matter if it what kind of truck they shot up... It could of been a silver Nissan Titan you still don't know who's driving it. This is total bull shit so far he's been right about the LAPD in my eyes.
For those that were questioning why the police at Big Bear had snow/duck boots... this is a pretty good answer:
Just to be clear, not trying to be confrontational. You're comparing the targeted assassination of innocent family members to the mistaken shooting of a vehicle that was similar to the suspect vehicle, approaching a targeted residence, in a suspicious manner? Because the wrong people were shot, the police were in the argument there. But I feel it was a tragic accident, not an intentional murder, and that holds less culpability but does not make them immune to responsibility.

Similar to the suspect vehicle how? Different make/model/color/ they were both pickups. What if the suspect vehicle was a sedan of some sort. [thinking]
He killed a child raised on dollars gained through corruption and an officer in a corrupt police department.
Well, how can I compete with an argument based on facts and logic. I had a cop be mean to me once too, maybe they DO deserve this. :screwy:
Just to be clear, not trying to be confrontational. You're comparing the targeted assassination of innocent family members to the mistaken shooting of a vehicle that was similar to the suspect vehicle, approaching a targeted residence, in a suspicious manner? Because the wrong people were shot, the police were in the argument there. But I feel it was a tragic accident, not an intentional murder, and that holds less culpability but does not make them immune to responsibility.

Let me guess, are you an active LEO by any chance? Anyone saying firing on blue Toyota with 2 women in it instead of silver Nissan with one guy, from the back and without any warning is not a murder is contributing to the problem. How is that not an intentional murder again? Ah, that's cause it was cops that did it, right? And they almost always get cleared of murdering civilians and that makes it OK, right?
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Just to be clear, not trying to be confrontational. You're comparing the targeted assassination of innocent family members to the mistaken shooting of a vehicle that was similar to the suspect vehicle, approaching a targeted residence, in a suspicious manner? Because the wrong people were shot, the police were in the argument there. But I feel it was a tragic accident, not an intentional murder, and that holds less culpability but does not make them immune to responsibility.

This is America, not a war zone. The police firing on anyone should meet the highest standard of self defense. This was no better than a random drive by. And let's be clear: this was a cowardly act from officers panicked and frightened. They made a clear decision to devalue the lives of innocent people. That is inexcusable, period. It's not a "tragic accident". Culpability is complete. Any attempt to walk back an incident like this only inflames the situation. The police should own it and make those officers responsible to the fullest extent possible. Otherwise, we just see one more example of why someone might decide to declare war on a corrupt and abusive police force. What would you do if your wife or mother were in that truck?
Let me guess, are you an active LEO by any chance? Anyone saying firing on blue Toyota with 2 women in it instead of silver Nissan with one guy, from the back and without any warning is not a murder is contributing to the problem. How is that not an intentional murder again? Ah, that's cause it was cops that did it, right? And they almost always get cleared of murdering civilians and that makes it OK, right?

No, I'm not. And I'm not defending them, I think when the smoke clears there is a high probability they will be held accountable. Or covered up. Or railroaded. Lots of Monday morning quarterbacking going on, which is fine if its your prerogative. Facts aren't always as crystal clear as what is reported by the media after the fact. It's clear some have an anti-police agenda, which is just fine. But its clear those feelings are coloring statements more than facts.
No, I'm not. And I'm not defending them, I think when the smoke clears there is a high probability they will be held accountable. Or covered up. Or railroaded. Lots of Monday morning quarterbacking going on, which is fine if its your prerogative. Facts aren't always as crystal clear as what is reported by the media after the fact. It's clear some have an anti-police agenda, which is just fine. But its clear those feelings are coloring statements more than facts.

Most of us have _0_ faith that the officers will be held accountable for ATTEMPTED MURDER as there has already been an explanation offered by their chief stating it was an unfortunate accident. I've stated this previously, the ex-cop is going after specific high value targets, the cops are indiscriminately (attempting to) kill innocent civilians with no fear of repercussions.
lol wow...1 MOA on a coin with bullet holes in it. This guy is theatrical for sure. I'd be in my panic room if I received that package. Fortunately for Anderson, he seems ignorant of it, and its probably not intended for him anyways. Scary shit. So whats he saying? See what I can do at 100 yards? [thinking]
z0mbi, I counted damn near forty shots on the rear of the cab alone! It looks like another thirty on the tailgate.

Talk about horrifying. Inexcusable.
**** every one of you who support this man or what he is doing. He is another disgruntled murdered who appears to have been mistreated by corrupt police, BUT THAT DOES JUSTIFY KILLING INNOCENTS.

He killed the daughter and fiance of the man who defended him at his BOR hearing. This is indefensible, and whatever his ideological war, HE WILL LOSE. As soon as he is dead, back to business as usual. The way you fix a corrupt police department is by shifting the good guys who have the strength of character to do something about it into positions of power, not murdering the families of current and former officers.

Also, **** the cops who think that its alright to shoot up any car that they suspect may be his. I pray the the LEOs with itchy trigger fingers in CA right now can get a grip on their emotions and capture/kill him before he kills anyone else without sustaining any more stupid casualties amongst innocent civilians.
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z0mbi, I counted damn near forty shots on the rear of the cab alone! It looks like another thirty on the tailgate.

Talk about horrifying. Inexcusable.

Don't forget the several on the house behind the truck... and this is just what we can see. All four of the trucks tires are flat, too, and supposedly multiple houses and unrelated vehicles were also struck.
Don't forget the several on the house behind the truck... and this is just what we can see. All four of the trucks tires are flat, too, and supposedly multiple houses and unrelated vehicles were also struck.

It's insanity. I'm absolutely horrified after picturing myself being behind the wheel of that truck. I didn't even think to check the tires, but I did hear about the houses and other cars. Scary, scary, stuff. Justice must be served.
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