Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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From what I understand most police officers aren't crack shots. Hence why Jose was shot 60 times, they just shoot until they run out of ammo and hope for the best.

It is routine to see dozens and dozens of rounds fired when police believe they need to shoot someone. But somehow a mere commoner on his own is supposed to do the job with 10 rounds or less.
Some images:






Count the tagged hits...

Looks like they also shot the Honda (3 bullets through the front windshield) anybody working in Law Enforcement and looking for a Nissan could 'accidentially' shoot at Hondas and Toyotas is beyond my imagination.

By the way - looks like the AR-15 platform is a very common weapon system among 'civilians' (= non military) to protect themselves.
From what I understand most police officers aren't crack shots. Hence why Jose was shot 60 times, they just shoot until they run out of ammo and hope for the best.

I just read about Jose. Horrible. If a citizen shot someone 60 times in SELF-DEFENSE, even a 21st century John Wayne Gacy, they'd do some ****ing TIME.
Called 9-1-1 because the police were shooting at him

LAPD gunfire hits Torrance homes, cars

"When I heard all the pop-pop-popping, I dropped to the ground, crawled around and pulled my wife out of the bed and I got on top of her," he said.

Goo said he could hear the bullets hitting the door, and he feared the gunmen were coming through the house. He called 911 and was told that police were already there.
By the way - looks like the AR-15 platform is a very common weapon system among 'civilians' (= non military) to protect themselves.

And look, they have adjustable stocks to fit the big guy AND the small guy, I can see why they must be banned.
At least the dogs in LA are able to sleep safe now that the cops have bigger worries.

Is anyone else reminded of Bonnie and Clyde's car? At least that ambush was in a secluded area.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for this guy? The manifesto is all over the map. but this guy did a lot of things right until now. Institutional racism would make anyone crazy.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for this guy? The manifesto is all over the map. but this guy did a lot of things right until now. Institutional racism would make anyone crazy.

You're not the only one. Anyone who thinks the LAPD can be straightened out in any other method than this clearly needs to try spending some more time there. This is just the end game of what you're left with when "the system" has no actual method of correcting itself.
Some new info. Video of him during police training. Some super-duper 'weapons expert' modified weaver footage *snicker*

Am I the only one who feels sorry for this guy? The manifesto is all over the map. but this guy did a lot of things right until now. Institutional racism would make anyone crazy.

I read the first bit of it. I plan on reading the whole thing tonight. At least once.

The story about being picked on seemed to be transformative.

Words don't hurt, but it's the unbridled hate behind the words that hurt. And it looks like he got too much of it.
What if he decides to surrender? Seems like the LAPD won't let that happen. What's the chances of Dorner saw something he wasn't supposed to and now the police want him gone? And they use the media to paint him as a bad guy to get the public on their side.
Whether Dorner is right on wrong, this story tells us exactly the reason why civilians must not be disarmed. Against the overbearing power of state, a rifle (or rifles) is the only tool that can even the odds a little for an individual. Not every grievance would come to an armed standoff or a situation like this, but knowing that even one person, when pushed to the extreme, can instill this much fear to an institution, provides a crucial balance of power much needed for a free society.
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