Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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If he decides to surrender it will last all of 1 minute and the first officer that puts a bullet in his head is gonna get a medal.

if police are shooting anyone who looks like him in a truck, this aint gonna end well.

And people still want the police to be the only ones with guns.
What if he decides to surrender? Seems like the LAPD won't let that happen. What's the chances of Dorner saw something he wasn't supposed to and now the police want him gone? And they use the media to paint him as a bad guy to get the public on their side.

What could he possibly see? The lapd shoots people in front of the world with impunity.
Has anyone fully read his manifesto?

He's letting out all of our secrets.

I did. I read all of the manifesto last night and my comment was that I wish I was able to read a manifesto from Adam Lanza. I agree with garandman. I feel sorry for him also. But when he started killing people he went way too far. He was over the edge.

I guess my question is, "Knowing how corrupt the system is, could he have done anything else to change it?"
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In essence he's proving his point about the LAPD and the media is not seeing it... They are shooting innocent people without any thought for civilians.
In essence he's proving his point about the LAPD and the media is not seeing it... They are shooting innocent people without any thought for civilians.

When I was reading his manifesto it occurred to me that maybe the 30 rounds into the pickup truck and the shooting of innocent people was a fake news story meant to infuriate him and flush him out. I guess I was hoping that the LAPD wasn't so blatantly proving his point.
And they use the media to paint him as a bad guy to get the public on their side.
See my post #204.

The cops will (have to) start some counterintelligence of some sort. Make him look bad, make him look crazy. From now on, I will stop believing anything in the media/press that is supposed to make him look like a nutjob, because I really believe he isn't one
It's just how govt agencies proceed. And the media is on board. Always. Makes for a better story anyway.
I don't know. I was just raising the question. It just seems like they want him dead real bad. And will put 60 holes in him if he even shows his face.

Questions you wouldn't have to ask if you read the manifesto.

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When I was reading his manifesto it occurred to me that maybe the 30 rounds into the pickup truck and the shooting of innocent people was a fake news story meant to infuriate him and flush him out. I guess I was hoping that the LAPD wasn't so blatantly proving his point.

Those are some epic mental gymnastics.
From what I understand most police officers aren't crack shots. Hence why Jose was shot 60 times, they just shoot until they run out of ammo and hope for the best.
This is the exact argument I've gotten from several people as to why we need to ban and confiscate regular capacity magazines - "People normally stop shooting when they have to change magazines. If we limit gang bangers to 7 rounds, then they'll probably just keep driving after 7 rounds instead of emptying 30 and hitting someone's mother or child."

Maybe that's why LaRue isn't shipping regular capacity magazines to places where there's a mag limit in place. [laugh]

lol wow...1 MOA on a coin with bullet holes in it. This guy is theatrical for sure. I'd be in my panic room if I received that package. Fortunately for Anderson, he seems ignorant of it, and its probably not intended for him anyways. Scary shit. So whats he saying? See what I can do at 100 yards? [thinking]
"Probably with a .22" - Yeah...maybe a .22 at 100 yards. [laugh]
"It's a marksmanship term" - Yep, but it took you a while to get that, eh?
"Three bullet holes in the center and one in the upper edge" - Given that you didn't get "1 M.O.A.", I'm not expecting you to get a 5-shot group, or figure out that you can put two bullets through a hole.

Interesting watching the guy he brought on, though. Visibly uncomfortable.
From what I understand most police officers aren't crack shots. Hence why Jose was shot 60 times, they just shoot until they run out of ammo and hope for the best.

You really can't say. They're individuals with varying degrees of skill. Each police force has different levels of training, some better than others. In the end it comes down to who can shoot best under stress. You can lump all cops together. Same with their attitude towards the public. Some are good, some are bad, most are in the middle.
Though Beck said he does not doubt the women did not hear any verbal commands, he emphasized that it was still possible the officers did attempt to stop the vehicle before opening fire. After the investigation is completed, Beck and an oversight board will decide if officers were justified in the shooting or made mistakes that warrant either punishment or training.

This from the COP! This will be completely covered up and these people get a big payday for something that should warrant jail time for these cops.
Let me guess, are you an active LEO by any chance? Anyone saying firing on blue Toyota with 2 women in it instead of silver Nissan with one guy, from the back and without any warning is not a murder is contributing to the problem. How is that not an intentional murder again? Ah, that's cause it was cops that did it, right? And they almost always get cleared of murdering civilians and that makes it OK, right?

Murder typically involves death.
Some new info. Video of him during police training. Some super-duper 'weapons expert' modified weaver footage *snicker*


00:09 of the video, can this idiot reporter be any more dramatic ?
One thing I'm finding interesting is the public statements made by the LAPD.......
It appears to me, while his manifesto is all over the place, they are going out of their way to paint this guy as extraordinarily whacko....LAPD being aided by the MSM.
Yeah, you kind of need a screw loose to do this kind of thing, but he seems to be doing things in a calculated manner. It looks to me like the LAPD realize their best chance at success is to keep pushing the psychological buttons that set him off in the first place: Call it a clean termination, mental/physical abuse(via ex-gf's statement), protecting their own (more out of fear than strategy).
On top of that, painting him as a threat to the general populace, a threat that has yet to be realized.
The strategy being: Infuriate the man. Make him angry and irrational. Push him to make a mistake.

Not just that, but mentally sway any possible community sympathizers, since he has made it clear he is picking his targets strictly from LAPD and related. In a city like LA, his choice of targets will make him many friends, even if he is killing relatives. The LAPD need to make those potential fans scared.

It is one big PsyOps game by the LAPD since they are scared shitless by a man they have done wrong who possesses a skill set better than many of their own.

This whole thing scares me. But it doesn't scare me because I have relatives out there in CA. It doesn't scare me because I think Dorner would harm them, should they cross paths..
It scares me because LAPD created this monster and clearly don't care who gets mowed down in the course of apprehension.
It also scares me that the LAPD can create this kind of monster.

A previous poster said something that keeps bouncing around my head. I think it was a brilliant statement and I'm about to do it an injustice by slaughtering it in my paraphrasing..
"Sometimes, people create monsters and those monsters consume them"
It's funny how the MSM has completely missed the fact that this guy passed existing LAPD psychological screening that, in theory, should have weeded him out BEFORE ever being hired.
Whether Dorner is right on wrong
He became WRONG the minute he started killing people. Bin Laden, Tim McVeigh, and John Muhammad all had grievances against "the man" too, do you sympathize with them as well?
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