Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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There is a point at which all cops get lumped together and suffer the same fate because the good ones fail to weed out the bad.

The LAPD have opened fire on two vehicles without provocation since this started and you really have the tenacity to ask us for proof they've collectively gone off the deep end?

Whatever lingering sympathy I may have had left is gone after these incidents. Police are openly shooting civilians with ZERO REPERCUSSIONS. They deserve what they get.

The LAPD failed in yet another opportunity to stand for something good. They should have called out these shootings above everything else.

"We will talk about Mr. Dorner later, but right now we need to make it clear that our officers made unacceptable decisions to fire on those vehicles and the people in them. Everyone involved has been taken off duty without pay and will face the full consequences available under the law. We will hold ourselves to a higher standard. The officers who opened fire will be treated no better than gang members in a drive-by, and if I have any say about it they will be treated more harshly. There are no circumstances where that sort of behavior is tolerable -- not of law enforcement or of anyone else. Our job is to protect and serve the people of Los Angeles. We failed. Fixing that is now and will always be our first priority. We want you watch us do just that -- hold us to that standard. Every part of our investigation of our own will be open to the public. We will not hide behind our jobs. We will not conduct an investigation of our own in secret. Now on to Mr. Dorner, who we note is a dangerous man and previously one of our own as well."

If they said something like that and followed through I might give a damn about a man hunting them. As it is, I honestly can't care about a force that itself is just as dangerous (if not more so) than the criminals.
From his perspective:

He should just turn himself in and call it a day.

Aside from killing the innocent people, he will draw sympathy from some in the public after they read the whole uncensored manifesto.

All he wanted was to get his name back and if he can keep himself alive, he will be able to justify his actions.

I think lots of people and his future prison mates will appreciate what he has gone through.

He wants his 15 minutes. If he stays alive, he will get much more than that accomplish "his" goals.

My perspective:

We all know what he did was wrong and he needs to meet justice.

I'd rather he be much more successful in his current path. I think much more good would come from a purge than him having his day in court.
This is truly an odd story. I'm not sure which side I should fall on.

Is this guy a tyrant, or is he a patriot?

Do I just need more information to answer that question? Maybe I just haven't read enough. I'm off to read his "manifesto" now.
He's a tyrant, LAPD are tyrants. Let's hope they both lose.

If you, because you have a grudge against "TPTB" or Cops or whomever, support Chris Dornan:

Consider the following:

His manifesto that supported the Illegitimate Usurper Barry Soetero and Feinstein and the Gun Grab has been scrubbed and whitewashed because it embarrasses TPTB.

It embarrasses them because Chris Dornan DRINKS THE KOOL-AID they serve and he murders people with firearms when he feels "wronged".

That is not adhering to the script. The script is as follows:
White, Christian, Conservative gun owners are the enemy of tolerant, kind, peace loving people everywhere and they will march to your child's school and kill the children because Obama is black and has no birth certificate, so we MUST take their guns.

That is the script.

If Dornan professed his love of Bushmaster AR-15's and the NRA can you imagine the media reaction to this drama? It would read something like this:

"NRA member threatens children of police officers, shoots and kills cop with AR-15 assault rifle...says he is "Ready for war"..PANIC!!!"

Would you proudly stand with Chris Dornan then?

But Chris Dornan doesn't believe YOU should be allowed ANY firearms. Because he is a Liberal.

In the final act of the above script is where the police are tasked with rounding up firearms and firearms owners.

I am employed by a Type 07 FFL, We bill ourselves as "Tactical Weapons Specialists")

I sell private firearms to private citizens who are also LEOs. They are buying guns at the same pace as the general public right now for the same reason you are. They are TO A MAN, not on board with gun control and WILL NOT go door-to-door. They know that it is Unconstitutional.

I am in Massachusetts. The home of Liberalism.

Even here, the average patrol officer is on our side. They are on our side because they know we are not the "problem" when it comes to criminal misuse of firearms.

If people who voice support for the murder of police officers and their families keep it up, there will be many more officers who WILL see you as the enemy. It's not a "cop thing"'s a decency thing. Two wrongs don't make a right.

If you support anything but the capture of this wild animal, you are at best a Useful Idiot.
This guy is just another moron, criminal, big-government loving liberal with a gun and an enemies list. His efforts HURT our cause. If you fail to see that plain truth, I don't need to know anything more about you.

The original manifesto can be viewed here:

Specific family members are named as well as friends of Dornan.
If anything were to be added to the original by whomever, (which is what some lefties claim) why not that Dornan was a Tea Partier? A right wing Christian? A gun lover?
Because Dorner is a LIBERAL.
Like Jared Laughner.
Like James Holmes.
like the Virginia Tech shooter.

This is what LIBERALS with guns do, kill people who make them angry. They don't want YOU having one because they think YOU will kill THEM when you have a bad day like they do.

Believe what you will, but know why you believe it. The original manifesto has been scrubbed to save face for the Elites mentioned in the manifesto. Elites like:

Hillary Clinton
Diane Feinstein
Barack H Obama
Bill Cosby
Anderson Cooper (Who received a "package exclusive" from Dornan)
Joe Biden
Chris Christie
Piers Morgan

Read the original I linked to and tell me what your gut says about Mr. Christopher Dornan
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This is truly an odd story. I'm not sure which side I should fall on.

Is this guy a tyrant, or is he a patriot?

Do I just need more information to answer that question? Maybe I just haven't read enough. I'm off to read his "manifesto" now.

It's a**h***s all around in an intra-gang conflict where both sides are acting with indifference to innocent life. There must be some good guys in the LAPD, but I haven't heard one of them speaking in any of the news reports out there. Until one of them publicly calls out those reprehensible clowns who shot at innocent people then I'm just assuming the good guys are irrelevant or don't exist.
No one should be cheering on this dirtbag. Yeah there are quite a few a$$hole cops who should be fired or in prison. But I will not cheer on a guy who executed and innocent young woman and her boyfriend. The cops he shot, where they d bags? Who knows, he certainly didn't when he shot them.

We can all hope dirty cops get what they deserve (not shot but jail, firing, etc) but this guy is shooting random cops, not necessarily the bad ones and innocent people.
Looks like they resumed the search today with air support since the weather lifted. Guess they're not afraid of his .50BMG and his SA7 MANPADs [rofl]
It's a**h***s all around in an intra-gang conflict where both sides are acting with indifference to innocent life. There must be some good guys in the LAPD, but I haven't heard one of them speaking in any of the news reports out there. Until one of them publicly calls out those reprehensible clowns who shot at innocent people then I'm just assuming the good guys are irrelevant or don't exist.

That is what started this whole thing if you believe Dornan. And no they don't exist. They are witnessing what happens if they don't follow the leader. Their leaders are corrupt. And they don't have the balls to step up.
Somebody declared war. Now he's fighting it. War is mean and it's damn ugly. There's nothing personal folks. It's war. You don't bother to count bodies.

Is he right to declare it? Hell I don't know. Is he doing it right? So far, Yes.

As frenchman said it's gorilla warfare. All bets are off and everyone is fair game. If I was LAPD I'd be looking over my shoulder or getting out of the business.

Wait till the copy cats come out of the woodwork.. they gonna have a real problem.
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No one should be cheering on this dirtbag. Yeah there are quite a few a$$hole cops who should be fired or in prison. But I will not cheer on a guy who executed and innocent young woman and her boyfriend. The cops he shot, where they d bags? Who knows, he certainly didn't when he shot them.

We can all hope dirty cops get what they deserve (not shot but jail, firing, etc) but this guy is shooting random cops, not necessarily the bad ones and innocent people.

Good ones should quit and turn in the badge then, if you're wearing the uniform of a JBT how the hell are we supposed to tell that you're not? It's like the south in the 50's, wearing a sheet around but saying "hey, I just come for the pie, I don't hang black people". Guess what, you're wearing the outfit you're on the hook for what the rest of them do.

P.S. Maybe good cops should wear a pink armband or something so we know they are the good ones?
Pay Attention America: The Fourth Reich Is Shooting People! in [Market-Ticker]
Karl Denninger said:
Heads up folks -- one guy provoked this "response" among the so-called "public servants" that believe they're entitled not only to fraudulently-promised and extorted pensions but that they're also entitled to shoot citizens without consequence.

This is a loud, clear warning that exactly the nightmare scenario that I have repeatedly cautioned against and urged the people and our government to stand up and put a stop to has become uncomfortably close to realization.

If you haven't figured out that these so-called "law enforcement officers" will herd you into a gas chamber or just shoot you on the spot given this incident you're not very bright.

And if you are a law enforcement officer and you do not stand with these thugs in LA and their acts you had damned well better stand up and differentiate yourself in a loud, clear and unwavering voice, lest you get lumped in with them whether you deserve it or not.
Somebody declared war. Now he's fighting it. War is mean and it's damn ugly. There's nothing personal folks. It's war. You don't bother to count bodies.

Is he right to declare it? Hell I don't know. Is he doing it right? So far, Yes.

As frenchman said it's gorilla warfare. All bets are off and everyone is fair game. If I was LAPD I'd be looking over my shoulder or getting out of the business.

Wait till the copy cats come out of the woodwork.. they gonna have a real problem.

Nobody "declared war", What the hell are you smoking?

Christopher Dornan was a cop who was let go. Even if it was because he wouldn't lie for another cop that does not mean his actions are justifiable. And no, I am not defending the cowardly LAPD or Torrance PD cops who indiscriminately shot two women. They are wrong as well and should be imprisoned.

I cannot fathom why so many are just tingling to support this confirmed liberal Obama ass-kissing AWB proponent. Are you too stupid to realize he is not your friend or your comrade in the struggle for freedom?
Just because he has a rifle and uses military acronyms and wants to kill cops does not make him a goddamn freedom fighter!
If he was a white, conservative NRA member the mainstream media would be breathlessly telling everyone that "THIS IS PROOF THAT WE NEED TO BAN GUNS!!!"

The fact that they are not is proof that he is one of their own, out to settle a personal score because he feels they ruined his life.
They are downplaying this because it embarrasses them and exposes their belief system for the vile hipocrisy that it is.

If you are stupid enough to confuse this a**h***s vendetta with your longing for peace, justice, the American Way or firearms freedoms you need serious counseling.
This is, as I said before, workplace violence that has spilled out into the streets and has now gotten innocent people hurt and killed.

This guy is a disgruntled former cop. He is a failure at life. He has threatened the innocent children of others. If you hold him up as a hero, I feel pity for your parents. And it's "guerilla warfare" not gorilla warfare. And if you think school children are "fair game" as you put it, how are you any different than Adam Lanza?

Grow up dude. And save your "war is hell" quotes for your Call of Duty deathmatches.

One more thing. We all should be grateful that this turd Dornan is not and cannot be tied to the 2nd Amendment movement, or he would be the latest hammer used to beat the US Constitution to death with. The anti's can't use him against us unless you're stupid enough to actually side with him. The collectivist zealots at Daily KOs and Democratic Underground are already making him out to be a hero for his rampage. Let's win this one by being smarter than them huh?
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Originally Posted by Trenchgunner72
If he was a white, NRA member, conservative the mainstream media would be breathlessly telling everyone that "THIS IS PROOF THAT WE NEED TO BAN GUNS!!!"

I think this is the real reason they want to ban guns, projection, because each of them think they would flip out like this guy and start killing if they owned them and therefor we all must be the same way.
No one should be cheering on this dirtbag. Yeah there are quite a few a$$hole cops who should be fired or in prison. But I will not cheer on a guy who executed and innocent young woman and her boyfriend. The cops he shot, where they d bags? Who knows, he certainly didn't when he shot them.

We can all hope dirty cops get what they deserve (not shot but jail, firing, etc) but this guy is shooting random cops, not necessarily the bad ones and innocent people.
Did you cheer when Anwar al-Awlaki was killed??
Nobody "declared war", What the hell are you smoking?

Christopher Dornan was a cop who was let go. Even if it was because he wouldn't lie for another cop that does not mean his actions are justifiable. And no, I am not defending the cowardly LAPD or Torrance PD cops who indiscriminately shot two women. They are wrong as well and should be imprisoned.

I cannot fathom why so many are just tingling to support this confirmed liberal Obama ass-kissing AWB proponent. Are you too stupid to realize he is not your friend or your comrade in the struggle for freedom?
Just because he has a rifle and uses military acronyms and wants to kill cops does not make him a goddamn freedom fighter!
If he was a white, conservative NRA member the mainstream media would be breathlessly telling everyone that "THIS IS PROOF THAT WE NEED TO BAN GUNS!!!"

The fact that they are not is proof that he is one of their own, out to settle a personal score because he feels they ruined his life.
They are downplaying this because it embarrasses them and exposes their belief system for the vile hipocrisy that it is.

If you are stupid enough to confuse this a**h***s vendetta with your longing for peace, justice, the American Way or firearms freedoms you need serious counseling.
This is, as I said before, workplace violence that has spilled out into the streets and has now gotten innocent people hurt and killed.

This guy is a disgruntled former cop. He is a failure at life. He has threatened the innocent children of others. If you hold him up as a hero, I feel pity for your parents. And it's "guerilla warfare" not gorilla warfare. And if you think school children are "fair game" as you put it, how are you any different than Adam Lanza?

Grow up dude. And save your "war is hell" quotes for your Call of Duty deathmatches.

One more thing. We all should be grateful that this turd Dornan is not and cannot be tied to the 2nd Amendment movement, or he would be the latest hammer used to beat the US Constitution to death with. The anti's can't use him against us unless you're stupid enough to actually side with him. The collectivist zealots at Daily KOs and Democratic Underground are already making him out to be a hero for his rampage. Let's win this one by being smarter than them huh?


The LA cops are not good, neither are many others. But this guy is a POS too. He's no folk hero, he's a thug he killed a young woman because he had a beef with her father. Yeah that makes sense.
I believe some here are way over thinking why some are "cheering this guy on" I think a lot of people are just fed up with the illegal activities of cops. I have said and will continue to say ALL cops. My theory is simple if you abuse your power you are an enemy of the people. If you stand silent you are also guilty. What ever this guys motives are one stands out. He claims that when he tried to stand tall and tell the truth he was crucified. This I believe. He is now trying to kill cops and (has declared war on them). Some people believe these lying dishonorable thugs should be boiled in oil. Who does the boiling makes no difference to them. The fact it's an inside job is poetic justice, hence it makes us smile. I hope he keeps them shitting in their knickers for ever. Sometimes a little taste of your on medicine is just what the doctor ordered. Some of you are crying about the innocents. I have watched these animals indiscriminately kill beat and abuse men woman and children and even their pets for decades. They are out of control as is the system that supports them namely the (no justice system). Now that's another kettle of rotting fish. You got one rabid dog putting down other rabid dogs. WINNING!
Did you cheer when Anwar al-Awlaki was killed??

Cheer? No. I would be fine with him being taken off the battlefield after a review by a court or other independent group for review. I have a real problem with one person making the decision to kill someone without any oversight by others. This wasn't a situation where it was a split second decision that needed to be made. Obama made the decision to kill him and the guy was tracked by a drone for days or weeks before the kill was made. There was plenty of time to have a panel review the evidence.

The policy decision can very quickly lead to other Americans, it sets a bad course.
Cheer? No. I would be fine with him being taken off the battlefield after a review by a court or other independent group for review. I have a real problem with one person making the decision to kill someone without any oversight by others. This wasn't a situation where it was a split second decision that needed to be made. Obama made the decision to kill him and the guy was tracked by a drone for days or weeks before the kill was made. There was plenty of time to have a panel review the evidence.

The policy decision can very quickly lead to other Americans, it sets a bad course.
is that part of the 5th amendment?
I believe some here are way over thinking why some are "cheering this guy on" I think a lot of people are just fed up with the illegal activities of cops. I have said and will continue to say ALL cops. My theory is simple if you abuse your power you are an enemy of the people. If you stand silent you are also guilty. What ever this guys motives are one stands out. He claims that when he tried to stand tall and tell the truth he was crucified. This I believe. He is now trying to kill cops and (has declared war on them). Some people believe these lying dishonorable thugs should be boiled in oil. Who does the boiling makes no difference to them. The fact it's an inside job is poetic justice, hence it makes us smile. I hope he keeps them shitting in their knickers for ever. Sometimes a little taste of your on medicine is just what the doctor ordered. Some of you are crying about the innocents. I have watched these animals indiscriminately kill beat and abuse men woman and children and even their pets for decades. They are out of control as is the system that supports them namely the (no justice system). Now that's another kettle of rotting fish. You got one rabid dog putting down other rabid dogs. WINNING!

Really ALL cops? I know a half dozen in my town west of Boston who are really good people and good cops. They make an arrest only if it's necessary i.e. a thief, wife beater, DUI, etc. I have another who is a statie bike cop who mainly does escorts for the President, Gov. or other people. Really nice person and not a dink at all. There are bad cops, some places like LA probably 50% bad cops. But I still want this guy caught or killed. He's a racist POS who is pretty clearly nuts. Look at his postings, he's a loon. Does anyone for a second doubt he'd kill an old lady to steal her car or if he needed a place to hide?

He's a sociopath. He has no compassion for others and is capable of anything.

Put yourself in his position. Would you execute (that's want it was) a cops young daughter and her boyfriend because you hated her father and blamed him for the firing, etc.? Are you going to kill a young woman?
is that part of the 5th amendment?

Constitutional war powers section give latitude for the gov't to wage war. If someone is on the battlefield (this war is quite different often in battlefield) they can be targeted. But there needs to be a review similar to the FISA federal court panels. It should not be one person.
Good ones should quit and turn in the badge then, if you're wearing the uniform of a JBT how the hell are we supposed to tell that you're not? It's like the south in the 50's, wearing a sheet around but saying "hey, I just come for the pie, I don't hang black people". Guess what, you're wearing the outfit you're on the hook for what the rest of them do.

P.S. Maybe good cops should wear a pink armband or something so we know they are the good ones?

Really? I'm not even sure what to say about that.

So if my co-workers are doing the wrong thing - better yet, my subordinates are doing their job wrong and mistreating the public that they serve - I should quit instead of straightening things out and making them right?

THAT'S a stupid idea if I've ever heard one.
Really ALL cops? I know a half dozen in my town west of Boston who are really good people and good cops. They make an arrest only if it's necessary i.e. a thief, wife beater, DUI, etc. I have another who is a statie bike cop who mainly does escorts for the President, Gov. or other people. Really nice person and not a dink at all. There are bad cops, some places like LA probably 50% bad cops. But I still want this guy caught or killed. He's a racist POS who is pretty clearly nuts. Look at his postings, he's a loon. Does anyone for a second doubt he'd kill an old lady to steal her car or if he needed a place to hide?

He's a sociopath. He has no compassion for others and is capable of anything.

Put yourself in his position. Would you execute (that's want it was) a cops young daughter and her boyfriend because you hated her father and blamed him for the firing, etc.? Are you going to kill a young woman?

Can you honestly state unequivocally they have never seen wrong doing in their duties? I would think not. How would you know? Are they going to share that with you? You can not be a cop and not see others abusing their powers. If you're not doing it but looking the other way you're a thug. It is said that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Constitutional war powers section give latitude for the gov't to wage war. If someone is on the battlefield (this war is quite different often in battlefield) they can be targeted. But there needs to be a review similar to the FISA federal court panels. It should not be one person.

so killing a US citizen is okay without a trial because a unknown group said it was okay. I assume you are a LEO and you wonder why people dislike LEOs
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