Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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He became WRONG the minute he started killing people. Bin Laden, Tim McVeigh, and John Muhammad all had grievances against "the man" too, do you sympathize with them as well?
who is wright and wrong is determined by the victors after all they write history, imagine if we had lost out revolution we would be taught that Capt John Parker, Sam Adams, Paul Revere etc... would all be considered wrong.
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who is wright and wrong is determined by the victors after all they right history, imagine if we had lost out revolution we would be taught that Capt John Parker, Sam Adams, Paul Revere etc... would all be considered wrong.

Are we really diving into moral relativism here? Oh boy.... ;)
He became WRONG the minute he started killing people. Bin Laden, Tim McVeigh, and John Muhammad all had grievances against "the man" too, do you sympathize with them as well?
Which is why it is morally superior to give in to the gov't and get on the train.[rolleyes] Let's assume Dorner hasn't hit the threshold, but since the lapd is a wrongful killing machine when is it OK to kill back? Remember the legal system has failed to stop the lapds killing ways.
He might be in Mexico now, for all we know. I believe he had a change of heart. My clue would be the attempted boatjacking, if it ever happened. I say IF, because usually, the media would be all over the guy who was on board when Dorner tried to take it. Yet, I haven't seen the first thing about him. That boatjacking looked like the exit strategy of a desperate man, made up on the fly, and not something that has been thoroughly planed.
Dorner could have done way more damage as of yet, but he did not. He either is already far away, or he is back on his hunting grounds. He torched his truck because he had a new transportation, that's for sure. He had 5 years to plan this out, I don't think a 2nd Lt from the Navy, with intelligence experience, would plan such a "raid" and forget to take the weather into consideration. He needs to sleep, he needs to eat, he needs to haul his weapons and supplies. He knows that by now, Hotels, Motels and such are taboo for him, and I think he planed that as well, so if he's still here, my money would be on a van of some sort, where he can get some rest without having to check in.
He gives the pigs a run for their money, you gotta give him that. Again, I do not condone the shooting of the daughter and son in law of the cop who has been also killed. But the captain he smoked, had fair warning, and was a primary target. If I take a look at it from a sniper's perspective, his death was part of the mission. He had a huge machinery of cops to protect him. He chose not to, and got what he had coming. I just don't get why Dorner would publish his manifesto BEFORE he striked. If he really just wanted the people on his llist dead, he could have taken them out before the cops even would have made the connection. Maybe he is a guy who wants his 15 minutes.
He became WRONG the minute he started killing people. Bin Laden, Tim McVeigh, and John Muhammad all had grievances against "the man" too, do you sympathize with them as well?

RKBA doesn't just give you tools to punch neat holes at 200 yards, it give citizens the tool for righteous killings. A sovereign individual, can be so wronged by the power of the state, that after all legal means have been exhausted, can and shall be able to fight back using the weapons of last resort.

The killings are not without consequences, in Dorner's case, he's got LAPD on his ass. In some other situations, the righteousness of the killing will stand in the court of law, and should the killer be found guilty, he will be punished accordingly.

In yet other situations, the killer(s) will stand in the court of history. And that will depend upon if they live to write the history or not.

My previous comments weren't about moral relativism, it's about what RKBA truly meant for an individual. Chances are slim that in my life time, I'll need to take up arms against 'regulars' sent to crack down a 'rebellion', but in RKBA's most elementary form, one man, with his rifle, can protect his sovereignty against the power of the state.
Really? This isn't a movie where the good guy has to do some bad things and kill bad people. He is, in the words of Granny, "low-down murdering trash outta hell." He is no better than the gangbangers who kill for "territory" or "respect" or or the terrorists who kill in the name of their god. He may have been wronged, so have many. There are avenues for addressing this that don't include killing innocent people. He has forfeited his rights and will end up paying with his life to try, in a remarkably unsuccessful way, to clear his name.
Let us just call this one 'no humans involved' and get on with the shoveling.
Really? This isn't a movie where the good guy has to do some bad things and kill bad people. He is, in the words of Granny, "low-down murdering trash outta hell." He is no better than the gangbangers who kill for "territory" or "respect" or or the terrorists who kill in the name of their god. He may have been wronged, so have many. There are avenues for addressing this that don't include killing innocent people. He has forfeited his rights and will end up paying with his life to try, in a remarkably unsuccessful way, to clear his name.
Does anyone here have any personal experience with the LAPD, or the opinions based on media coverage and bad movies? Sure they have a spotty history, and have been on the wrong side of things, but does that justify the actions of some lone whack job?
And are you basing your judgement on the accusations of this guy and his manifesto. He wasn't some exemplary guy who snapped at the system to right wrongs, he had a history of issues, bad fitness reports, and made his allegations after receiving poor evaluations during probation. I've heard firsthand from someone who knew him from college before the LAPD and he had issues then.
Using the "bullying" defense as justification for his rampage is like sticking up for the Columbine killers. Anyone here want to step up and defend why they were heroes for slaying their oppressors? Or are there some personal feelings of hostility towards cops that are coloring the opinions on THIS issue?
There is a point at which all cops get lumped together and suffer the same fate because the good ones fail to weed out the bad.

The LAPD have opened fire on two vehicles without provocation since this started and you really have the tenacity to ask us for proof they've collectively gone off the deep end?

Whatever lingering sympathy I may have had left is gone after these incidents. Police are openly shooting civilians with ZERO REPERCUSSIONS. They deserve what they get.
Does anyone here have any personal experience with the LAPD, or the opinions based on media coverage and bad movies? Sure they have a spotty history, and have been on the wrong side of things, but does that justify the actions of some lone whack job?
And are you basing your judgement on the accusations of this guy and his manifesto. He wasn't some exemplary guy who snapped at the system to right wrongs, he had a history of issues, bad fitness reports, and made his allegations after receiving poor evaluations during probation. I've heard firsthand from someone who knew him from college before the LAPD and he had issues then.
Using the "bullying" defense as justification for his rampage is like sticking up for the Columbine killers. Anyone here want to step up and defend why they were heroes for slaying their oppressors? Or are there some personal feelings of hostility towards cops that are coloring the opinions on THIS issue?

I have dealt with the LAPD. Horrible experience. And I'm white.
While I have no personal experience with the LAPD, they have probably the WORST reputation in America as far as corruption and custodial abuse goes.
He might be in Mexico now, for all we know. I believe he had a change of heart. My clue would be the attempted boatjacking, if it ever happened. I say IF, because usually, the media would be all over the guy who was on board when Dorner tried to take it. Yet, I haven't seen the first thing about him. That boatjacking looked like the exit strategy of a desperate man, made up on the fly, and not something that has been thoroughly planed.

I was thinking the boatjacking was a feint. I definitely think he transferred vehicles at Big Bear. It's going to be very difficult for him to move around now, though, he doesn't exactly blend in.
From his perspective:

He should just turn himself in and call it a day.

Aside from killing the innocent people, he will draw sympathy from some in the public after they read the whole uncensored manifesto.

All he wanted was to get his name back and if he can keep himself alive, he will be able to justify his actions.

I think lots of people and his future prison mates will appreciate what he has gone through.

He wants his 15 minutes. If he stays alive, he will get much more than that accomplish "his" goals.

My perspective:

We all know what he did was wrong and he needs to meet justice.
At this point he could have killed everyone on his hit list and the lapd could be carpet bombing the suburbs and the news wouldn't mention a word of it.
Did he really need to clock him? Looks to me the cop stepped up and got in his face. The cop should be the one apologizing. And yes you are on our time watch! You work for us. To serve and protect.
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Seconded. I did everything I could to stay out of that city while stationed in CA, and a large reason was the fuzz.
When I was out there on business, one of the locals told me that 20% of all the crime in the country occurs in LA County. LA County is a huge area with a large population. Not sure that's true, but it's the only place I've ever heard shots fired, and that includes trips to DC, Chicago, Detroit and NYC.
When I was out there on business, one of the locals told me that 20% of all the crime in the country occurs in LA County. LA County is a huge area with a large population. Not sure that's true, but it's the only place I've ever heard shots fired, and that includes trips to DC, Chicago, Detroit and NYC.

Hell, I've heard shots fired in Fitchburg. [thinking]
Did he really need to clock him? Looks to me the cop stepped up and got in his face. The cop should be the one apologizing. And yes you are on our time watch! You work for us. To serve and protect.

The cop could have tried to calm the situation down. "I'm sorry sir, but we got here just as quickly as we could. We were responding other serious crimes in progress..." Instead, the cop had to show who was the tough guy.
Apparently, this Robles character has a rap sheet. Regardless, the officer STEPPED TO HIM, escalating the situation. What's with these boners abusing the badge while mentioning what military outfit they USED to be a part of?
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The cop could have tried to calm the situation down. "I'm sorry sir, but we got here just as quickly as we could. We were responding other serious crimes in progress..." Instead, the cop had to show who was the tough guy.

the title on ENDO made me laugh "when egos collide" or something. [laugh]

i know a few NES members where if they met in person this would go down and it would be HILARIOUS.
i know a few NES members where if they met in person this would go down and it would be HILARIOUS.

Nah. We'd be wiping the Cheetos dust from our fingers on our pants, while we looked at our own shoes. [laugh]

And the title was accurate -- two peckerheads in a willy-waving contest.
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