WSJ: Obama: ‘I’m Not Going to Take Your Guns Away’

Jul 30, 2007
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Hmmm. Maybe it was Obama's record in IL, or maybe his mention of banning certain guns in his acceptance speach, or perhaps his running mate's sponsorship of the AWB renewal, or maybe the F/F rating of Obama/Biden from the NRA. You decide.
Obama: ‘I’m Not Going to Take Your Guns Away’

Christopher Cooper reports from Duryea, Pa., on the presidential race.

The Obama campaign talks a lot about new ideas and expanding the political map, but in the swing state of Pennsylvania, which the campaign has focused on almost exclusively since the Democratic convention, old-school issues still rise to the fore.

The latest example came Friday during a small political event at SCHOTT North America Inc., a glass factory in Duryea, Pa., where even a hand-picked crowd threw Barack Obama a curve ball.

A woman in the crowd told Obama she had “heard a rumor” that he might be planning some sort of gun ban upon being elected president. Obama trotted out his standard policy stance, that he had a deep respect for the “traditions of gun ownership” but favored measures in big cities to keep guns out of the hands of “gang bangers and drug dealers’’ in big cities “who already have them and are shooting people.”

“If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,’’ Obama said. But the Illinois senator could still see skeptics in the crowd, particularly on the faces of several men at the back of the room.

So he tried again. “Even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,’’ he said. “This can’t be the reason not to vote for me. Can everyone hear me in the back? I see a couple of sportsmen back there. I’m not going to take away your guns.’’
Keerist, he must think we're all fools. The only reason he won't be coming for the guns is because, as he acknowledges, he won't have the votes to get away with it. What he may very well have the votes to do is to prevent us from getting any more, or at least any more of those evil assault weapons, whatever the hell they are.
It's nice to know that he'll say anything he needs to say to get elected.

Frankly I haven't heard a single word he's said since "typical white person." That was enough to turn me off on the spot.
I'm starting to think that the Messiah doesn't stand a chance in November against the McCain/Palin ticket based on how defensive the libs are getting since she joined on. I can't put my finger on it, but I sense real fear in the Obama camp.

Once the debates start up and Obama has to respond without prepared and rehearsed speaches, America will see what an empty suit he really is.

By no means am I happy about McCain being the next pres but he's better than Lord Obama.
"I won't take away your guns, but I will make it so you can't buy any more guns, or ammo, or repair any guns you own, and make it so you can't take them out of your house, and if you do we can confiscate them!"
It's nice to know that he'll say anything he needs to say to get elected.

Frankly I haven't heard a single word he's said since "typical white person." That was enough to turn me off on the spot.

All you need to know about Obama

It even compares his speaches to Deval's...word for word (they even stutter at almost the same point).

ETA: This video shows how full of shit Obama is when he says he voted against the Iraq war from the beginning. Asside from him not having a vote in it since he wasn't a senator at that time, he goes on in this video to say "I feel the exact same way as President Bush does about the Iraq War." -Barrack Obama, July 2004

Don't believe the Obama bullshit.
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"I’m not going to take your guns away."

This is an old "straw man" argument but it has been popping up a lot since the 2006 Democrat takeover of Congress.

Of course, they aren't yet to the point of confiscation -- no one says that they are. They hope to put you off your complaint of all their other restrictions, by denying one that they haven't proposed. Don't let them do it.

If they get all that they want, they don't have to confiscate -- all gun ownership will die out when the current generation reaches old age and passes on.
I believe Obama. There's another thread talking about how Deval torpedo'd the Katrina bill, I think Obama's going to be calling his little buddy Deval tonite:

Doofvall: "Hello?"

Obama: "What the hell! You dirty gun grabber! What the hell are you doing.?!!?!.. man, you are such an a**h***."

snip..."or maybe his mention of banning certain guns in his acceptance speach"...snip

To be accurate and honest, he never actually said that. He said he wanted to keep AK-47s out of the hands of gangbangers. There are many ways one would do that and he did not specify. Someone should ask him what methods he, after all of the failures before him, thinks would best accomplish this goal. Let's see if change and hope are more than a slogan.
Well it doesn't matter if they want them or not. They cannot have them. I am a free man, and an American. I will not tolerate having my rights infringed upon. And not tolerating the government infringing upon our rights is part of what defines me as an American.
McCain/Palin then Palin/? and I don't care who the ? is but they better understand the constitution

NOBAMA... keep the change
Sounds like there's a lot of wiggle room for "reasonable" restrictions in that set of comments:

“If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,’’

"see a couple of sportsmen back there. I’m not going to take away your guns."

I also grin at the obvious frustration that can be read in to:

"This can’t be the reason not to vote for me."

He's desperate and he's begging and hopefully he's not selling anyone... His answer to her question was such typical politician. He can read the same quotes back to an anti-gun room and say he was talking about "reasonable" gun control but he's begging gun owners to overlook "just this one issue" for him.

No sale...
The 2A has nothing to do with sportsman. If the creators of the constitution were interested in preserving the rights of people who are involved in sports this country would be a joke. But they weren't, and I am not. The 2A is about preserving the freedom and liberties of the most successful culture in the face of history.

If obama wants to start winning over 2A supporters mayber he ought to see if he can find some people in the back who are interested in preserving life, liberty, and freedom. Of course, therein lies the problem. It is not very easy to locate anyone at an obama speach who is interested in preserving life, liberty, and freedom. So maybe the guy just takes what he can get.
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