WSJ: Obama: ‘I’m Not Going to Take Your Guns Away’

Note the 'in your house'

i.e. I'm not taking away what you have, but I'm gonna make it damned hard for you to get more.
this guy makes me want to puke.... [puke]

I am not going to vote for him because he is just a plain "anti american" who wants everything for this country that I dont. His stance on the 2nd amendment is obvious I dont care what he says to anyone. He would love nothing more than to disarm all of us.

Screw him..... [frown]
Oh, no, he's not going to take our guns.

Just our assault rifles*. And handguns. And the ability to carry.

Not our guns though!!!1!

*Which will be any rifle that takes over 3 rounds, is magazine fed, or a caliber larger than .22

“If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,’’ Obama said. But the Illinois senator could still see skeptics in the crowd, particularly on the faces of several men at the back of the room.

So he tried again. “Even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,’’ he said. “This can’t be the reason not to vote for me. Can everyone hear me in the back? I see a couple of sportsmen back there. I’m not going to take away your guns.’’

what a complete cocksucker! I'm sorry. I'm not PC...but he's a total a**h***.

On the upside, two of my collegues & I convinced a young woman (22yo) in our office today to vote for McCain...she was commenting on her friend, who's on welfare & this bitch doesn't want to get a job, just thrilled that she'll get another $121/month when the kid's born. The coworker is bullshit this woman doesn't have a job, etc. ...we pounced on this, told her the difference between the political parties, welfare, workfare, big goverment, Deval putting 2000 people on the state's payrool, HER tax money going to this bimbo, etc. "Imagine, handing a dollar of your money to her, every week, every year, for the rest of your life! Then multiply it by thousands of people who are working, who are funding the likes of her".

I was psyched. She 'got' the full understanding of it all after 30 minutes.!
"where do I register to vote?"

I was F'in THRILLED! [grin]
How can anyone believe anything the guy says.He is either stupid or he is such a liar that he no longer even knows the truth.For anyone to be behind this guy,they must really be pissed at the Republicans !
The latest example came Friday during a small political event at SCHOTT North America Inc., a glass factory in Duryea, Pa., where even a hand-picked crowd threw Barack Obama a curve ball.

Ooh, that was a real shocker. Nobody could have possibly expected a working class crowd from rural Pennsylvania to come up with a question about guns. [rolleyes]

I beleive him. He is not going to take our guns from us. The time of open confiscation already passed. He is just going to increase all taxes and fee for buying, selling, licensing, etc; he is going to ban most weapon because they are dangerous, evil, have no practical use; he is going to make the licensing process so complicated that you will never get trhtough it... But he is not going to take our guns away.
IMNSHO and IANAPC: Who's for Obama? Well there's the core 15% that will always vote "D", even if they run Bambi with Adolph. Then there's 10% that know and understand and agree with what he is saying; they'll vote for the most liberal/socialist/communist candidate regardless of party (although it's almost always a Democrat). Together they're the core Dimmocrats.

Then there's 15% to 20% that hate all conflict and therefore hate Republicans at this time. This is the group that grew and swung the Congress over the last 4 years. This is the BDS crowd and frankly I don't know what will really swing or reduce them.

The real swing vote are the uneducated voters. I guess that group to be at least 25% of voters. They like their ears tickled, respond to the latest speeches, and accept the MSM reporting at face value. Palladin's young lady sounds like on of these. They can be brought over for a season by good speech-making, identity politics, marketing and media hype. Or they can be converted with facts and reason, as Palladin did, if you can get their attention. The key is follow-up; get they involved with other converts so they don't back-slide.

Obama and the other elitist Dimmocrats tend to go for the quick and easy way. Facts, logic and reason do not manner to them. Style and appearances do. The fashions of our country have changed so that Obama's style is now "in". However, those that really listen to him can learn how far "out" he really is. May there be more like Palladin and the young lady in his office.
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He's hoping that we won't remember, elitist politicians like him are the reason the second ammendment was created in the first place.
I report, you decide. How can you "respect 2nd amendment" but then endorse gun bans, favor semiautomatic bans, and blame Bush for *not* renewing the AWB?

* Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
* FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
* Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
* Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
* 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
* Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
* Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
* Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
* Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
* Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
* Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

Lately from the dems I keep hearing the "guns are ok in the country and rural areas, but the cities are different so we need to enforce strict gun control." Arg.

What size city, and what's the population cut off? What if it a city with relatively little violence like Salt Lake City? Then it will be surrounding towns, and then those surrounding towns... I'm sure you guys could name a hundred more Q's or add points.

The dems just don't get the slippery slope deal...
That is probably the only truthful statement Obama will ever make. He isn't going to take our guns away. He's going to send his flunkies to do that.
Does, 'I voted for it, before I voted against it' ring a bell?

I have seen so many Obama stickers on peoples cars. The funny thing is, I have yet to see that sticker on any trucks. And they all have the same look, 'He's gonna save us from ourselves!' or 'We can now be proud of this country!'

Then after I perform the PIT manuver on them I yell out the window, 'Don't worry, Obama will save you!' well... I would say that... if I did that... It's been a long day. But I have comfort that Barak will make it all better...[puke2]
The 2A has nothing to do with sportsman. If the creators of the constitution were interested in preserving the rights of people who are involved in sports this country would be a joke. But they weren't, and I am not. The 2A is about preserving the freedom and liberties of the most successful culture in the face of history.

If obama wants to start winning over 2A supporters mayber he ought to see if he can find some people in the back who are interested in preserving life, liberty, and freedom. Of course, therein lies the problem. It is not very easy to locate anyone at an obama speach who is interested in preserving life, liberty, and freedom. So maybe the guy just takes what he can get.

The most successful culture in the face of history?

Wow. Patriotism is one thing but c'mon now.

How is ours the most successful culture in the face of history when other great cultures have spanned thousands of years and we're barely 500 years old and already at the point of impending implosion?

This is why you don't mix emotion and pride with politics, how about we stick to the facts and leave the cheerleading for those with the proper youth, body and gender for it...

Does, 'I voted for it, before I voted against it' ring a bell?

I have seen so many Obama stickers on peoples cars. The funny thing is, I have yet to see that sticker on any trucks. And they all have the same look, 'He's gonna save us from ourselves!' or 'We can now be proud of this country!'

Then after I perform the PIT manuver on them I yell out the window, 'Don't worry, Obama will save you!' well... I would say that... if I did that... It's been a long day. But I have comfort that Barak will make it all better...[puke2]

"He's gonna save us from ourselves!" Love it. Remember what Teflon Ron said about the government saving us from ourselves...
The most successful culture in the face of history? Wow. Patriotism is one thing but c'mon now. How is ours the most successful culture in the face of history when other great cultures have spanned thousands of years and we're barely 500 years old and already at the point of impending implosion? This is why you don't mix emotion and pride with politics, how about we stick to the facts and leave the cheerleading for those with the proper youth, body and gender for it... [rolleyes]

First off, America is nowhere near 500 years old.

Second off, I'm not basing my statement on longevity.

Third off, I was wondering how long it would be until the major moron was back. I said I wasn't going to talk to you anymore but then I realized that I actually missed how crazy some of the things you say are.

I don't know, I'm not a historian. But I take a look at what the average family has in America. I take a look at how many people have a nice home, maybe a boat, motorcycle, cars, trucks, 2.5 kids, pool in the back yard, maybe an R.V.. You take a look at some of the things Americans do on their average week. Trips to sporting events, the beach, fancy restaurants, the shooting range, the spa, concerts.

Then take a look at the opportunities and freedoms that we have to go anywhere and do anything we want to with our lives and our career choices and our relationships and our hobbies etc. etc. We have the best doctors in the world, we give hundreds of billions of dollars to help out people all over the world every year wether you agree with that or not. We care enough about our own that when some college kids in a foreign country are kidnapped we send our military to rescue them.

I could be wrong and like I've said I'm not a history buff, but I am not aware of any other country where the average citizen has the freedoms, liberties, and opportunities that they do in America. Past or present. Of course that is a statement that can be argued against, but I sure as hell wouldn't be able to argue against it and keep a straight face. So yes I am pretty comfortable in saying that at the end of the day this is the most successful country in the face of history.

Just the fact that this country was founded by every day citizens who wanted freedom and were tired of the king stripping them from their own property and earnings turned themselves into minutement and overthrew a bunch of tyrants who were turning them into slaves is a major thing to have happened and says a whole lot about the culture and attitude of the people who live here.

So on that basis I do feel that this is the most successful country in the world. Because one of the great things about Americans is that we are a nation who values the lives of individuals. We do not praise the empire, or the regime. Success here is based on the opportunities and quality of life for the average citizen and therefore should not be judged on the longevity of the country that we reside in, but the quality of live for our average American Citizen.
"If you've got a gun in your house I'm not taking it"

(of course, don't count on ever buying another gun again.)

(Also, don't expect to be able to get any ammo for the guns you have once what you've got runs out)

(And forget about taking your guns outside of your house … ever).

(And don't you dare try to defend the lives of yourselvs or your families from criminals with those guns … I have to protect the lives of my base supporters).
All you need to know about Obama

It even compares his speaches to Deval's...word for word (they even stutter at almost the same point).

ETA: This video shows how full of shit Obama is when he says he voted against the Iraq war from the beginning. Asside from him not having a vote in it since he wasn't a senator at that time, he goes on in this video to say "I feel the exact same way as President Bush does about the Iraq War." -Barrack Obama, July 2004

Don't believe the Obama bullshit.

No mention of his position on gun control in that video...
Oh, no, he's not going to take our guns.

Just our assault rifles*. And handguns. And the ability to carry.

Not our guns though!!!1!

dont forget that the few guns he will leave us with (muskets and single shot rifles and shotguns.... maybe if we are lucky) he also says that according to his 10 part gun plan, we wont be able use for protection of our familys and homes either because he intends to restrict us from using them in any defensive manner whatsoever....

GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ... what a douch.... [frown]
Fascinating...just reading all these posts in pure fodder for any psychological researchers.

What totally absorbs me about all these posts is the denial - denial about the obvious that gets dressed up as Republican support and Democrat bashing. Someone posted a great quote from JFK about an armed citizenry. He was a Dem from MA don't forget. Why do we "believe" that Reps are gun friendly and Dems are anti in such a vehement black and white fashion? Do we truly believe that only reps own guns and support the 2nd amendment?

We can ra ra for McCain / Palin and delude ourselves in the process about the obvious. The plain and simple truth is that NO government of any political color favor an armed citizenry in the future. Just look at Europe ( apart from Switzerland, God love 'em), Australia, rest of the world. Governments don't want armed citizens as armed citizens can team up and resist bad governments and replace the ruling class. I grew up in the UK - just look at the slow and insidious way in which the "government" removed any right of the citizens to own firearms. Most of the law changes were done without the people knowing what was going on - now they are waking up to the reality. The initial drive to remove arms from the people was fired by the revolution in Russia - government didn't want the people having arms to use in an uprising against the ruling class.

I can vote in November and will exercise that right, as a citizen. But I am under no illusion that either dems or reps really want me to have the right to own firearms. Even the issue of gun ownership being a right will eventually come under attack. This is not paranoia, just a reality that has been played out across the civilised world time and again. We can't elect a leadership team on a single issue such as gun control...there is so much at stake right now, what with a resurgent Russia flexing its muscles, etc... Not sure any of the candidates is the right person for the job, but that is the choice we are faced with.

I was so excited at the prospect of voting in my first general election as a citizen, but that excitement has been replaced by a gnawing anxiety.
Fascinating...just reading all these posts in pure fodder for any psychological researchers.

What totally absorbs me about all these posts is the denial - denial about the obvious that gets dressed up as Republican support and Democrat bashing. Someone posted a great quote from JFK about an armed citizenry. He was a Dem from MA don't forget. Why do we "believe" that Reps are gun friendly and Dems are anti in such a vehement black and white fashion? Do we truly believe that only reps own guns and support the 2nd amendment?

We can ra ra for McCain / Palin and delude ourselves in the process about the obvious. The plain and simple truth is that NO government of any political color favor an armed citizenry in the future. Just look at Europe ( apart from Switzerland, God love 'em), Australia, rest of the world. Governments don't want armed citizens as armed citizens can team up and resist bad governments and replace the ruling class. I grew up in the UK - just look at the slow and insidious way in which the "government" removed any right of the citizens to own firearms. Most of the law changes were done without the people knowing what was going on - now they are waking up to the reality. The initial drive to remove arms from the people was fired by the revolution in Russia - government didn't want the people having arms to use in an uprising against the ruling class.

Well, someone here gets it. Got a flack jacket? I would suggest donning it right about now... rep points on the way!
Why do we "believe" that Reps are gun friendly and Dems are anti in such a vehement black and white fashion? Do we truly believe that only reps own guns and support the 2nd amendment?

I'm just going to go on record saying that this kind of came out of left field and we're not even playing baseball. If you are referring to something that someone said you should quote it, otherwise you sound like your nuts.

And to answer your question above, take a look at obama's history on gun control and McCain's. McCain is not exactly what I would call perfect. His record on gun shows and things like that make me dislike him, but obama is light years worse. obama does not believe you should be allowed to own handguns, or semi-automatic rifles. obama also believes that you should only be allowed your constitutional rights if someone decides that because of your location you are entitled to them.

If you think that the majority of republicans are as bad on guns as the majority of democrats, then you are just plain and simply not paying attention. So to answer your question no we do not believe that republicans are the only ones who support gun rights, and I don't know where you got that. But I for one certainly think that the majority of republicans support my 2A moreso than the dems.
I can vote in November and will exercise that right, as a citizen. But I am under no illusion that either dems or reps really want me to have the right to own firearms.

while your post certainly has some interesting points and most likely some real dug in, hidden truths to it..... I still will not vote for someone who "VOCALLY" and obviously wants us disarmed and makes no quams about voicing it and doing everything under the sun to prove it.... I understand that McCain is not really a gun nut either and in the long run probobly could care less about our gun rights as citizens but the odds are that its much further down on his list of things to do and it will take him a lot longer to disarm us than it will obama and his anti american, socialist posse.
Not to mention I would imagine the end result of what we end up with for gun rights and laws would be maybe a little less hurtful with McCain at the helm vs. obama.
again you do make some good points with your entire post but gun rights are cetainly not the only reason I want NOTHING to do with obama... the list goes on and on..... I will only speak for myself but I would not be surprised if there were more people here that felt the same.
while your post certainly has some interesting points and most likely some real dug in, hidden truths to it..... I still will not vote for someone who "VOCALLY" and obviously wants us disarmed and makes no quams about voicing it and doing everything under the sun to prove it.... I understand that McCain is not really a gun nut either and in the long run probobly could care less about our gun rights as citizens but the odds are that its much further down on his list of things to do and it will take him a lot longer to disarm us than it will obama and his anti american, socialist posse.
Not to mention I would imagine the end result of what we end up with for gun rights and laws would be maybe a little less hurtful with McCain at the helm vs. obama.
again you do make some good points with your entire post but gun rights are cetainly not the only reason I want NOTHING to do with obama... the list goes on and on..... I will only speak for myself but I would not be surprised if there were more people here that felt the same.

I thank BobKatt and others for the comments. Just one clarifying comment from me - I don't want my original post to be construed as being pro Obama in any way. The man scares me , as does Senator McCain, but for very different reasons. Blind ambition, self serving...long list but in the end it's hard to know precisely what Obama stands for, other than the pursuit of power for powers sake. I know he would take away my right to carry concealed, and that would be the tip of the iceberg...

You make a good point, it's all a measure of degree of concern they generate in each of us.
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