Yankee Artifacts? Anyone know about them?

Mike's Gun Shop is co-located with the GOAL office in Northboro, MA. It was Mike Yacino's shop before he became director of GOAL in 1974, and he maintained the license. He has since transferred ownership to others in the organization, and they still operate as an FFL.

Call Jon Green at GOAL for details. The $20 per transfer fee only applies to GOAL members.

Anyone dealt with this place recently? I emailed them about a few of the pistols listed on gunsamerica.com and the website and he never responded. going to give him a call this week but wanted to get an idea from anyone here who may have dealt with Yankee Artifacts recently. thanks in advance
DevilMan said:
Anyone dealt with this place recently?

Bought 2 pistols from them this month. That makes it 4 total from them. I've enjoyed dealing with them and think I paid in the low end of the usual price range for all 4 of 'em.

have you ever tried emailing them? I tried a few times and got no response. I am going to call them, but the first few emails were more of questions I had before immediately buying. more curiousity than much needed info. thanks for the response
Anyone familiar withYankee Artifacts

I am interested in a couple of used firearms listed on their website (and Guns America) but there is no address listed. Do they have a retail outlet or are they strictly an online auction seller? Earlier in the week I tried calling but the voice mail was full and sent an email but no answer yet. Maybe they are at show or have summer hours. Any input would be appreciated.
Use Advanced Search here and see if you get any hits.

I seem to think that I've read about them here before, but I'm not 100% certain.
He doesn't have a retail storefront, he works out of the old Village Guns in Northboro, and if you want to buy one of his guns, call him up and keep trying to get hold of him; he's piss-poor about calling you back.

He will also use Mike Wheelock at TiteGroup Sporting in Northboro or Richie Callaghan at Callaghans Firearms in Marlboro for transfers - $35 and $25, respectively. He does offer a 5 day inspection period, I believe.

I bought a Beretta 21A from him. Nice gun, great price.
I bought two pistols from Phil at Yankee Artifacts last summer. Great price, great service. Only problem is it's a bit hard to get in touch with him, since he doesn't return phone calls or e-mails. I've found that calling in the daytime seems to work best. I don't know about all that other stuff, warehousing and all. I've had no complaints about dealing with him.

What GSG said - I have no problems with the gun, and it was at Callaghan's when he said he'd deliver it - but he lost a sale last week when he didn't call me back. I decided that for $11 more, I'd buy a new Ruger MkIII. If he'd answered his phone, I'd have made him an offer on one that he's had on his site for many weeks.

guess I know why it's still there now.
It has been approx 2 YEARS since friends/defenders of this outfit explained that the anonymity he projected the appearance of hiding behind on his web site was not intentional, his defenders explained that it was just the reuslt of being a start up operation and not yet getting around to putting all their company and owner info there.

I just happen to take a look at the web site, expecting to see all the normal information that reputable internet business people typically include in their site such as owner(s) name, a real address, etc. What is there clearly still gives the appearance of a business hiding behind a cloak of anonymity; no 'About Us' or 'About the Company' section, no owner name other than alluding to some fellow named 'Phil' the old yankee, and a very nice photo of a groundhog. A lot of nice catchy phrases. Unfortunately none of the information normally associated with a reputable internet based business such as the name of the person you are doing business with and an address where the business can be located. A lot of slick talking but no facts about the business.

Anonymity still not intentional ?
I called Phillip week before last - TWICE - about a 10/22 he has on his website. Apparently, he keeps the entry up there and finds 10/22's to fill it. So I asked him if he had two at that price, since I will need two. He said he'd have to look and see what he had. That was on Wednesday morning. I called him again Thursday afternoon. He said he was still looking and he'd call me back.

You guessed it... no call.

So... he's just lost ANOTHER two sales. I'm going to Bass Pro when it opens this week and see what they have for pricing on NEW 10/22's. I'm very disappointed in Phil, because he gets some interesting stuff in.

But his customer service skills suck.
Yankee 'No-Facts'

Sounds like another interesting aspect of the way they conduct business.

Hope you find a couple of those rifles that you are looking for. I bought a 10-22 a few years ago, think it is an excellent rifle. Ruger has made many excellent firearms. The Speed Six and P90 are a couple of my favorites. Many years ago, attended the the Ruger Factory Armorer School up in the Newport, NH area, really enjoyed it, the Instructor made the class extremely interesting and informative.
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Hope you find a couple of those rifles that you are looking for. I bought a 10-22 a few years ago, think it is an excellent rifle. Ruger has made many excellent firearms. The Speed Six and P90 are a couple of my favorites.
I'll pick up one tomorrow night at Bass Pro, I think.

I have a P90 but it's turning into a safe queen... when I shoot .45, my 1911 and my P12 get all the action. Think I'm going to have to put the P90 up on the block, much as it pains me to do so. (I'm lusting after another Para...)
I have purchased two guns from him in the past two years. I had no trouble getting in touch with him. In both cases I had to make an appointment to see the guns. They were just as advertised and I wouldn't hesitate to buy from him again. He's a nice guy and an honest businessman as far as I can tell.
Hey, I've bought two guns from him in the last year! But when he says he'll call back - TWICE - and doesn't... what does that say about him as a businessman?
I said he was an honest businessman. I didn't say he was efficient or diligent or even skilled. I would probably say he is a lazy businessman. He failed to call me back as well but it wasn't difficult to get ahold of him. He does answer his phone. If he has a gun that I want at a fair price I'm willing to overlook his laziness.
I just bought a gun from him last Friday. Saw it in guns america called him and arranged to meet out at Dowd''s old place on Rte 9. He was there on time we closed the deal and I looked at couple of others. He is there by apt only. And once you are there and want to look at something else you need to tell him what it is and he'll go get it. No browsing. I'd buy again.
Phil is a dealer that does not do the "MA markup" that some dealers will do on those hard to find items. Every deal we've done has gone through flawlessly. However a fellow NES'er and I were both calling him about Hi Powers on the same week. I got Phil, made an appointment and sealed the deal in less than 24 hours. The other NES'er got "I don't know, Phil will call you back." After 3 calls in frustration, he gave up. I guess it's hit or miss. Too bad because Phil has some nice stuff.
I have delt with him once to buy a great shape G19 for $375. Gotta' love him for not marking things up as much as he could. As far as him not calling back, I'm not into that.
Well, I called Phil again yesterday, and he says that he's still looking for a couple of nice 10/22's - apparently all he's got now are beaters that he sells on the net. So... he is supposed to call me back today. We'll see what happens.
Has anyone dealt with this dealer since '07?
He has a listing I'd like to see but it sounds like that may be difficult to do.
He's still there. You call him up and let him know what you're interested in. Callaghan's in Marlborough does the transfers ($25/transfer) and you do get to look over the gun in person before you do the transfer.

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