17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

The world we live in these days where Al Jazeera, a Qatar state funded network, ends up being some of the most neutral coverage and actually listing relevant defenses where other networks are just attempting to preemptively bury Rittenhouse:

Most American "media" is really just propoganda now.
The world we live in these days where Al Jazeera, a Qatar state funded network, ends up being some of the most neutral coverage and actually listing relevant defenses where other networks are just attempting to preemptively bury Rittenhouse:

We have always lived in this world. The people never had the benefit of the internet to see things in real time. It was spoon fed from the TV to our parents and grandparents after they worked in the factory all day. The same people that say Al Jazeera is lying, are the same people lying to us every day. Who do you believe?
We have always lived in this world. The people never had the benefit of the internet to see things in real time. It was spoon fed from the TV to our parents and grandparents after they worked in the factory all day. The same people that say Al Jazeera is lying, are the same people lying to us every day. Who do you believe?

Just saying that the network that is bought and sold by the word of Qatar's government, now being the one with the most non-biased coverage on this case is kind of ironic considering all the other networks are supposedly independent. I suppose Qatar doesn't have a hand in this at all, so it is probably easier for Al Jazeera to be truly neutral.

You know you're a loser when you keep getting busted for DUI,
you're scheduled to testify against someone who shot your bicep clear into Illinois,
and the defense is so sure that you're gonna help their case
that they don't leave a bottle of Stoli and the keys to a new car
on your Welcome mat.

If that becomes so, might as well go on offense.

Edit: Disclaimer - Before anyone does something retarded, obviously this was tongue in cheek. Disclaiming the disclaimer - Obviously the preceding disclaimer was not directed at anyone here, but simply to cover my own ass. Disclaiming the disclaimed disclaimer - Cannot assume anything is obvious, that is why this trial is even happening, so to the original disclaimer: don't do anything retarded.
As always, if you are caught, NES will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

the state is not your friend.
it still going to take more time for most people to make this understood properly and fully.
Either Kyle is acquitted, or a bunch of people are gonna get red-pilled.

A bit? The guy forever changed the face of the FBI being so flamboyantly obviously an extremely gay and possibly rapey fed. You ever look at someone and JUST KNOW?

🤔 So you're saying there's not gonna be a big competition on NES
to claim that photo for folks' April Fools avatar...?

So much for all the pundits who said he illegally possessed the rifle. Not one bothered to read the statute.
Dig it:
Now it's Settled Case Law that the statute means what it says.
Moonbats are all about the Case Law,
so they should love that ruling.

The jury might be as confused an everyone else and who knows which verdict they will return.
(Which is an actual thing that happens).

If he didn’t come forward than clearly he doesn’t feel victimized, therefore there is no victim to the alleged crime. Which should mean it’s not a crime.
He Must Have Been Computer Generated -
Change My Mind.

Man this brings back the OJ shit…fricken anxiety man….😂😂
Damn, I can't find the NES OJ Jury Watch thread...
That's whats on trial here. Binger is putting self defense itself on trial. This is catnip for idiots who think "well if the bad guy has a chainsaw then I need to go get a chainsaw".

Sadly prosecutors have full immunity.

Play to force the Supreme Court to make a ruling? If so, I think he'll be on the losing side of that decision.
i have to admit from all we have heard there the new concept of 'you lose the right to self-defence' is indeed the most progressive and wondrous concept.
makes you ony wonder what else you can lose - automatically - for a non-compliance with a regime`s demands.
and it will set a precedent, no less.
i have to admit from all we have heard there the new concept of 'you lose the right to self-defence' is indeed the most progressive and wondrous concept.
makes you ony wonder what else you can lose - automatically - for a non-compliance with a regime`s demands.
and it will set a precedent, no less.
The UK has had this legal travesty for years. It's not a new concept, the commies have been wet dreaming of corrupting English Common Law stemming from the Enlightenment since the Jacobians because it competes with the roots of modern Communism in the French Revolution vs. modern Individualism in the American Revolution.
If he didn’t come forward than clearly he doesn’t feel victimized, therefore there is no victim to the alleged crime. Which should mean it’s not a crime.

He definitely wasn’t a victim. He likely was one of the arsonists that night so he definitely has a reason to disappear
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