17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

Too bad we can't add a poll:

1) KR not guilty - riots
2) KR guilty - riots celebratory protesting
3) Hung jury - redo - riots
4) Hung jury - no redo - riots
5) Riots in Dem Dump cities
Blacks and Donk-hangers-on: "We're pissed that you're portraying us as a bunch of violent monkey, so in protest, we're going to behave... like a bunch of violent monkeys!"
I am going to be in court all morning tomorrow. Have a feeling tomorrow will be a very early decision.
So if the WI NG moves tonight, verdict is likely Not Guilty and if they stay where they are Guilty? Or are they moving anyway? Or staying anyway? Thoughts? It'd be an interesting tell
Too bad we can't add a poll:

1) KR not guilty - riots
2) KR guilty - riots celebratory protesting
3) Hung jury - redo - riots
4) Hung jury - no redo - riots
5) Riots in Dem Dump cities
Stupid question, but, don’t these people have jobs to go to, or families to take care of during a weekday or night? Who the hell has time to stand in front of a court all day hoping to be able to riot or celebrate? And I mean that for both sides. The same with the people hanging out in front of that Brian laundrie’s house for 4 weeks.
So if the WI NG moves tonight, verdict is likely Not Guilty and if they stay where they are Guilty? Or are they moving anyway? Or staying anyway? Thoughts? It'd be an interesting tell
I have no idea what the NG are doing and it will be doubtful they will impact anything. I think the jury is ready but are stalling. Probably bang it out by 10am.
Stupid question, but, don’t these people have jobs to go to, or families to take care of during a weekday or night? Who the hell has time to stand in front of a court all day hoping to be able to riot or celebrate? And I mean that for both sides. The same with the people hanging out in front of that Brian laundrie’s house for 4 weeks.
In two words, probably not. We are supporting them...let that sink in for a minute or two...or they are being paid by Soros and his ilk
I have no idea what the NG are doing and it will be doubtful they will impact anything. I think the jury is ready but are stalling. Probably bang it out by 10am.
I wasnt suggesting the NG deployment will influence the verdict, more that the verdict will be leaked from court officials to state gov who then tell the guard to move., (unless Im misunderstanding your post)
This doesn't look good. How can one not see self defense in this? If it takes this long, they're going to cave to the mob....poor kid. I pray I'm wrong...
(Does anyone else recall the late Jay Severin's oft-repeated
salacious definition of "a distinction without a difference"?)

The difference is a diehard anarchist is motivated by ideology and a standard low life criminal is motivated by a quick buck. That doesn’t mean anarchists can’t or aren’t mostly low life criminals. But that added ideological factor affects how they would work with a prosecutor.
they are considering a decision based on public backlash

Pretty certain each one of them is considering the personal effect of an outcome that doesn't align with the mob.

It's all that has been occurring the last 12+ months with the attacks, getting fired, false prosecutions, families threatened, property destroyed, smeared in the media, etc all the while the police, FBI, .gov stand down (or are directly implicated in). None of this is lost on the GOP.

.Gov could do something here to protect the jurists but will they? Based on what we've seen in recent history ...
I have no idea what the NG are doing and it will be doubtful they will impact anything. I think the jury is ready but are stalling. Probably bang it out by 10am.

That would actually be a good play as far as getting things wrapped up without trouble at the courthouse. Everyone could be long gone before most of the real derelicts are out of bed.
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