17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

There are a lot of strange room mates within senators and representatives in and around DC. It is a part time home with very expensive rent. A couple even of different political parties.

It's a legally and politically incestuous environment. A DA living with a judge, the mayor being family of the lead detective, another DA, and a judge (the Antaramains)- that's a pile of garbage.

Doesn't matter what Binger and the judge do at home; what matters is how the entire town is a one-sided circle jerk.

Careful. Given how the trial went, this image is going to be used as evidence when they're both charted for underage drinking.

Half a beer has less than the amount of alcohol than meets the federal standard for a "drink".

They could SHARE a beer and be legal. At least with a good lawyer.
It's a legally and politically incestuous environment. A DA living with a judge, the mayor being family of the lead detective, another DA, and a judge (the Antaramains)- that's a pile of garbage.

Doesn't matter what Binger and the judge do at home; what matters is how the entire town is a one-sided circle jerk.

Yes, I pointed that out last week.
My take is the prosecutor knows this kid should will walk, but he is too much of a spineless pussy to drop the charges out of fear of the political fallout and the mob.
FIFY. I don't think the prosecutor thinks he should walk at all, but he knows he doesn't have a case according to the law.
Commentary on some of the bad coverage:

edit: Nate the Lawyer is also covering the Aubery case. I haven't been following that one, since there's only so much time in the day.
She's on my "list" of approved celebrity "affairs". That is the list of women the Mrs would forgive me for, if I should by chance sleep with her. It's a short list and NONE of them could ever happen 😂
your wife is more forgiving than mine. When 'My Cousin VInny' comes on, she give me the look like "you aren't getting any tonight buddy"
That would be an issue if Ada was appearing before the judge. I’m pretty sure the Judge would have to recuse himself, or at the very least the friendship would have to be disclosed before hand to all parties, which would Likely be known in a small legal community.

You must just be waking up in this world we live in. Throw out all those Bearenstain Bears books sonny that’s not how this game is played…
I’ve braced myself that due to juror intimidation and the evil that persists in the media and amongst these antifa and blm scum, Kyles likely going to be hit with a guilty verdict of some sort…The good news is a that the evidence authorizing grounds for a mistreal is almost impossible to ignore.

NES of all places is well aware that the woke mob in this country has voted into power those that solely push a political agenda, including within the judicial system, where facts simply do not matter. Hopefully we can vote this mob mentality out of existence at the midterms.
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Was the rifle purchased in Illinois or Wisconsin? Which DA is going to prosecute? If it is Wisconsin it will be pretty hard to convict since the court established that the possession was not a crime. It would also make every Dad that hands their kid a rifle during deer season at risk of similar charges

The prosecution does not get to appeal.

The rifle was purchased in Wisconsin and according to all witnesses, it has never left the state of Wisconsin since it was purchased

Those sheriffs were pretty cool about it. “Want to take my rifle?”, “no, just keep your hands there.”

And rather than arrest him for being within 1k ft of a school without a CC license, they let him know about the law and what he needs to do to comply with it.
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