17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

Littlefinger is living with another Kenosha county judge.



Rosenbaum was hospitalized following his second suicide attempt. He was not on any meds. At the riot he's shouting "shoot me, ******, shoot me"(not too bright at a BLM inspired riot). So he chases a guy with an AR and shouts "f*** you", and charges at him.
Sounds to me like he was on a literal suicide mission.
The ****** word was Rosenbaum dropping the N bomb. So Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum, a white supremacist. Im expecting the judge to buy him some discounted egg mcmuffins
The prosecution does not get to appeal.
You sure about that???
116 However, it may be that the trial judge will grant a motion to dismiss that is neither a mistrial nor an acquittal, but is instead a termination of the trial in defendant’s favor based on some decision not relating to his factual guilt or innocence, such as prejudicial preindictment delay.117 The prosecution may not simply begin a new trial but must seek first to appeal and overturn the dismissal, a course that was not open to federal prosecutors until enactment of the Omnibus Crime Control Act in 1971.
Not interested in splitting hairs. Point is, the case is better off if any jurors whose decision-making capabilities are adversely influenced by outside factors are removed and/or replaced rather than berated and tossed back into deliberations.
Great rack on blondie

Honestly though, of all the shit to pile on Binger, not sure knocking him for potential gay vibes really does anything for anyone.
Agreed, but, since this guy likes to analyze photos, let’s see, the body language in that photo is interesting. Judge doesn’t have arm around woman, it’s behind her on the chair and not touching her, with his hand closer to boyband, seemingly reaching out to him. Blonde seems to have her hand on judges leg maybe, and she has a tired, look of desperation on her face. Is she frustrated or confused by his relationship with boyband? The female behind boyband isn‘t touching him, so likely no romantic interest between them.
Great rack on blondie

Honestly though, of all the shit to pile on Binger, not sure knocking him for potential gay vibes really does anything for anyone.
There are a lot of strange room mates within senators and representatives in and around DC. It is a part time home with very expensive rent. A couple even of different political parties.
How about if he’s an ADA and his on and off live-in buddy is a judge in town?
That would be an issue if Ada was appearing before the judge. I’m pretty sure the Judge would have to recuse himself, or at the very least the friendship would have to be disclosed before hand to all parties, which would Likely be known in a small legal community.
That would be an issue if Ada was appearing before the judge. I’m pretty sure the Judge would have to recuse himself, or at the very least the friendship would have to be disclosed before hand to all parties, which would Likely be known in a small legal community.

If the Governor wasn't a useless twatwaffle, she would tell the public that looters and rioters would be shot on sight.
The governor may be useless but it's a he not a she. The current governor of Wisconsin is Tony Evers.
That being said I agree with the rest of your comments.
The governor may be useless but it's a he not a she. The current governor of Wisconsin is Tony Evers.
That being said I agree with the rest of your comments.
Assuming gender identity. [shocked]


I almost get the feeling that the prosecution is deliberately trying to lose the case.
Add the lack of disclosure to the question about "right to remain silent" which is law school 101, and it's beginning to look deliberate.

My take is the prosecutor knows this kid should walk, but he is too much of a spineless pussy to drop the charges out of fear of the political fallout and the mob.
He doesn't want to be responsible for BLM and Antifa burning Kenosha to the ground.
This is what happens when officials ignore the rule of law. If the Governor wasn't a useless twatwaffle, she would tell the public that looters and rioters would be shot on sight. You want to protest, go ahead. Light a match or break a window and be shot. Then we would see who is really dedicated to a cause and who are just criminals looking to profit from unrest.
I think you watch too much bull and suits lol.

The dude is doing a bad job because sometimes people suck at their jobs.

This is just a national trial so your seeing it.

Generally speaking if your elected da of kenosha freaking Wisconsin. In your 40s/ 50s it's probably because you didn't have the political chops to move up to a bigger city or better .gov position

So what you get left with is a wanna be lifelong political hack who isn't very good at their job
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