17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

More importantly, I think, a jury has agreed it IS reasonable to use an AR-15 against antifa losers when they are rioting in your town.
Friend of mine who's typically not in my "camp" on a number of subjects (we agree to disagree or just not bring it up), told me 'maybe people will start to realize we all are getting tired of this 'do what you want' shit that really just f*cks things up for the rest of us'. Would be nice if this starts some people thinking twice...
How did people not see this coming a mile away?
Since he wasn't a government or state actor, the potential is limited to the purchase of the rifle. I have not seen much legal commentary on this point, possibly because the state charges were so much more threatening. I literally have no idea. I can usually make out state law, but the federal law is inscrutable to me, and most of the commentary on the prohibition of straw purchases focuses on the buyer who fills out the 4473 rather than the person providing the funds. Plus does the fact that his over-18 friend kept the rifle, allowing Kyle to use in Wisconsin instead of just handing it over to him, muddy the waters?
My heart broke for the kid as I watched the verdict being read.
He got a crash course at a young age as to the evil that walks this earth and i'm not talking about just the three a-holes that caught some lead.
He's going to carry some mental scars for the rest of his life.

Now let's see the AG catch misconduct charges and bicep boy catch a felon in possession charge.
I would love to see how they worm out of pressing the charge.

Let's see the media outlets and some big mouthed politicians sued into the f*cking stone age and make sure this kid and his family wants for nothing the rest of his life.

Let's see if things get sporty there if the PD gets ordered to stand down this time or they do their job.

Lastly I wonder if they took those pallets of bricks away and if not what the state laws about hunting over bait are ?
Biden declared that the verdict <that he was told to say by his handlers> left him ā€œfeeling angry and concerned,ā€ as it did many other Americans.

Uh, many Americans like myself are partying tonight, celebrating a rare instance of rightful justice in this country. Enjoy it. It only happens rarely.
It's interesting how the media keeps trying to make this a race issues. I've read several articles and they all indicate there was only one black juror, like this is a racist thing. White kid shot three other white dudes trying to attack him. I guess everything today has to be about race one way or the other. Just trying to get the rioters juiced up or something.
You racist dick as a white guy i take offense to you calling out your priveleged whiteness over calling the defendants white and not black adjacent lol
Regarding "federal civil rights charges" or the wrongful death civil case that a number of posters here seem CERTAIN will result in Kyle doing Federal time and/or getting taken to the cleaners?

An awful lot of the same posters are on record in this thread being CERTAIN Kyle would be convicted in this trial, too. Let's hope they're just as wrong in their next set of predictions as they were in this set.

Question: he gets his bond back. Can he use that to pay off his legal bills? I'm assuming he can...
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