2014 Hunting Megathread

Not trying to judge? That's exactly what you did. What business is it of yours if he shoots a young or old deer? A tag is a tag, most people hunt to put meat in the freezer.

All due respect but it's kind of comes down to the ethics of hunting. I'm all for putting meat I the freezer.....but shoot something with some meat on it if that's truly the case.
You shot a fawn.... Poor play IMHO man... I'm glad you're out there - and I'm trying not to judge... But let the little guys grow up man. Make an appointment to hook up with him next year... Especially this early in the season. That little guy isn't much bigger than a Maine Coon...

Maybe the hunter is elderly! I hunted with a gentlemen last year that was in his early 80s......and he was looking for....in his words....."a tender little lamb"! Because that is all he could physically handle and he wanted to do it all himself. At least he is still out there in his 80s.....hope I am when I'm that old.....not saying this guy posting here is or isn't elderly but at least get some info before you flame someone. also What do you care what this guy harvested?

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All due respect but it's kind of comes down to the ethics of hunting. I'm all for putting meat I the freezer.....but shoot something with some meat on it if that's truly the case.
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Not trying to judge? That's exactly what you did. What business is it of yours if he shoots a young or old deer? A tag is a tag, most people hunt to put meat in the freezer.
Thanks , I have harvested my share of deer over the years. I am not out looking for antlers to mount on the wall. Its a fair chase and if I can make a quick humane shot like the one in the pic, I will. I enjoy venison and this Button Buck was a gift that will be appreciated.
All due respect but it's kind of comes down to the ethics of hunting. I'm all for putting meat I the freezer.....but shoot something with some meat on it if that's truly the case.

Last time I checked button bucks were made out of meat.....

Now personally I usually choose to let them walk and try to shoot a bigger deer but if the freezer is empty and time is running out they better not walk out in front of me.....
Last time I checked button bucks were made out of meat.....

Now personally I usually choose to let them walk and try to shoot a bigger deer but if the freezer is empty and time is running out they better not walk out in front of me.....

to each their own, you do what you need to do. I just like to let them get bigger personally (no harm in saying that)
I just like to let them get bigger personally (no harm in saying that)

Not exactly what you posted

Sir_Gawain said:
Jesus....if that is a bolt next to him, that bastard is tiny. The extra FPS of the crossbow musta knocked his spot off! You even end up with 10 lbs of meat off him?? Seems like a waste of a tag (and a good buck down the road) to me.

Seems condescending to me.
Meat is meat and those little guys are soooooooo tasty . I'm a meat hunter and will take the first deer i see during bow once the freezer is full then i get more selective. Don't let em get you down , nice job it was a quick and humane kill you have nothing to be sorry for and enjoy the Tasty Venison.
When demanding sacrifice from nature I'll only take a more mature animal. An animal that's had some time on god's earth. I get the whole meat in the freezer and if it's brown it's down.... I do. I'm not wired that way. I want a shot at a more mature animal. I pass on them because I feel I'm helping to sustain and not take the resource for granted. My first deer ever was a button. But I felt kind of sour afterwards when I was looking down at him. That - and I got next to no meat off of him. Could have fit it all in a tupperware container. So looking back upon the experience - I came to the conclusion that to do so just wasn't for me.
Others may not feel the same. They're free to use their tags in whatever manner the law allows regardless of my thoughts on the matter. But I do feel a little down - wondering what could have been when I see a fawn down.
When demanding sacrifice from nature I'll only take a more mature animal. An animal that's had some time on god's earth. I get the whole meat in the freezer and if it's brown it's down.... I do. I'm not wired that way. I want a shot at a more mature animal. I pass on them because I feel I'm helping to sustain and not take the resource for granted. My first deer ever was a button. But I felt kind of sour afterwards when I was looking down at him. That - and I got next to no meat off of him. Could have fit it all in a tupperware container. So looking back upon the experience - I came to the conclusion that to do so just wasn't for me.
Others may not feel the same. They're free to use their tags in whatever manner the law allows regardless of my thoughts on the matter. But I do feel a little down - wondering what could have been when I see a fawn down.

That's waay to much thought in it for me, sorry. An animal is food . No animal rights feeling in my bones.
That's waay to much thought in it for me, sorry. An animal is food . No animal rights feeling in my bones.

He is just saying it was taken before the full potential was reached. Like picking a zucchini when it is only 4 inches long. I like letting it get bigger to try to maximize the yeild/effort but my grandmother says it tastes better when they are that big, so everybody likes something different.
Put down the pipe....

When demanding sacrifice from nature I'll only take a more mature animal. An animal that's had some time on god's earth. I get the whole meat in the freezer and if it's brown it's down.... I do. I'm not wired that way. I want a shot at a more mature animal. I pass on them because I feel I'm helping to sustain and not take the resource for granted. My first deer ever was a button. But I felt kind of sour afterwards when I was looking down at him. That - and I got next to no meat off of him. Could have fit it all in a tupperware container. So looking back upon the experience - I came to the conclusion that to do so just wasn't for me.
Others may not feel the same. They're free to use their tags in whatever manner the law allows regardless of my thoughts on the matter. But I do feel a little down - wondering what could have been when I see a fawn down.
Big thanks to Mass Fish-Game and the volunteers from the Shirley Rod and Gun club for the para hunt at Devens the past two days. They try very hard to get to where you will at least get a chance and always supportive even if you (meaning me in this sentence) make a mistake.

Had chances both days and screwed them both up. Worst 2 days hunting ever (because of me) but at least I did not injure any deer. Lessons learned and have to move on.
I shot a button buck last year, and I'll do it again this year if the opportunity presents itself. I'm not sure what choosing to not shoot a button buck is helping to sustain, though. Whenever I hear the term "sustain" used when deer hunting is being talked about, it's in reference to the herd size. Which of course would be significantly more affected by shooting does, not bucks. I got over 50lbs of meat from my button buck, and that's with literally every bit of sinew/silverskin/fat removed as well. But I also butcher my own animals pretty meticulously. I've twice seen, in person, an entire deer processed by professionals, and although they're really quick, they miss a lot. How many people that bag a big deer say to themselves, "meh... I got most of the meat off, that's good enough"? I would say that's less "ethical" (whatever that means) than the guy who shoots a button and gets it all. I know nothing about this guy other than a picture which may or may not indicate the size of the deer he shot, and so all I have to say to him is... congrats.

Disclaimer for above: Not trying to put the butthurt on anyone, just my opinion and adding to the ongoing convo

I took my cousin's 15yo son out both days for NH youth weekend this past week. Didn't see a damned thing. Purchasing a blind was definitely the right move. I'm pretty sure that had we even seen a deer, he still would have scared them away. The second day I was hoping for a deer to stumble upon us just so he could scare it away and I could say, "See, I told you!" and have it be a learning experience for him. Lest the wrong impression be given, I was easy on him during the hunt and made it a point to not be overbearing with directions and whatnot. It was mostly just a couple of long days filled with hunting/life stories and peacefulness. I think he was a little disappointed, but he wanted to go out the second day, and he wants to go out again later in the season, so that's a good sign.

The best quote of the weekend was Saturday, 45 minutes before sunrise:

Kid (looking out of the blind through binoculars, I'm sure seeing nothing but blackness): "So... about what time do the deer usually show up?"

I can't take these expectations!

I also picked up a bow this year, but have mainly been still hunting/catching up on scouting with it up to this point. I just didn't have the time before late September. I've snuck up within bow range of bedded deer a few times, but I'm missing the last part of the equation- seeing them before they see me. I guess their camo is better than mine. I also snuck up on a bull moose with a huge rack a few days ago. I did see him before he saw me, but he was between me and the trailcam I was retrieving and it was getting late, so I had to scare him off. But it confirmed my decision to rank unit L highly (after all the north country WMU's, that is) in the NH moose lottery.

I'll be out for opening day of NH muzzleloader tomorrow. Good luck to everyone in the field this weekend!
He is just saying it was taken before the full potential was reached. Like picking a zucchini when it is only 4 inches long. I like letting it get bigger to try to maximize the yeild/effort but my grandmother says it tastes better when they are that big, so everybody likes something different.

You ever had stuffed zucchini blossoms......mmmm mmmm good!
50 lbs of meat off of a deer that probably weighs 70 pounds soaking wet before it's even dressed? You'll have to show me your butchering technique...

Not hard to believe, button bucks can get to be fairy big. The one all the comments surrounded looked to be 30lbs max (living).
2014 season lasted about 10 minutes.
Biggest deer I ever shot. My buddy came over to help me get it out.
Image 2.jpg Image 3.jpg Image 7.jpg SAM_2223.jpg

Used my 35 Whelen with some 220 Speer hand loads. Right behind the shoulder, ran about 30 yds pumping blood the whole way. Jellied up his lungs pretty good.
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