24 Hour Pandemic Prep List

I agree with Carlsdad with one exception. If you are buying when there is a shortage.
If you are buying when there no shortage then the manufacturer will ramp up production helping when an outbreak does occur.
An outbreak does not even have to be bird or swine flu, just regular flu which the flu shot does not cover.
Why wouldn't it be ethical? Tamilflu is not necessarily some limited resource. If you go and BUY it (remember, you would be spending your money on it to purchase it from somebody - meaning a FAIR exchange, not stealing it) - and then "hoard" it (a word used to put a negative spin on a perfectly sane behavior) - you are doing a sane and moral thing: preparing for a future event so that you do not put the burden of YOUR problems - on others.

Good answer- I guess I specifically meant NOW- today. Where there is no chance of ramping up production and by getting a prescription for it when I don't need it and there IS a fixed supply.
Sorry! I did have a worth while comment too.
Regarding tampons: forget 'em! The "Keeper" (as mentioned in the article) is a far superior product. One lasts for a reported 10 years and produces zero waste or trash when compared to tampons w/ wrappers and applicators or pads with wrappers.
Also, they are made in the USA! They come in the original latex "keeper" or medical grade silicone "mooncup" versions. I have been using one for about a year and I love it! You can't find them in stores yet but you can find them new on eBay (I bought a spare on eBay) or online stores like gladrags.com. Have your ladies check them out! They are so worth it!
Wow, never heard of them before. They'd make a great stocking stuffer!
Good answer- I guess I specifically meant NOW- today. Where there is no chance of ramping up production and by getting a prescription for it when I don't need it and there IS a fixed supply.

If the flu problem is going to get worse then how is my example any different? By not buying you are still relying on others to potentially supply you in the future if YOU get the flu.

If you were to acquire some now - and not need it, and if somebody you knew were to get the flu - you could help them. If you did not acquire it, and there was a shortage down the road and/or the situation gets so bad that supply lines break down - so that the Tamiflu could not be supplied, but you had passed up an opportunity to acquire it earlier - wouldn't that also be immoral?

I think you are reading way too much into this - as long as you are not directly stealing something from somebody then I don't see how acquiring something fairly can possibly be immoral. Quite frankly I think this is the same type of obtuse reasoning that typical liberals engage in and fall so far down the rabbit hole that sooner or later they can't make any sane decisions to save their own lives.
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If the flu problem is going to get worse then how is my example any different? By not buying you are still relying on others to potentially supply you in the future if YOU get the flu.

If you were to acquire some now - and not need it, and if somebody you knew were to get the flu - you could help them. If you did not acquire it, and there was a shortage down the road and/or the situation gets so bad that supply lines break down - so that the Tamiflu could not be supplied, but you had passed up an opportunity to acquire it earlier - wouldn't that also be immoral?

I think you are reading way too much into this - as long as you are not directly stealing something from somebody then I don't see how acquiring something fairly can possibly be immoral. Quite frankly I think this is the same type of obtuse reasoning that typical liberals engage in and fall so far down the rabbit hole that sooner or later they can't make any sane decisions to save their own lives.

I don't think it's obtuse reasoning! I think you keep changing my premises! My premises are- 1) there is a limited and finite supply of Tamiflu in your state (true) 2) you don't have the swine flu and you're bunkering down so not likely to get it 3) you get a prescription for it when you don't have the flu 4) by getting the limited and finite supply of flu medicine you don't need and most likely won't need, you most likely will be killing others.

That is a pretty fair assessment of what could happen if the flu reached epidemic proportions and you hadn't stocked up ahead of time but were trying to get it now.

Now, since I posed the question, MY personal answer is- I would stock it for my family even if it meant others dying because of it.
Interesting question JohnM.

Couple of points:
- There are over 300 Million people in the US and we only have 50 Million doses to begin with. Many People will already be going without.
- Roche has been at max production capacity since all of the developed nations began stockpilling , so theres nothing to ramp up. Only lever to move here is to break their patent and begin to manufacture ourselves.
- The real wildcard here is that Seasonal H1N1 (regular flu) is already tamiflu resistant so it's highly likely that this flu will also acquire those properties.

Just the same I'd have no issue getting Tami if I could

I have another scenario for you to chew on. Take the premise that getting this flu MAY provide some immunity to the next wave that comes (which historically is MUCH worse) Do you get sick now while there is Tamiflu available and the virus is mitigated by it in hopes that you won't get sick later? I for one won't do that as I have kids and and theres no guarantee that it will provide any benefits at all ( Many people continued to get the flu during the 1918 Pandemic even though they had it in prior waves.) Something to think about though....

I might also add that it seems to me that the gov may be taking that strategy (getting people sick now) because all of the downplaying and recomendations they're making will only lead to more widespread illness - Joe Biden , big mouth that he is, clearly was speaking the truth when he said social distancing, stay off the train, subway and planes, and he got slammed for it because protecting business is too important
Wow, never heard of them before. They'd make a great stocking stuffer!

Seriously! I know someone who just went to Thailand for some humanitarian thing for 6 months and she got one for the trip. It's small, easy to use, hygienic and you don't have to worry about whether the village merchants carry tampons. If you do get it as a stocking stuffer, read up on it first- they come in 2 sizes ;-) They are the female survivalist's best accessory.
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I recall from the previous bird flu scare around 3 or so years ago that Tamiflu is made from a very rare plant, so ramping up production anytime soon may be out of the question. I'm not sure if they have been able to overcome that limitation yet though. (i.e. grow more plants, or figure out how to make it without those plants)

If there are the resources to ramp up production, but the manufacturer is either unable or unwilling to do so (and unwilling to grant limited rights to the patent to other companies for a fee), this is one of the rare cases where I would support the gov't breaking that patent and declaring that specific other companies can start producing it.
Anybody have any good sources to get any of the nitrile gloves and face masks? I often could use the gloves anyway for other projects.

Napa Auto parts carries the Nitrile gloves. When I bought my last box, they were cheaper than CVS. Also, being an auto parts store, they might have the stock longer than the obvious places.

Home Depot and Lowes sells the N95 masks in 20 count boxes.

HOWEVER: N95 does not provide the best protection. If it is truly a pandemic and you MUST go out in public, I recommend a P100 rated mask.

N = Not oil proof
R = Resistant to oil
P = oil Proof

95 = 95% of “most-penetrating” particles are blocked
99 = 99% are blocked
100 = 99.97% are blocked.

So, a P100 is the best rating. Powered Air Purifier (PAPR) setups are P100 rated. Also, most P100 masks fit better which eliminates the gaps. Of course, they are also a lot more money. I ordered mine via Amazon.

While the cheap N95 masks will likely work, getting something with an exhaust valve will make you more comfortable. When allergies are at their worst, I use the N95 when mowing. Just lugging the catchers and such can get me breathing hard in the mask which makes the inside very warm and moist. On a hot day, it feels like crap and I usually ditch it early. The ones with the exhaust valves are better, but still suck in really hot weather. Imagine needing to wear it for several hours as you go about your normal routine.

Also, be sure you know how to remove gloves and masks without touching the outside. Otherwise you just contaminated your hands and the next thing you touch will be thusly contaminated.

Most of these things are one time use - Keep that in mind when you stock them.
Anyone need/want some expired PAPR cartridges? We're throwing out a bunch at work and thought someone might want them? Maybe?...

Located in N. Billerica

They expire this month but are vacuum sealed in canisters.
IMG_9789.JPG IMG_9791.JPG IMG_9792.JPG IMG_9793.JPG
Do you guys have any Doctors or close doctor friends? Stock up on Tamiflu for yourself and for barter. Seems that this is the only drug that may be effective against most foreign flu infections.

Tamiflu is a concoction of sketchy conflicts of interest between the CDC and the drug manufacturer, who gives money to the CDC. The FDA disagrees with the CDC's claims. Don't waste your money.

The only study saying it had any effect on flu complications was made by doctors who are paid pushers of Roche, the manufacturer, and the study was by a grant from Roche. This is the study the CDC used in its recommendation. An independent study found no benefit in reducing flu complications, and only 12-16 hr reduction in symptom duration.
bump for the list in the first post
From Flu Wiki

Consequences: 24 Hrs List
What to Prep if you have 24 Hours

ricewiki, Kate et al - from the Forums
If You Only Have 24 Hours To Prepare for H5N1 Quarantine (please copy and circulate)

Note to Fluwikians: Remember, this “If You Only Have 24 Hours” list is different from a “How Do I Start To Prep” list. Both are directed at people who haven’t started prepping yet, but the former is for dire straits once the pandemic becomes “official” or there is an otherwise obvious escalated emergency pandemic situation.

The latter is simply for the calm before the storm, like right now, while we all still have (forseeable) time to prep.

This list is for individuals who have failed to stockpile goods and supplies for the event of an avian flu pandemic. It assumes that there has been some official or obvious sign given that a state of pandemic has been reached and that the best hope for protection will be self-quarantine. It has been said that a virus at this stage will be able to pass to any point on the globe within 18 hours. YOU NEED TO STOCK UP NOW.

NB: If you are buying last-minute food, water and supplies when a human-to-human pandemic has been announced as spreading, please sit down for 5 minutes and make a plan of action. It is not a good idea to grab everything you can - BE STRATEGIC. You will not be able to get everything you need for a 3-month quarantine in one shopping trip! This list is based upon what you should attempt to accomplish in the ultimately unfortunate of “last-minute” trips – when everyone else will be “panic shopping” beside you. Focus your energy on grabbing foods that provide the most nutrition.


Pull the children out of school immediately and start the family plan into action.
Cell phones may come in handy - communication would be handy as you pick everything up around the stores and around town.
If you own multiple cars, have a family member drive each car (single-file, caravan style) to the same store.
Each of you take a cart and a portion of this list. Meet back at the checkout and load all of the cars.
NB: If the store has run out of an item you need, MOVE ON. IT WILL NOT BE THE END OF THE WORLD.
Do not waste time in this situation. Go to another store until you get it.

NB2: You will need cash! Some stores may no longer accept credit or debit in this situation.
In others, the lines may be down. Don’t risk your survival because you do not have adequate cash on hand.
And be prepared to spend considerably more than you would at any other grocery store run.

In Loose Order Of Importance:
From home: call to renew your prescriptions for pick-up. Call doctor to arrange for more.
Extract 60–75% cash from your bank account (save some for online bill payments; you may also
need to make arrangements re: investments, but this may need to be done later at this point.
Right now you need to get supplies.) or the full amount your daily limit will allow.

From the local drugstore/healthcentre/pharmacy:
N95 masks (NIOSH-rated Medical Particulate Masks) and Disposable gloves
(latex, vinyl or the best yet is Nitrile): (you will need these in the event
you leave the house again to pick up a forgotten or needed item)
your prescription refills
vitamins: C and multivitamins
tylenol/acetominaphen, aspirin/ ibuprofen (many uses); 3 bottles each
any other over-the-counter meds you know you need (customize here)
8 packages of 12-rolls toilet paper
5 boxes kleenex
batteries: know the kind you will need. AA’s – buy at least 10 packages.
candles and/or tealights – buy whatever is left; at least 50
matches and lighters: buy 2 boxes matches; 10 lighters
tampons if needed: year’s worth if you can: 20 boxes of 40’s; OR, 1 “keeper”
shampoo and conditioner

From the local grocery store:
as many bags rice you can afford (remember, you need to be able to buy some of everything on this list)
20 cans beans (90 would be needed for 3 mos)
20 cans tuna/chicken/fish
10 cans vegetables
30–60 jugs water (and you are going to need to come back for more!)
20 bags pasta
10 jars pasta sauce
2 big bags potatoes (high in energy; keep long time)
20 cans tomato paste (make your own pasta sauce)
energy bars; protein drinks;
bag/boxes of mixed nuts
bags of dried oatmeal
bags dried beans
5 large bottles vegetable oil (sunflower, safflower and olive are healthiest)
box sugar (biggest you can find)
box salt (biggest you can find)
bottles Gatorade (orally rehydrates) or vitaminized water
pet food and/or baby supplies if needed
extra manual can-opener (yours might break!)
extra scissors (might lose yours!)
5 jars peanut butter
3 loaves bread
10 bars/tubs butter
10 bricks cheese
frozen meat
soups that don’t need added water
garbage bags
Go to local hardware/supplies store and buy:
propane cooking stove
flashlights (3)
water purification tablets
battery-operated radio
On way home: stock up on tank of gas, extra gas. Fill any portable gas
containers you may have or can buy at the gas station.
Less Essential Items to pick up if

you have Time, Money and they are Available:
coffee, teas
3 jars jam
boxes macaroni and cheese
bag onions
boxes powdered milk
box crackers, bag cookies
other fresh fruit and veggies
other vitamins if you know you need them: Omega-3, antioxidants, meds for diarrhea
key spices you use: garlic, mixed spice shakers, bouillon, cinnamon, turmeric, curry, ginger
q-tips, rubbing alcohol, a ready-made first-aid kit
shaving cream and razors
Paper plates, plastic forks, knives, spoons
paper towels
laundry soap
Really Less Essential (for urban survival)

Items To Wait For Another Trip To Pick Up
and then Only If You Really Need Them:

candy, alcohol, tobacco (could be used for trade; but you should quit smoking at this point)
tools; rope; tape;
cleaning supplies (bleach; disinfectant hand sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol; liquid dish detergent; big jug white vinegar)
Condiments - mayo, ketchup, BBQ Sauce, Salsa, creamers (presumably you will already have some of these anyway)
Lotion and all other more luxurious personal care items
entertainment items like books (you will already have some of these anyway)

For All Other Essential Survival Items
You Will Need A Second Trip (at your own risk)

please consult standard avian flu preparedeness guides on FluWiki
Retrieved from http://www.fluwikie.com/pmwiki.php?n=Consequences.24HrsList
Page last modified on September 20, 2006, at 09:31 AM
I would highly suggest a ban on "Euro-kissing" to that list...

Does Bill Gates know something (or have something planned)? I don't trust that phuker whatsoever.

He's not wrong. If h5n1 or something similar ever went human pandemic that currently has a 65+% case fatality rate. Of Those who catch it 65% die. The Spanish flu in 1917 had a 2% cfr and is said to have killed in excess of 80mm people. Bear in mind this predates commercial avaiation. If this happened everything on the planet would grind to halt almost immediately.
On the one hand, we now have better medical treatment than in 1918, especially for secondary bacterial infections, so people would not necessarily die at the same rate they did in the Spanish flu pandemic. On the other hand, in a pandemic that required intensive hospital treatment for victims, like respirators, the hospitals would immediately become overloaded, and people would be left to care for themselves at home.

The respiratory symptoms are more severe in Spanish influenza as compared to other influenza viruses.

Nasal discharge, cough, soreness in throat, scratchy feeling in throat, breathing difficulty, chest pain, etc is intense. Cough was so severe that some patients were found with torn abdominal muscles.

According to histopathological reports, researchers found exemplary damage to the lung tissue in Spanish influenza patients. The bronchi and tiny alveoli were severely damaged. It resulted in massive bleeding from lung and even from the nasal cavities. The lungs were prone to bacterial infection. Secondary pneumonia was common cause of death in Spanish influenza.

Pneumonia is common complication of influenza but in Spanish influenza it increased risk of fatality. High fever, bloody sputum from mouth, shortness of breath and chest pain are its symptoms. Many patients bled even from ears apart from mouth and nose. Some patients died within hours or one day after the suddenness of symptoms.​

Bill Gates is correct, there is an ongoing threat of a pandemic airborne virus, probably from a mutation of a flu, and not enough resources are being devoted to preventing it. Would be be better off if instead of the $2+ trillion we just wasted in wars in the middle east, we had spent it on virus research? How much safer are US citizens in terms of risk of death (in the next pandemic), compared to how many US lives we saved by destroying Iraq? Hint, when you put zero in the denominator, you get a large number. Americans really do not spend their money on the right things. If you measure the amount spent on Kardashian merchandise vs spent on life saving anti-viral research, you might conclude that Americans would rather die in the streets like the did in 1918 than try and fight back or make any kind of preparations, oh forget it. Rant over.
flu leading to pneumonia is no joke. Neither is coughing up blood for whatever reason. It's very disconcerting.

The other piece to compare 100 years ago to today is an extension of the grid and the ability to keep untended central heating systems running for a month or more.

I've was so sick when I had double pneumonia that it was hard to even get out of bed to hydrate and use the rest room. Ended up having 2 bags hung by IV and rehydrated me. Having to go outside to get wood or coal or to tend a stove for heat, etc. could have killed a lot of people 100 years ago. Instead, I just dialed the thermostat to 66 and piled up the quilts. And lived.
Does Bill Gates know something (or have something planned)? I don't trust that phuker whatsoever.

With you on this...it's called predictive programming, so when they unleash the weaponized microbe people will say 'oh yeah, a lot of people warned something like this might happen someday....' They'll further sicken and kill people with the shots that are supposed to be the saving medicine.
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