24 Hour Pandemic Prep List

A conventional still requires heat, which usually requires fire, which usually produces smoke. In the Flupocalypse, you won't want to emit smoke that might lead raiders to your bunker.

You should consider a bicycle powered vacuum still. Pull a strong vacuum and the water will boil at room temperature.
Can you send some pics of your vacuum still? Curious how your setup looks.
I need another box of cigars. Then I'll be all set. Seriously, if your checking your preps now you're doing it wrong.

The surgical masks & N-95 ones serve only to keep your boogers to yourself. There's no seal to stop you from inhaling air infected with cooties. Other than walking around in full NBC gear there ain't much you can do.

Worst case will involve bugging in for a couple weeks. Take a deep breath and relax.
My wife and I spent most of today auditing and reorganizing our preps. Made a small list of things that would be nice to have and going out tomorrow. We padded our stuff a little more in Jan when China started reporting exponential growth.

I padded reloading supplies this week. In the event we end up self quarantined for a bit it's time well spent.
Bot sure if people know about this, but an easy, cheap way to prep is to go to the LDS homne center. They offer long shelf life foods, from what ive read great quality, and already packaged. I was there last week and they had tons of powdered milk.

Can you send some pics of your vacuum still? Curious how your setup looks.

So I was sort of kidding about that, however...

A discussion on vacuum canning and bagging led to a discovery that the GOOD machines are incredibly expensive. Like ~ $1k

A crappy countertop model is < $100 but doesn't last.

A decent countertop model can be had around $200-$300.

A degassing chamber for people into resin molding can be had around $200-$300 in 1 gallon to 5 gallon capacities. But one can also use it for vacuum canning (but not bagging).

I should think a small still could fit inside the large chambers.

Remember, it's legal make small quantities of certain alcoholic beverages, but I believe to make potent spirits like whiskey, you need a special license from ATF.
I need another box of cigars. Then I'll be all set. Seriously, if your checking your preps now you're doing it wrong.

The surgical masks & N-95 ones serve only to keep your boogers to yourself. There's no seal to stop you from inhaling air infected with cooties. Other than walking around in full NBC gear there ain't much you can do.

Worst case will involve bugging in for a couple weeks. Take a deep breath and relax.
Just placed an order two days ago from JR Tobacco to hold me over.
Been telling the old lady to start stocking the pantry for the last two weeks. Not sure what the issue is, I remember my grandmother always had a fully stocked pantry when I was growing up. I think my wife likes making numerous trips to the store all week long. Anyways, she must have read something, or watched something, because she started hitting the stores hard today. Just told me she is going again tomorrow.
Been telling the old lady to start stocking the pantry for the last two weeks. Not sure what the issue is, I remember my grandmother always had a fully stocked pantry when I was growing up. I think my wife likes making numerous trips to the store all week long. Anyways, she must have read something, or watched something, because she started hitting the stores hard today. Just told me she is going again tomorrow.
Aggravates the shit out of me how you can talk to the women in your life until youre blue in the face and they wont act but the minute they read some article somewhere or one of their dipshit friends says more or less the same thing youve been trying to get across to them forever, they spring into action.
So I was sort of kidding about that
How highly disappointed I am. I expected to see your Peloton wheel driving a belt to a two stage compressor sucking the air out of a 55 gallon drum to the point of implosion while a road through the Alps plays on your monitor with an overly perky trainer shouting "Great ride namedpipes! Way To Show Up Today!"
How highly disappointed I am. I expected to see your Peloton wheel driving a belt to a two stage compressor sucking the air out of a 55 gallon drum to the point of implosion while a road through the Alps plays on your monitor with an overly perky trainer shouting "Great ride namedpipes! Way To Show Up Today!"

Well a 55 gallon drum might be overly ambitious, but over the summer, perhaps i'll see about adapting my air compressor to work in reverse and spin it with a bike. However, if I do I'm also getting one of those little electric assist motors. And run that off the house current. Cuz I'm getting too old for this s**t.
Aggravates the shit out of me how you can talk to the women in your life until youre blue in the face and they wont act but the minute they read some article somewhere or one of their dipshit friends says more or less the same thing youve been trying to get across to them forever, they spring into action.
this street runs both ways! LOL
Aggravates the shit out of me how you can talk to the women in your life until youre blue in the face and they wont act but the minute they read some article somewhere or one of their dipshit friends says more or less the same thing youve been trying to get across to them forever, they spring into action.

Women (most...don't want to offend those on here who clearly are exceptions) are on a hive mentality. If people in their social circle validate something, they jump on board. Even if you've been saying it for ages.
Women (most...don't want to offend those on here who clearly are exceptions) are on a hive mentality. If people in their social circle validate something, they jump on board. Even if you've been saying it for ages.
and you think you guys don't have a similar mentality? HA!
Let the wife browse these threads. The pantry is well stocked now. Not sure what she spent, I really don't care, its stuff we would use anyways. I reminded her of the ice storm way back when, we couldn't go down our road for three days. So I think it's a wise investment. She wants a chest freezer now, just have to figure out where to put it.
Women (most...don't want to offend those on here who clearly are exceptions) are on a hive mentality. If people in their social circle validate something, they jump on board. Even if you've been saying it for ages.
Thank you for not lumping us all into the same "Women are (fill in the complaint of the day) category" There are plenty of women I know that are also free thinkers. Then there are the ones you describe. Guess what? Guys are like that too.

I think it's a good thing. More prepared people mean less people looking for help in case this thing gets really bad. If not, no harm done. Just skip some grocery shopping and use the money for something else.
I live 100 yards from Lake Pontchartrain. "Water" isn't a problem, it's cleaning it from all you nasty MF's upriver who polluted it :p

Ok, maybe the shipping industry, but the Mississippi flows into it as well.

get one of those filters where you pour water in the top and it gravity filters. Sawyer or Berkey I forget.
Aggravates the shit out of me how you can talk to the women in your life until youre blue in the face and they wont act but the minute they read some article somewhere or one of their dipshit friends says more or less the same thing youve been trying to get across to them forever, they spring into action.

Hey - what the hell - l didn't realize my wife was a bigamist!
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