3/27/23 Nashville School Shooting

I'm not sure where you got that from what I wrote. That's not even remotely what I'm talking about. I'm talking about medical procedures...
You're talking about the Libertarian Conundrum: to what extent is it acceptable to have government insert itself in private affairs when it involves a vulnerable population (children in this case) who may not themselves possess agency.
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same thing - as parent selling kids for sex or government deciding to cut off their reproductive organs to take them out of breeding pool to prevent overpopulation of the planet.
the same process, really, just 2 different extremes of it.

As I recently told someone else,

There are grey areas here, whether you like it or not.
I'm not sure where you got that from what I wrote. That's not even remotely what I'm talking about. I'm talking about medical procedures...
An unnecessary medical procedure that happens because of media-celebrated munchausen by proxy or mental illness. If the government stepped in to prevent a parent for paying a hospital to chop toes off of their kids, you'd be fine with it.

Ask yourself why the media would put out "debunking" stories so quickly.
Some of the shoe articles I have seen are quite convincing. I even noticed the camo spotch pattern are different in the pre-and post shoot scenes. I spent a lot of time researching camo patterns as I have a ball cap which I found out is USN patterns and a shirt and trousers which are South Korean pattern. It was also pointed out that in the first part of the security videos, the shooter apears to have a phone or something tucked into the right pant cuff.
Ask yourself why the media would put out "debunking" stories so quickly.
Some of the shoe articles I have seen are quite convincing. I even noticed the camo spotch pattern are different in the pre-and post shoot scenes. I spent a lot of time researching camo patterns as I have a ball cap which I found out is USN patterns and a shirt and trousers which are South Korean pattern. It was also pointed out that in the first part of the security videos, the shooter apears to have a phone or something tucked into the right pant cuff.
Screenshot_20230331_221541_Twitter.jpg Screenshot_20230331_222202_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20230331_221344_Twitter.jpg

These are my personal screenshots... I see 2 different style shoes.... I want some answers! The shoes look very different.
The body camera is substantially higher resolution than the hall camera, a lower contrast, and has a higher ISO. The color is going to reproduce more accurately 1:1 relative to lighting, and the lower resolution is going to be further shortchanged by the compression algorithm in the hall camera. The same loss in accurate color and shape definition on the shoe can be seen on the barrel shroud in the hall shot, and is why it looks like a half cooked noodle on the edges.
The whole Shoe Thing is a ridiculous and boring side convo.
As if some major conspiracy putting enough effort into planning an event wouldn't make sure multiple parties didn't wear the exact same clothing. :rolleyes:

I think the entire shoe thing is deliberate sabotage by paid trolls trying to engineer another Sandy Hook style tinfoil atmosphere online to diminish the scale and impact of the atrocity committed by the deranged bitch.
As if some major conspiracy putting enough effort into planning an event wouldn't make sure multiple parties didn't wear the exact same clothing. :rolleyes:

I think the entire shoe thing is deliberate sabotage by paid trolls trying to engineer another Sandy Hook style tinfoil atmosphere online to diminish the scale and impact of the atrocity committed by the deranged bitch.
I'm waiting for the Babylon Bee to weigh in on the shoe thing, then I'll know what is true and what is not. [wink]
The body camera is substantially higher resolution than the hall camera, a lower contrast, and has a higher ISO. The color is going to reproduce more accurately 1:1 relative to lighting, and the lower resolution is going to be further shortchanged by the compression algorithm in the hall camera. The same loss in accurate color and shape definition on the shoe can be seen on the barrel shroud in the hall shot, and is why it looks like a half cooked noodle on the edges.
If I'm ever in court and there is video footage of me. I'm hiring you as a lawyer. No video we have ever watched is real!!!
It is disturbing that the Trans community pushes so hard against laws that say these kids have to wait until they are adults to begin transitioning.
We have laws against many behaviors until people are adults for a reason, and they are more or less accepted by society.
You can't drive, drink, vote, marry or serve in the military until you reach a certain age. Why is it so important to these groups that children are allowed to make life altering decisions about gender? The obvious answer is that they want to push their agenda and increase their numbers while kids are easily influenced and impressionable. Because they know when kids start using more reason, they are more likely to be cautious.
Logic should dictate that the more permanent the decision, the older you should have to be to make it legally. Make a bad decision about marriage, you can get a divorce. Military enlistment? Don't re-up. But you can't just grow a dick back. Pretty permanent.

If the trans community were serious, they would be pushing to allow all government imposed age restrictions to be removed. They seriously expect that a 12 year old shouldn't be allowed to watch an R rated movie, but can have her breasts surgically removed? To young to rent a car, but old enough to cut off your penis.
Doctors that are willing to perform these procedures should have their medical license revoked.
Just shot.. the doctors should be shot
With all due respect my friend, I am pretty sure that is exactly how we are viewed. Especially you and I, due to military experience.
In fact, I suspect they consider anyone that has a paid membership to a gun forum, a terrorist or potential terrorist.

And I just can't figure out why people look at gun owners that way. I can't think of many other groups that you know have not commited a serious crime, including a DUI, have never been convicted felony, and are subject to a background check. But we are the problem.
Lol who are these "people" you speak of? Maybe deep state operatives. Because outside of this s*** hole that we live in in New England, or any of the other commie laden areas, every third person owns a gun, or at least it seems that way. Gun owners being outliers is not reality in most of this country.

An unnecessary medical procedure that happens because of media-celebrated munchausen by proxy or mental illness. If the government stepped in to prevent a parent for paying a hospital to chop toes off of their kids, you'd be fine with it.
The fun thing is not too many years ago when both sides didn't go full retard seemingly absolutely no one had a problem with protocols for dealing with trans children there was a lot of vetting involved therapists and multiple doctors, 100% parental consent, Etc and then they fast-tracked everything.... so that when some kid thinks that she's a dude she can get her tits cut off or something and it's in under a year..... iow, the protocols weren't unreasonable and then over the years they forced the issue by asking for too much. Eventually the lefties are going to regret this the same way they are regretting not sucking for a 15-week limitation on abortion in the states where it got completely banned. 🤣
I've been saying this to people for a long time, When I was a kid almost every house had guns and ammo hanging on a wall or behind a door or stuffed in a closet and this was not in the countryside either, its not the f***ing guns!!
And half the hoopties in the parking lot had a rifle in the trunk, truck bed or rear window. And somehow there were no school shootings.
And half the hoopties in the parking lot had a rifle in the trunk, truck bed or rear window. And somehow there were no school shootings.
My small Massachusetts town has a 20% rate of CC permits. That’s 20% of ALL people counted in the last census. Probably in line with most other non retarded parts of the country.

My club is smack dab in the center of a residential area (my window is open and I hear someone shooting right now) and there are zero complaints I am aware of.

The problem is the urban areas and gerrymandering as always with democrats
It is disturbing that the Trans community pushes so hard against laws that say these kids have to wait until they are adults to begin transitioning.
We have laws against many behaviors until people are adults for a reason, and they are more or less accepted by society.
You can't drive, drink, vote, marry or serve in the military until you reach a certain age. Why is it so important to these groups that children are allowed to make life altering decisions about gender? The obvious answer is that they want to push their agenda and increase their numbers while kids are easily influenced and impressionable. Because they know when kids start using more reason, they are more likely to be cautious.
Logic should dictate that the more permanent the decision, the older you should have to be to make it legally. Make a bad decision about marriage, you can get a divorce. Military enlistment? Don't re-up. But you can't just grow a dick back. Pretty permanent.

If the trans community were serious, they would be pushing to allow all government imposed age restrictions to be removed. They seriously expect that a 12 year old shouldn't be allowed to watch an R rated movie, but can have her breasts surgically removed? To young to rent a car, but old enough to cut off your penis.
Doctors that are willing to perform these procedures should have their medical license revoked.
Ask any of them if a six year old should be able to own a gun if they are able to make life altering decisions according to them .
Watch heads spin.
Lol who are these "people" you speak of? Maybe deep state operatives. Because outside of this s*** hole that we live in in New England, or any of the other commie laden areas, every third person owns a gun, or at least it seems that way. Gun owners being outliers is not reality in most of this country.

The fun thing is not too many years ago when both sides didn't go full retard seemingly absolutely no one had a problem with protocols for dealing with trans children there was a lot of vetting involved therapists and multiple doctors, 100% parental consent, Etc and then they fast-tracked everything.... so that when some kid thinks that she's a dude she can get her tits cut off or something and it's in under a year..... iow, the protocols weren't unreasonable and then over the years they forced the issue by asking for too much. Eventually the lefties are going to regret this the same way they are regretting not sucking for a 15-week limitation on abortion in the states where it got completely banned. 🤣
I was mattress shopping today at least half the time my gun must have been exposed... no one cared
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