9mm Carbine (Sig, Wilson Combat, Angstadt)

I just got the new Ruger PC 9mm carbine, and am using Glock magazines. It is very nice, much better trigger than the old Ruger carbine. Of all the pistol caliber magazine fed rifles I have tried I like it the best so far in terms of weight, balance and trigger. The original Ruger PC9 was a little too heavy, and the trigger was not good.

I originally got the carbines so I could shoot indoors in the winter, the club I belonged to only allowed pistol calibers at their indoor range. But I only shoot outdoors now.

Shooting 9mm at 100 yards feels a bit silly, I have to admit. But it is cheaper than anything else except .22LR or 7.62x39 steel case ammo.

I ordered the PC Carbine 2 weeks age since every store I know of didn’t have it. Does anyone have it in stock for NY??
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