Active Shooter Situation in Lewiston Maine

Anybody else think that the Jihadis are furiously taking notes and revising plans after seeing one guy occupy so much LE effort and cause the lockdown and standstill of so much real estate?

Also, wasn’t there some tacticool bro a couple years ago that killed somebody and E&E’d through the woods of Pennsylvania for months. It was during a shitty time of year weather-wise with snow and cold temps. The guy eluded the cops so long because he knew the terrain and had caches and pre-positioned supplies and shit. I’ll have to see if I can find that story.
I think he (or she) was just pointing out that laws (good or bad) are in place that SHOULD have stopped this event before it happened, if laws like the "red flag" idea actually worked in the first place.

But when it's used as a revenge or persecution tool, it takes a bad idea to a whole new level.

It does seem odd that nobody appeared worried about the guy before last night.
Yeah in an ideal world when gun owners have actual due process and a chance to defend themselves in court whenever some troll calls in a fake threat and files a red flag request, that system would work. Or if you can guarantee your family doctor isn't an anti gun activist and won't file a gun DQ to the government when he asks you in your appointment "so, have you ever felt sad in the last 6 months?"
So, here's my analysis. The car-by-boatramp seems 100%. So..

1) He had a secondary vehicle parked there or used a basic watercraft to reach a secondary vehicle. Upstream is the scene and there is a dam just downstream, but brief use of water would throw off the dogs regardless. He hasn't been found in over 3 hours x 75 mph on the highway means he is somewhere in here:
View attachment 810014
If this is the case, he may not turn up for weeks, months or even years. His cash will run out so unless he has a stolen identity to operate under, so he'll be found eventually. Whether or not an accomplice picked him up doesn't change much, and I can't fathom he had a "buddy helping the cause", just no way...

2) You bet your ass that chopper had FLIR as well. If he proceeded on foot with a half-hour head start, and likely being in shape, he was 2 miles away by the time they got there and probably 6 miles away long before a good scent would have been found. Seems if he was on foot exclusively, they'd have found him by now either by flir or dogs. Regardless, as of midnight, if he was on foot, he's somewhere in here:
View attachment 810016

That's a lot of square miles and thousands of hiding places given all the unoccupied vacation homes, cabins, general abandoned buildings, etc... Even a Watertownesque response won't produce him for days. At some point his food/water stash will run out if he even has one, and no way he'd make it into public locally without being spotted. He'll either get caught foraging or B&E, but his could be upwards of 1-3 weeks if he planned ahead.
Would love to see this updated. Great analysis.
Pot meet kettle. This crowd has been pushing our agenda and paranoia since last night. Republicans politicians are largely silent and defaulting to the “thoughts and prayers” line.

Any way you look at this, it’s a very sad day. 22 people got killed. Sucks.

What should Republicans be saying?
News reports keep saying that the Maine suspect was “committed” to a mental health facility for two weeks , which would make him prohibited from possessing firearms.

I really doubt that’s true.

Being “committed” has a meaning. The process varies by state, but it always involves a judge. Being released from commitment also requires a judge.

Two weeks would be an amazingly short time for that process.

Even if it was a judicial order for evaluation (as opposed to voluntary treatment), that wouldn’t automatically make him “adjudicated mentally incompetent”, which is the standard for being federally prohibited from possessing firearms.
News reports keep saying that the Maine suspect was “committed” to a mental health facility for two weeks , which would make him prohibited from possessing firearms.

I really doubt that’s true.

Being “committed” has a meaning. The process varies by state, but it always involves a judge. Being released from commitment also requires a judge.

Two weeks would be an amazingly short time for that process.

Even if it was a judicial order for evaluation (as opposed to voluntary treatment), that wouldn’t automatically make him “adjudicated mentally incompetent”, which is the standard for being federally prohibited from possessing firearms.
It was probably more of a "Hey, buddy, why don't you take a break for a little bit, I know this place where you can go..."

The media reports as committal because that's the term they think you use for institutionalized people, voluntary or not. For folks who use words every day of their careers, they aren't generally capable of a lot of nuance.
Anybody else think that the Jihadis are furiously taking notes and revising plans after seeing one guy occupy so much LE effort and cause the lockdown and standstill of so much real estate?
Or did this guy take notes from the Jihadis? Two pressure cookers brought an entire metropolitan area to a standstill for a day. Regardless of ideology, if you had a small team of these guys committing an attack at multiple separate locations simultaneously, they're very easily going to overwhelm any potential police and emergency response.
News reports keep saying that the Maine suspect was “committed” to a mental health facility for two weeks , which would make him prohibited from possessing firearms.

I really doubt that’s true.

Being “committed” has a meaning. The process varies by state, but it always involves a judge. Being released from commitment also requires a judge.

Two weeks would be an amazingly short time for that process.

Even if it was a judicial order for evaluation (as opposed to voluntary treatment), that wouldn’t automatically make him “adjudicated mentally incompetent”, which is the standard for being federally prohibited from possessing firearms.
I had to bring a friend to the same hospital in August. She had a 3 week stay. She probably ran into the guy.😬
Normally I'd make statements about everyone being pants shitting morons, but he already has delivered more than one target - one of which had kid stuff going on. If he's not done, schools would be on the table.
I don't blame the schools for shutting down; it was the right call. If for nothing else, just the fact that those facilities would require a LE presence as protection, when those officers could be better utilized elsewhere today.
If we ban firearms instructors, then nobody will know how to shoot.
Funny thing is, when they bring out the moms and rosespenis today to talk about their super helpful ideas, mandatory training will be at the top of their list.

I always want to ask them if they were not saitisfied with the level of marksmanship that the active shooter possessed.
Not that I have a lot of sympathy for a sex offender, but that's an unfortunate coincidence for him.
Depends on his "offense". You're out hiking, you stop to take a piss in the woods and someone's kid just happens to see you, you can get on the list. Asking a prostitute what she charges, even with no intention of completing a transaction with her, can get you on the list.

My son just reported that the suspect was seen on 93 near NH/MA. Not sure where he got that (maybe the radio?) and it doesn't quite seem to fit - so I just figured I'd stoke the rumor mill a bit.
Depends on his "offense". You're out hiking, you stop to take a piss in the woods and someone's kid just happens to see you, you can get on the list. Asking a prostitute what she charges, even with no intention of completing a transaction with her, can get you on the list.

One of your numbskull work buddies texts a pic that you never asked for, deleted immediately, but is stored forever on your phone could probably do it too.
Channel 7 shows interviews with locals, omg. To see those people and then argue to leave MA, to live next to _that_? No way in hell.
Not if MA didn’t have its own shitholes, but, damn.
Sorry about that. I'm sure if it happened in your town, they would have interviewed all the supermodels that hang out near the bowling alley.
We all go through NICS when we buy a gun, I'm afraid to say they need to cross reference mental health records with the NICS system. How else are they going to take them out of the wrong hands? If you're mentally sound you have nothing to worry about. If you're not mentally sound then everyone around you has to worry. I'm not talking about Xanax for minor anxiety, I'm talking about dangerous mental health issues, they need to be disarmed.
Where do you draw that line?

The process is SUPPOSE to stop anyone who has been committed for mental illness.

Mental illness is an extremely wide spectrum. Because you have anxiety you shouldn’t have a gun? Im not trying to pile on you just pointing it out. As someone who has struggled with their own mental illness at times I automatically forgo my rights?

I have been open about it and have sought out help and treatment. You can be open about a lot of things without action being taken. I have been honest with my therapist about my struggles at times and the fact that I own guns.

I mean say all my guns got taken away because I have a mental illness. I could buy all the parts I need legally and build a gun over the weekend. Like any tragedy, if there is a will there is a way.

Not being combative just more big picture I suppose.
I believe Maine makes it illegal to carry in places that serve alcohol, which would presumably include both the restaurant and the bowling alley. I could be wrong though.
20 dead, then 22 dead. Now fox25, oh wait, boston25 is saying its 16. Wondering if these numbers are just being made up by MSM?
How many Ambulances were dispatched? I saw only one in any feed... And It looked like a EMT/Firedept box sitting blocks away at an intersection. Why were all life-flights sent back?
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