ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

You may know this already, but for you or anyone else in MA who wants to make a SBS, make sure you only build it from a new, never-built receiver and not an existing shotgun.

From MGL Ch 140 sec 121

From MGL ch 269 sec 10

Should update my profile. Moved to NH, then to FL haha.
I eFiled a Form 1 on 2/2/16 and last week I got an email form the ATF, which I figured was notification of my approval but it stated that the status of my application has changed to SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS....da fuq?

Doesn't the application immediately go pending when you eFile? This is my 3rd Form 1 I've submitted using the eForms system and I don't recall any of this hoss sh!t.
I eFiled a Form 1 on 2/2/16 and last week I got an email form the ATF, which I figured was notification of my approval but it stated that the status of my application has changed to SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS....da fuq?

Doesn't the application immediately go pending when you eFile? This is my 3rd Form 1 I've submitted using the eForms system and I don't recall any of this hoss sh!t.

I went to check my applications and eForms is down. Go figure.
I eFiled a Form 1 on 2/2/16 and last week I got an email form the ATF, which I figured was notification of my approval but it stated that the status of my application has changed to SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS....da fuq?

Doesn't the application immediately go pending when you eFile? This is my 3rd Form 1 I've submitted using the eForms system and I don't recall any of this hoss sh!t.

I never got a status update on my efile. Was checking eforms 3 times a week or so and one Saturday BOOM, approval.
So my Form 1 for a Scorpion Evo 3 was both disapproved and approved today. When filing, somehow the model was listed as Scorpion Evo 3 S1 and the form was disapproved because it did not have CZ at the from of it. I emailed the woman, Heather Thompson, who disapproved it and she said she would approve a resubmittal without delay. I resubmitted and paid the $200 (a refund is on its way) and a few minutes later I was approved and had the stamp. I am very impressed with the ATF right now.

Submitted 2/9/16
Approced 6/2/16

What did you put for your description?
Just submitted form 1s for two 9mm lower receivers (new Frontier). My MA LTC expires at the end of July and hopefully by theN my renewal will arrive. Sent a copy of my present LTC with my trust docs. Don't know if I can amend or add the new license to my submission. Will probably have to call ATF.

Anyway, the wait begins.
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Just ordered a can from the Silencer Shop, and they say it's about a 6 month turnaround. At least I'm going to get it under the 7/13 wire, for trusts.
I think form 1's are taking 4+ months at this point, only to get worse I'm sure. I've got 2 more to jam in before July and my first form 4! [smile]
Anyone know any MA lawyers who do NFA gun trusts. I was thinking of using Gunguru but I'd prefer to have a lawyer do it. I found one but he wanted 300.00. Too much for me.

Thanks guys/gals
Anyone know any MA lawyers who do NFA gun trusts. I was thinking of using Gunguru but I'd prefer to have a lawyer do it. I found one but he wanted 300.00. Too much for me.

Thanks guys/gals

If you keep scrolling down the list, you will find several threads here in the NFA forum providing names and testimonials for legal services and NFA trusts. Good legal advice and representation comes at a price sometimes.
submitted a form 1 application on 2/5, got this email this morning about 930am:

'Good morning Daniel,

I am reviewing your VZ.61 submission and am requesting photos of all the currently engraved markings on your receiver (manufacture, model, caliber, serial number, etc.).

Please email me the photos as soon as you can, so I can take a final action on your submission.'

well i obliged, and am now waiting to hear back. fingers crossed!
Is that a common firearm? I got a similar request regarding my Matrix lower submission. Guessing they they hadn't seen one before.
Mfg'd elsewhere and imported? That's all I can think of.

receiver made in czech, and then imported by century arms.

- - - Updated - - -

Is that a common firearm? I got a similar request regarding my Matrix lower submission. Guessing they they hadn't seen one before.
not necessarily a common firearm but not uncommon, it's a vz61 scorpion. receiver made out of US and imported. not sure where other people got receivers but I know Im not the first one to have had submitted a vz61 application. perhaps first using this companies receiver I don't know. it was the only metal one i could find, didn't want 3d printed. makes it a heavy little pistol, but hey thats what the form 1 to sbr it is for lol
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submitted a form 1 application on 2/5, got this email this morning about 930am:

'Good morning Daniel,

I am reviewing your VZ.61 submission and am requesting photos of all the currently engraved markings on your receiver (manufacture, model, caliber, serial number, etc.).

Please email me the photos as soon as you can, so I can take a final action on your submission.'

well i obliged, and am now waiting to hear back. fingers crossed!

Hear back yet?
yes, sent in photos of the receiver.

I had importer as manufactured. form 1 denied. the examiner told me to resubmit and email back my new and old control numbers. took a couple extra days with the long holiday weekend but after months what's days lol. got an email back this morning 720am from the examiner saying everything looked good and I was approved!!

ill have to take and upload some pics to the NFA pics thread!!!

really nice and helpful examiner or sure!

debating submitting another form 1 before the cutoff for an ak receiver i have. don't have a sbr parts kit so not sure. forget the cutoff date of 41p. not that I couldn't in the future it just makes it more difficult ect.
I've had to do that for a particularly unusual lower - perhaps some of you remember the "donkey show" lowers made by the soon-to-be-defunct "Offensive Weapons"??? I preemptively submitted a picture with the "PEN15" I've submitted a form 1 for in 50 Beo. Just because.
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