ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

I have another lower I'm thinking of submitting under my NFA trust before the cutoff on Wednesday. Should I go 9mm, 300BLK or something else? I'm already waiting for a stamp for my 10.5" 5.56 build.
I have another lower I'm thinking of submitting under my NFA trust before the cutoff on Wednesday. Should I go 9mm, 300BLK or something else? I'm already waiting for a stamp for my 10.5" 5.56 build.

I would simply pick one then if you change your mind you can write the ATF a love letter telling them of your decision. Submit it ASAP since you never know what can happen to the eFile system tomorrow.
I have another lower I'm thinking of submitting under my NFA trust before the cutoff on Wednesday. Should I go 9mm, 300BLK or something else? I'm already waiting for a stamp for my 10.5" 5.56 build.

Dont forget the 13th is a WED and the eforms site is down for maintenance. The site has already been pretty sluggish the last week or so
According the nfatracker early FEB apps are being processed/approved. I've got one mid March and another mid May.
I have another lower I'm thinking of submitting under my NFA trust before the cutoff on Wednesday. Should I go 9mm, 300BLK or something else? I'm already waiting for a stamp for my 10.5" 5.56 build.


I submitted a for 1 earlier today through the e-forms site and it breezed through. Maybe I caught it at the right time. 7.5" 5.56 here I come!!! ( in 4-6 months)
I submitted a Form 1 in February and only received the Submitted/ In process status change email a month ago.
I submitted a form 1 mid Feb and another early March. Both times I got an email for submitted/in process on the same day within minutes. Still waiting on both and they both still show submitted/in process on the eforms site.
Not for nothing but... That has to be expected doesn't it? I did warn several times about it: .gov system, last day before a huge change, already flakey eFile system...

It absolutely should have been expected. I got my final one in 2months ago, I was just commenting on the sites performance today.
It absolutely should have been expected. I got my final one in 2months ago, I was just commenting on the sites performance today.

I read my post afterwards and it was snarkier than I intended. Guess I'm just surprised that people are still trying to cram stuff through.
most of your posts are snarky so I took no offense. lol

lol thanks. I multitask: posting while I work so when some idiot sends me a stupid question, does something silly, or puts out a testing schedule that is utterly ridiculous then NES bears the brunt. I should probably do something about that huh? Its worse on the train during my commute bc well, train commuters are some kinda special.
Buddy of mine hasn't been able to get on all day. I'm F'ed when I try it later
[FONT=&quot]eForms[FONT=&quot] Outage[/FONT][/FONT]
We have been experiencing issues with the eForms system the past few days. We are working to restore it to service soon, but we do not have an estimated time for return to service.

However, with the changes to the filing requirements resulting from Final Rule 41F (go to the ATF website ( for information) becoming effective on July 13, 2016, you may wish to file a paper application. Please be aware that the effective date is set by the Final Rule and cannot be extended.

A PDF of the form 1 application is available on the ATF website (Firearms forms function) where it can be downloaded and completed to be filed to the address on the form. The form may also be found by clicking on the following link:

If the submission is postmarked prior to July 13, 2016, it will be processed under the current requirements. If postmarked on or after July 13, 2016, the new requirements will apply.
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Please direct questions to the OST Customer Support Help Desk at 1-877-875-3723 or
Paper's a better option now anyway if you make a mistake. It will give you 30 days to correct the error, unlike eForms which will just be outright rejected and require you to start the process again. They are no longer expediting eForm corrections.
Good luck getting it postmarked prior to July 13th at 5:15 on the 12th. If you are still filing forms at this point you are too late: Submit your photo and fingerprints like a good serf.
Yup. That's what I get for procrastinating. Here's my notification letter:

Dear CLEO,

I'm building an SBR. You have been duly notified.

lol I appreciate honesty but you left out the Killy black assault weapons of mass destruction capable of killing entire yards of school children in your description.

ETA I just wanted to deposit this here for posterity lest we think ours are the only stamps being submitted:

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Is a ten print card and photo required for each Form 1 or Form 4 filed by a trust, or only the first application with a given set of trustees?
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