ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

Schedule A witnessed? Is that some MA thing? My Schedule A has never been witnessed, and to answer rkwjunior's question, I submitted Form 1's for an SBS and SBR at the same time. Both Schedule A's had both weapons's listed. 94 days, outbox to inbox.
The assignment forms, provided with my trust, had lines on it for witness signatures. When I asked the lawyer about it, he said to have witness signatures on it, but it doesn't have to be notarized. He also said, anytime I add something to the trust, it should be on a new page.
I'm just passing along what I was told. Fwiw.
The assignment forms, provided with my trust, had lines on it for witness signatures. When I asked the lawyer about it, he said to have witness signatures on it, but it doesn't have to be notarized. He also said, anytime I add something to the trust, it should be on a new page.
I'm just passing along what I was told. Fwiw.

Agree, have one blank page with signatures as a template. Use a new one for each assignment of item to the trust.
The assignment page is just to show what nfa firearms you already registered correct? How would you submit the assignment page if you have a form 1 pending and want to to submit another form 1?
Dam you eform1. Now I need to submit another form for my ump
The assignment page is just to show what nfa firearms you already registered correct? How would you submit the assignment page if you have a form 1 pending and want to to submit another form 1?
Dam you eform1. Now I need to submit another form for my ump

I may be wrong, but my understanding was that it was best to submit a new assignment page with your materials indicating what you will be adding for NFA registration for personal or trust association. By using a new page each time (with signatures a the bottom) with your item listed you eliminate the scenario above of multiple listings on a single sheet for various submissions at different times. It's just a sheet with signatures at the bottom. Make a stack of copies and use a new one each time.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of sending in the assignment page (or schedule A, whatever your trust calls it) just to show that the trust has been funded and is thus legally in effect? IIRC, a trust is meaningless until it actually owns something. Does the ATF actually need to see that the trust owns the item in question, if a Form 1? What if (in a free state) you were making a suppressor on a Form 1. You wouldn't have any of the parts yet.
Submitted a new Form 1 for a Glock SBR with new assignment page, now the wait... again.

Hopefully "only" 4 months like the last one.
My email did not have the PDF included. I logged in to E-Forms and my 'SUBMITTED/IN-PROGRESS" changed to APPROVED. I promptly saved the PDF to my NAS, Google Drive, and printed a double sided copy for the safe.

It's probably a good idea to have another copy to take with you when you take your new NFA toy to the range... though whether you are legally obligated to show the form to anyone but the ATF or IRS I'm not clear on. Might defuse a situation in which an ignorant-of-the-laws LEO is harassing you, though.

Disclaimer: IANAL, I didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night, and I'm still new to this NFA stuff.
I laminate a copy of the stamp and assignment page and put them behind the foam insert in my rifle case. i also take another copy an fold them up an put them into the butt stock of my rifle if i go hiking with it etc.
It's probably a good idea to have another copy to take with you when you take your new NFA toy to the range... though whether you are legally obligated to show the form to anyone but the ATF or IRS I'm not clear on. Might defuse a situation in which an ignorant-of-the-laws LEO is harassing you, though.

Disclaimer: IANAL, I didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night, and I'm still new to this NFA stuff.

Only BATFE Agents can ask to see the approved Form 1. It's simple enough for a curious Agent to call in the serial number and see the approval instantly. All LEO's that see mine ask me where/how they can build one [laugh].

I would say that 80% of LEO are not knowledgeable of the NFA laws/rules/regulations with the exclusion of machine guns. And 10% don't care about NFA and build their gear anyways.
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about three weeks here for my four months i think... or maybe i'm at that... either way my form 4 has got to be soon. i think we're figuring early-mid august at the latest.
i feel the same way atilla, hoping for a 4 month turnaround but im not sure if im to optimistic about it because everytime i called to check status they would always tell me 6months
yeah i just have said **** it at this point and am waiting for adam to call me from the shop to tell me it's done. i paid in full up front so whatever. all i need to do is go grab it when it's time.
for those that efiled and got there confirmation from the atf via email. what time during the day did they send the email with the link to your tax stamp?
approval. another member posted recently that they got theres back 4 months to the day. Today is my 4 month mark and i submitted mine a week after they did so while im hoping today could be the day im not getting my hopes up. and the dam eforms site is down today
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