I don't want to paint a bleak picture, but to be realistic. I recall reading plans for the most massive mall in the entire Northeast that was supposed to be built along I-95 near Attleboro . . . shot down and never happened. [This was probably 20 years ago.]
This ain't a "done deal" until the building opens up! I've seen plans for other big projects get killed by the local Planning Boards, Zoning Board of Appeals, Police Chiefs, Selectmen!!
Until they have all their permits in hand, it's a crap-shoot if they will get the OK to do what they want to. Also they need a local permit to sell guns and ammo (local police chief) and sometimes they put unworkable restrictions on the stores . . . just look at some of the Wal-Marts that sell ammo, but no paintball and/or no BBs/pellet guns/ammo and/or the above but no real guns, etc. There are a lot of tin gods out there that spin their prejudices in ways to screw the businesses. There is also the possibility of a hue and cry about big box stores killing off the little guys that impacts what the various town fathers tend to do.
If these plans were a little further up the road in a town that I am all too familiar with, I can tell you with 99.999% certainty that they would never get their permits to build a store that big (150K)! At least Foxboro will look at this project in a more positive light.
I do believe that if Bass Pro is very serious about this, they will wield what legal power they must to get what they need done.
Little guys get shut out/down all the time by the local town idiots on their boards giving them a hard time. Just try to open a gun shop somewhere in MA and see what roadblocks get thrown up at you! Only the big guys can bring the legal juice to bear to force the local clowns to do what they should and approve their permits.