Bass Pro Plans Store in Foxboro, MA - 2007

Legend has it that what is presently Lexus of Norwood will become the new Cabela's when Lexus moves a mile south.

BAD rumor . . . I pass that location all the time. It's a tiny dealership in a wedge of land. My understanding of the size for a Cabela's store is such that this spot would never suffice.

No inside knowledge, just looking at it from an "engineering point of view".
BTW, a chat with the building inspector in Wrentham should tell the inquirer about what is planned for that property.
BAD rumor . . . I pass that location all the time. It's a tiny dealership in a wedge of land. My understanding of the size for a Cabela's store is such that this spot would never suffice.

No inside knowledge, just looking at it from an "engineering point of view".

Do you realize that property ALSO includes the blue warehouse NEXT to the showroom? AND the land in back, up to the houses?

MY source is a Lexus employee.
No, I didn't know that the warehouse is theirs. I wonder why they didn't flatten it and expand there.

The neighbors would throw a shit-storm if Cabela's ever attempted to go there. They already hate the mall and other locations in their back yard.

I still don't see it happening there.
I applied to the new Bass Pro for a management position. I doubt I'll get it.

Does anybody know if they are taking applications for hourly positions yet?

Edit: Answered my own question...No applications are being taken for hourly positions yet.
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Bass Pro Foxborough construction photos

I stopped by this morning to check out the progress for all of you to see.


Here is the trailer parked right in front of Gillette Stadium.

ETA - Bass Pro is way over-rated. I've been in the ones in Chicago (Gurnee), Memphis and Auburn NY. The Gurnee store was nice, had lots of nifty stuff. The other two left me unimpressed.
I agree. Unless you buy a sale item the prices leave ALOT to be desired. It will be nice to see Dick's in Dedham and Bass Pro Shops compete for our business though.
Just having a Pro-Bass shop nearby where you can check out what you might want is a big plus.


I don't want to paint a bleak picture, but to be realistic. I recall reading plans for the most massive mall in the entire Northeast that was supposed to be built along I-95 near Attleboro . . . shot down and never happened. [This was probably 20 years ago.]

This ain't a "done deal" until the building opens up! I've seen plans for other big projects get killed by the local Planning Boards, Zoning Board of Appeals, Police Chiefs, Selectmen!!

Until they have all their permits in hand, it's a crap-shoot if they will get the OK to do what they want to. Also they need a local permit to sell guns and ammo (local police chief) and sometimes they put unworkable restrictions on the stores . . . just look at some of the Wal-Marts that sell ammo, but no paintball and/or no BBs/pellet guns/ammo and/or the above but no real guns, etc. There are a lot of tin gods out there that spin their prejudices in ways to screw the businesses. There is also the possibility of a hue and cry about big box stores killing off the little guys that impacts what the various town fathers tend to do.

If these plans were a little further up the road in a town that I am all too familiar with, I can tell you with 99.999% certainty that they would never get their permits to build a store that big (150K)! At least Foxboro will look at this project in a more positive light.

I do believe that if Bass Pro is very serious about this, they will wield what legal power they must to get what they need done.

Little guys get shut out/down all the time by the local town idiots on their boards giving them a hard time. Just try to open a gun shop somewhere in MA and see what roadblocks get thrown up at you! Only the big guys can bring the legal juice to bear to force the local clowns to do what they should and approve their permits.

i believe the other day while driving on route 1 I saw construction already taking place for the bass proshop.
Yes, this one is very real. Massive construction is occurring, Partial "road closure" (the "lose a lane program" [wink] ) is occurring along Rte. 1 to make way for the heavy trucks in and out, etc.

So, I'm glad to say that we will indeed benefit by this project and it isn't "vaporware".

As for stock and prices, we'll just have to wait and see.
Update Sunday June 3, 2007

I stopped by the Bass Pro Shop at the new Patriot Place under construction in Foxborough this morning. The steel is being installed, and they are building the parking lot.


The main entrance from Route 1.


A closer look at the main entrance.


The view of the stadium from the front entrance.


Interior view of the steel roof partially in place from the main entrance. This is the main level. There is another level down below. I can't tell if there will be two upper levels inside or not.
Store opening

This morning's local paper said that the Bass Pro Shop in Foxboro is scheduled to open on Nov. 15, 2007. [smile]

They are also scheduling a job fair to hire 200-300 full-time and part-time associates. The job fair is going to run Aug. 27–29 from 8 am to 7 pm. They did not say where it would be held. The Bass Pro site does not mention the job fair.

I'll try to get some new pictures of the building construction and post them here.

Mansfield, Mass., is considering allowing a new shopping plaza—or not. Some town committees have approved it. There is a citizen's group opposing it. LL Bean has signed on as a major player if the plaza gets final approval. It will be located off 495 and Route 140. It will be a large LL Bean store.

I heard a rumor that Gander Mountain was coming to Framingham, Mass., but I cannot find anything on their site about it.

It's being BUILT right now guys. I live in Mansfield and while I won't like the traffic. LL Bean is going in there.
Fishing For Business

The Sun Chronicle published an article entitled Fishing For Business today. [ ] In that article concerning the opening of the BassPro Shops store in Foxboro, MA the Governor was excited about bringing new business to Massachusetts. Sportsmen and Women certainly join in the Govenor's exitement concening the opening of this particular store and signs of growth here in Massachusetts, despite the fact that the negotiations and ground breaking took place under the Romney administrtion.

None-the-less the Governor made the following statements:

"Patrick praised the Kraft family for developing Patriot Place, and welcomed Bass Pro to Massachusetts."

"Economic development is not just a key feature of our administration, it has to be a key feature and element for all of us," Patrick said.

"I don't do all the stuff that is supported by the products that you sell, but I look forward to learning," the governor told Bass Pro Director of Conservation Martin MacDonald.

The NCL would like to invite Governor Deval Patrick to any of our affiliate clubs to aid in his learning objectives - anytime. Even further, we'd like to suggest that the Governor join us on 11/14 in celebration of National Hunting and Fishing Day (9/22) and BassPro's Evening of Conservation at their Grand Opening.
Bonus photo: L.L. Bean in Mansfield, Mass.

This photo taken Sunday Aug. 5, 2007 at the Mansfield Crossing shopping plaza under construction.

The L.L. Bean sign has not yet been installed.

went by there

Went to Patriots practice last tuesday, on the way to the stadium
i noticed their huge sign. Its there.... now what are the politicians
and the friggin do gooders gonna do to fu+k this up.

They need a boatload of permits to operate like they do in free states. Refusal to issue any particular permit can severely impact what they can sell in this store.
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