Best AK in 5.56 For The Non Poors

Stop being a fag

Nobody does this in volume.


See those little shiny pieces of brass that exist? Where are you going to get those without buying them? That brass isn't cheap.

What are you going to do when you're running drills and your rifle throws the $ f***ing brass in the woods? 🤣

And you can't use a catcher on an AK because it'll interfere with the charging handle.

That's just the tip of why this is a really stupid idea for most people.
All that to shoot a shitty commy rifle lol
Talk about total lack of awareness of reality. Let me school ya:

* 1998 Russia defaulted, including the load US has provided. We didn't care and kept buying ammo
* 2000 Russian Lukoil flooded the market with cheap oil, causing one of the premier American oil company, Getty, to collapse. Lukoil bought Getty for pennies on the dollar and started selling in the US at prices that magically "rebounded". American company destroyed and Americans continued to buy Russian Ammo and AKs
* 2003 One of Americas oldest banks, started after the Civil War and started lending to ALL Americans, regardless of color. The bank stepped up in 1998 and provided financial loans and guarantees to the Russians to help them to recover from the default. Putin came up with a bullshit criminal case and took over ALL assets of the Bank in russia and cause BILLIONS in losses to the bank. The bank almost folded and was bought by the Bank of New York for $1. Americans didn't care and continue to buy Russian AKs and Ammo

The list continues but attention span of an American is so short, I doubt anyone will read past the first bullet so I will stop.

Americans will buy from dictators, despots and crooks as long as they get it cheap. Americans don't care about China, Taiwan, Israel, Ukraine, Syria, etc. All they care is cheap goods. We quit making cars, computers, appliances, phones, and until SpaceX, even stopped going to space. We buy Chinese phones, Russian oil, German cars. We make stupid videos on Chinese TikTok, and complain about lack of cheap ammo from shit countries.


That’s your takeaway from my comment about when the current federal ban on Russian ammunition imports might end?

And of course people complain about a lack of cheap x39 ammo from Russia. Because nobody in the U.S. makes it in any significant quantity.
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Stop being a fag

Nobody does this in volume.


See those little shiny pieces of brass that exist? Where are you going to get those without buying them? That brass isn't cheap.

What are you going to do when you're running drills and your rifle throws the $ f***ing brass in the woods? 🤣

And you can't use a catcher on an AK because it'll interfere with the charging handle.

That's just the tip of why this is a really stupid idea for most people.
Capital Cartridge sells cases at 21c, Berry's bullets are 12c. 8c for a primer. few pennies for powder. 42c/rd is not cheap but not expensive either. This is not 2019

Most MA stores will sell you cheap 223 ammo for at least that much.

Running around doing drills with an AR and an ammo catcher is not gay, it's dumb.

That said, let's be honest: most AKs spend their life firing from a stationary position. Brass pick up is possible to make things a LOT cheaper than 42c.

That’s your takeaway from my comment about when the current federal ban on Russian ammunition imports might end?

And of course people complain about a lack of cheap x39 ammo from Russia. Because nobody in the U.S. makes it in any significant quantity.
To focus on the federal ban is historically myopic. History shows that Russia had and does act ruthlessly against American people, companies, and interests while we will continue to pay them for their shit ammo and their cheap oil. Remember when Hillary Clinton went to Russia with a Staples button? Ammo prices on Russian ammo dropped pretty significantly.
To focus on the federal ban is historically myopic. History shows that Russia had and does act ruthlessly against American people, companies, and interests while we will continue to pay them for their shit ammo and their cheap oil. Remember when Hillary Clinton went to Russia with a Staples button? Ammo prices on Russian ammo dropped pretty significantly.

😆 All my post was about was answering someone’s question of when it might be reversed. I made zero inferences about whether people should be concerned about the ban. It was a post that was completely agnostic to any preferences of ammo. Just that the ban was likely to never be reversed.

Yet you decided to say I lacked awareness of reality and that you’d school me?
The sub 30 cent stuff is crap like wolf in most cases, which several of my guns do not like.
Damn, you had me all excited for 5.56 at 30cpr! :D

I guess source for below 30 cent Tula/Wolf stuff is Ammoseek? Well, I have some bad news - if you see shipping rating of 3/10, seller is likely playing some f*ck f*ck games to be top rated at lowest CPR for that round. When you run through the checkout with random name/email/address/ to test this, you end up with $167-$168 shipping charge per case, plus state tax. So what looks like 27CPR in results, turns up be 47-48CPR in reality. I tried that with first two top results, FWIW.
Damn, you had me all excited for 5.56 at 30cpr! :D

I guess source for below 30 cent Tula/Wolf stuff is Ammoseek? Well, I have some bad news - if you see shipping rating of 3/10, seller is likely playing some f*ck f*ck games to be top rated at lowest CPR for that round. When you run through the checkout with random name/email/address/ to test this, you end up with $167-$168 shipping charge per case, plus state tax. So what looks like 27CPR in results, turns up be 47-48CPR in reality. I tried that with first two top results, FWIW.
Yeah i was using ammosync.
😆 All my post was about was answering someone’s question of when it might be reversed. I made zero inferences about whether people should be concerned about the ban. It was a post that was completely agnostic to any preferences of ammo. Just that the ban was likely to never be reversed.

Yet you decided to say I lacked awareness of reality and that you’d school me?
Stop crying. Schooling is good for your soul.
Yeah, that’s not hard to do. M855 sucks. But luckily we’re not limited to that. M855A1, TSX/expanding solid coppers, TMK, bonded soft points, etc. lots of great 5.56 options. Even M193 has great terminal performance in soft targets. 7N6 doesn’t fragment and can ice pick through thin enough targets. M193 has very reliable fragmentation within 50-200 yards depending on barrel length.

As for hand loads, 5.56 has way more options there. The only modern bullet I’m aware of that is available to load in 5.45 brass is Hornady V-Max. But then there isn’t any brass available for 5.45 anyway. Hornady stopped selling just the brass.
7N6 ... the mild steel, wrapped in lead, wrapped in a copper jacket, doesn't fragment? Even with the void in the tip? You sure about that?

The mild steel punching through... sure, after it tumbles. But it's leaving a gaping temporary wound channel while the stripped away lead and jacket leave a nasty cone shaped permanent wound channels.
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Capital Cartridge sells cases at 21c, Berry's bullets are 12c. 8c for a primer. few pennies for powder. 42c/rd is not cheap but not expensive either. This is not 2019
“Few pennies for powder”?? Ahh no. Assuming $40 per pound of powder (could be more depending on which powder) divided by 7,000 gr in a pound X 30 gr (of H335 for example) = 17+ cents. So try like 60 cpr if buying brass.
He believed in the true meaning of 2A that it is a form of checks and balances to keep government in check, and that it existed as a fundamental right for all Americans to defend themselves, and neutralize tyranny. If you claimed that today, the media would label you an extremist and call you a fear monger.
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Buy one from ak Jesus. Aka Brandon Herrera

Ever notice that every shop that is video-famous and works on AK's ends up with the owner getting in big trouble???? LOL. Most notably that Louisianna diddler guy. Nevabeendunbefoe!

I love Brandon. But I worry that there is some sort of odd correlation between AK work and a deviant personality. ROFL!!!
He believed in the true meaning of 2A that it is a form of checks and balances to keep government in check, and that it existed as a fundamental right for all Americans to defend themselves, and neutralize tyranny. If you claimed that today, the media would label you an extremist and call you a fear monger.
Media didn't bat an eye when our current president laughed at gun owners - 'good luck with your dinky little assault weapons an shieeet. You need more than that to take on government today. I've got F-16s and nukes'
Military surplus 7n6 steel core 5.45x39 is still available in the 55cpr +/- range.

Sure… and that’s all you get. Or, V-max. Those two options are pretty much it, and reloading components are almost nill.

5.56 is significantly more readily available and with many more bullet options, and most capable bullets for whatever your use-case might be.
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