Charter Arms in MA?

Thanks for the info, I fixed my post.

There is a company called "Charter 2000" there and there is a matching part number which corresponds to these: The Bulldog. That is the ONLY MODEL of theirs.

So, where in MA can those be found? And, has anybody bought one recently? If so, what did you think?
Only if you're in favor of the death penalty for spelling/grammar errors or for asking a question somebody has asked previously.

KMaurer said:
Only if you're in favor of the death penalty for spelling/grammar errors or for asking a question somebody has asked previously.


That's very funny!

Oh yeah, I saw a couple of used Charter Arms snub nose revolvers at Roach's in Cambridge over the weekend.

Scrivener said:
Charter Arms was and, according to its website, STILL is, located in Shelton, CT, which was and still is a separate state.

The answer to your question is, as has been stated and even posted many times before, found here:

Try looking before posting.
Sounds like someone is having a bad hair day. Heaven forbid anyone try to start up a conversation about a certain gun here without first doing a search. Lord knows we all hate talking about guns. [smile]
ArmedMainer said:
Heaven forbid anyone try to start up a conversation about a certain gun here without first doing a search.

Reality check:

1. He wasn't trying to "start up a conversation;" he was asking questions.

2. The first question could have been answered in less time than he spent posting on this forum; and

3. The second has been answered here before. Also, see # 2.

Or does pointless repitition count as a worthwhile pastime in your neck of Maine?
Scrivener said:
Reality check:

2. The first question could have been answered in less time than he spent posting on this forum; and

And you could have answered his question in less time than you spent being a jerk.

Martlet said:
And you could have answered his question in less time than you spent being a jerk.


Thus encouraging those too lazy to even attempt to do their own work. Great plan you've got for promoting self-sufficiency there, ace. Are you a social worker or just a fan of the welfare state?
Scrivener may be a bit of a Smart Ass, but, he has a valid point. I've seen lots of questions get asked that were answered just 2 or 3 weeks (or days) earlier.

Please folks, do a Search before asking. It saves some of from wading through stuff just to see the same questions get asked.
Greg said:
Other mods do the exact same thing,but Scrivener is more direct and straight to the point.[smile]

No, we usually try to be polite when we answer. When we get testy is when we've already PM'd someone about their tone or choice of words and they STILL refuse to LISTEN. <nudge, nudge> Did you catch that one Keith??

OK, I just searched, and the only relevant thing regarding Charter Arms is here: snub-nose question and that wasn't really too helpful.

So, has anyone on here bought a NEW Charter Arms recently? Also, still unanswered is whether Charter 2000 is the same as Charter Arms.

Scrivener said:
Thus encouraging those too lazy to even attempt to do their own work. Great plan you've got for promoting self-sufficiency there, ace. Are you a social worker or just a fan of the welfare state?

Neither. I'm a fan of voluntary charity. Meaning, if someone asks me for help, even if they are lazy, I choose to help them or not. If I choose not to, the next person along still has the same choice I had.

What I don't do when someone asks me for help, lazy or not, is punch them in the face.
Nickle said:
Scrivener may be a bit of a Smart Ass, but, he has a valid point. I've seen lots of questions get asked that were answered just 2 or 3 weeks (or days) earlier.

Please folks, do a Search before asking. It saves some of from wading through stuff just to see the same questions get asked.
I've been on the internet in newsgroups (still) and now forums and see this all the time.

Thing is, people do search. And don't find the exact question they want answered. If you are so bitter and tired of answering the same questions over and over then......don't bother answering at all.

On the other hand, if you don't mind answering the same question over and over because you realize someone is trying to learn about something you know and enjoy, then answer, and welcome that person into your sphere of enjoyment.

It's a choice. Share or be a jerk. I prefer to share. The petty bickering from churlish posts barking at people to 'RTFM' or 'do a search' does nothing to encourage a nice forum atmosphere.

Derek, where's my soapbox? [smile]
reinbeau said:
I've been on the internet in newsgroups (still) and now forums and see this all the time.

Thing is, people do search. And don't find the exact question they want answered. If you are so bitter and tired of answering the same questions over and over then......don't bother answering at all.

On the other hand, if you don't mind answering the same question over and over because you realize someone is trying to learn about something you know and enjoy, then answer, and welcome that person into your sphere of enjoyment.

It's a choice. Share or be a jerk. I prefer to share. The petty bickering from churlish posts barking at people to 'RTFM' or 'do a search' does nothing to encourage a nice forum atmosphere.

Derek, where's my soapbox? [smile]

I said basically the same thing in another thread Ann. [wink]
I was more referring to what Len has been through. I don't know how many times questions have been raised about what's Mass Compliant and what isn't, but, it seems like once or twice a week it gets raised. Now, even I have a good idea of what's Mass Compliant, and I'm over 100 miles from Mass.

When I'm asked a question, I help folks. I look to see how new they are. If really new, they might not have seen the question before. That's no problem.

Also, I've learned the truth of an old saying. "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life." I try to teach folks where to search for stuff. Also, I try to get them looking, and using the resources available to them. That goes way past their question, and deals with educating them. Not a bad thing.

I'll suggest that thread be created and sticky'd referring to Mass Compliance, with the link to the EOPS info. I suggest a simple enough title, so it's easily found. I've also had problems finding stuff with a search, as Coyote did, and this may help.

A suggestion for some folks was made very obvious to me by a member here.

He had a specific question about 1911A1's, and PM'ed me with it. Not a bad idea, since it went directly to a decent source of info, and spared everyone the trouble of it.
To get back on subject, I didn't really even ask about MA compliance (I think).

I was asking if anyone has bought a new Charter Arms revolver recently. Sorry.

Edit: OK, maybe I did ask that, but what I MEANT was has anyone bought one. Again, I apologize for the disruption. To my credit, I still haven't been answered if Charter 2000 is the same company.
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Nickle said:
He had a specific question about 1911A1's, and PM'ed me with it. Not a bad idea, since it went directly to a decent source of info, and spared everyone the trouble of it.

I never understood that what is the "trouble of it".

I love it when people post questions here, even if it's been asked. I often see things asked and answered that I haven't seen before and haven't thought to ask.

The beauty of a message board is that you don't have to respond if you don't want, and you've only lost the 30 seconds you spent reading the post. Then you never have to open it again. In fact, you never have to open it to begin with.

I consider that someone's loss, though, since often great information turns up in threads where you wouldn't suspect it.
Ask Len how many times (and how often) he's seen the SAME exact Mass Law questions.

Coyote, I'd say you're forgiven. Looks like your post got misunderstood as a question about the EOPS list, and by more folks than me.
What people don't realize is the following (but I am only speaking for myself):

- It sometimes takes me 10-30 minutes digging up and typing the answers for someone's questions. [I don't keep a storehouse of "standard sentences".]

- When this forum started there were maybe 20-40 posts/day to review as a Mod. Today there are 4-500 posts/day to review as a Mod. The time that your Mods spend here is tremendous every day.

- Sometimes I just don't have the time to research and post the answers, yet I still want to help folks and set them straight.

- Even if we post all the answers in FAQs (a lot of hard work to put together), I can guarantee that the majority of folks would still never look before posting their questions.

- Politely asking people to use the Search feature is well in order. Then we can answer any additional questions, rather than covering the same "basic questions" every day and twice on Saturday/Sunday.

NONE of what I'm saying above suggests that anyone should be nasty, sarcastic or act like an a**h*** when someone asks these questions for the 100th time.
Heck, I have told people to try searching (and got scolded by a moderator!) when I first started here!

Maybe the trouble lies in the search engine. Is there a way to google this forum instead of using the built in search? I mean, an EASY way?
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